Another B.O. Advisor Run Down by Bus!

Dunn to Step Down as White House Communications Chief

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn will step down by the end of November and be replaced by her deputy Dan Pfeiffer, Fox News has learned.

Dunn’s departure had been expected as she took the position on an interim basis earlier in the year. But her exit comes at a critical time for the White House, with the administration trying to push the Senate to follow the House of Representatives’ lead in passing health care reform.

Apparently cheerleading for mass murderer Mao Tse Tung also didn’t contribute to her remaining in office.

Looks to the Chief  like the B.O. White House waited just long enough to provide plausible deniability that the Mao comments were not in IMMEDIATE memory before throwing her under the same bus that took out Van Jones.

One thought on “Another B.O. Advisor Run Down by Bus!”

  1. Interesting description in the Washington post about Dunn & Pfeiffer’s relationship about and their South Dakota connection.

    “Prior to Obama, Pfeiffer worked for Sen. Tim Johnson’s (S.D.) re-election race in 2002 and on then Sen. Tom Daschle’s (S.D.) unsuccessful bid in 2004.”

    “Dunn and Pfeiffer are longtime confidantes — having worked closely in Daschle’s political orbit for years.”

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