Massachusetts hiatus; physics lesson the hard way; snap comments on election

Have been missing in action due to an unfortunate automotive incident in Massachusetts: having the car struck by someone who thoughtfully left 120ft. of skid marks in a 30 MPH zone before impacting the Chief’s vehicle, Oh, did I mention, the Chief’s insurance company of choice is notable by it’s absence from that state due to its…er, unique…regulatory environment.

It took a while to take care of the situation…and, barring just sitting around a motel for 10 MORE days, it was finally needful to trade in one damaged vehicle (in the repair shop) for an undamaged one to bring back home.

All’s well that ends well…and though the entire experience was what could be called suboptimal, at least contusion of the left shoulder and arm by the seat belt was preferable to the alternative if the seatbelt had not been in use at the time! Even though the Chief resents the nanny-state REQUIRING seatbelts, they ARE the way to go…the physics doesn’t lie!

Anyway…made it back just in time for the election results:

Sen John Thune re-elected already! The first conclusive victory of the November 2010 election cycle for the GOP? What a concept!

The Chief a bit surprised by the apparent results in the Congressional race…having been on the road for 3 weeks…apparently Christi impressed more voters than Chris. No surprise in Daugaard’s strong showing.

Although in each case noted, the Chief had other first choices, both are good candidates, and avoid the RINO syndrome, and besides, Christi can go for broke against Princess Stephanie without worrying about being tagged for “beating up on the girl”! (Did I really say anything that anti-P.C.???? Oh well.)

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