Obamacare Update Notes

Several items concerning Obamacare – at least in it’s “single-payer” government-run manifestation.

Firstly, US lefties are NOT happy campers about the chance that B.O. – The One hisself, may be backing away from this concept:

No Government-Run Health Insurance, No Bill, Say Liberal Supporters of Reform

The Obama administration appears to be stepping back from its insistence on a government-run health insurance plan, earning new wrath from the left as the president tries to appease vocal opponents of a “public option.”

A health care reform plan without government-run insurance is “D.O.A.,” says one left-wing grassroots organizer up in arms about the possibility the Obama administration could abandon its efforts to build a “public option.”

Jim Dean, chairman of progressive group Democracy for America, wrote supporters on Monday to tell them to fight any effort to remove a government-run health insurance plan in place of non-profit “cooperatives.”

Awwww! They’re upset!

Suggesting insider Democrats and the insurance industry are behind the effort to kill a government-run plan, in his e-mail Dean assumed all Republicans in the House will oppose the health care reform with cooperatives, and with a loss of Democratic support, it would be dead on arrival.

“Let’s be clear: A health care bill without a public option is D.O.A. in the House. Period.

PUH-leeeese, let it be so!

Meanwhile, all is not well as far as using the Brits and Canucks as examples of the benefits of universal government health care:

Britain’s No Model for U.S. Health Care

Many opponents of the House plan (President Obama and the senate do not yet have one) cite the way the British deal with their sick and elderly and warn that America could become like Britain. Those critics are right to worry.

Just last week, the Times of London reported that “hospitals creak under the strain as vacancies spread through NHS (National Health Service).” The socialized medicine practices here has brought a shortage of doctors, nurses and other clinical staff.As of March 31, a survey found a 5.2 percent vacancy rate in these critical fields. This compares to a 3.6 percent vacancy rate just one year earlier.

Qualified nurses and midwifes are retiring at a faster rate than newly trained staff can enter these professions. And a poll conducted by the Royal College of Nurses found that among 8,600 young people, aged 7 to 17, only one in 20 would actively consider nursing an attractive career.

YIKES! But things are better in Canada…or not?

Canadian Health Officials: Our Universal Health Care Is ‘Sick,’ Private Insurance Should Be Welcomed

Dr. Anne Doig, the incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association, said her country’s health care system is “sick” and “imploding,” the Canadian Press reported.

“We know there must be change,” Doig said in a recent interview. “We’re all running flat out, we’re all just trying to stay ahead of the immediate day-to-day demands.”

Canada’s universal health care system is not giving patients optimal care, Doig added. When her colleagues from across the country gather at the CMA conference in Saskatoon Sunday, they will discuss changes that need to be made, she said.

“We all agree the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize,” she said.

OK. They’re trying to undo what the Obamacare lib-Donks are trying to do to us? Sure looks that way.

Hmmm. Returning to Einstein’s definition of insanity as repeating the same thing and expecting to get a different result, once again American libs are proving that by that standard, liberalism IS a mental disorder!

2 thoughts on “Obamacare Update Notes”

  1. I am already using two versions of government run healthcare. The VA due to being 30 percent SERVICE CONNECTED DISABLED

  2. Oops pushed the wrong button!
    As I said, I have the VA, I am 30 percent Service Connected Disabled. Turning wrenches and such on airplanes at sea took it’s toll. And being retired from the Navy, I have Tricare as my insurance provider. In the 16 years since I ended my Naval Career, it has been the one that I use. The only time I had a civilian plan was when I was at Bombardier Learjet for 6 years. They had an excellent plan. Most places I have worked have not had any coverage or it was not worth the money being spent. One did have a decent vision and dental plan, so I did enroll in it. My last aircraft company had a plan that was almost a match for Tricare, with deductibles and copays very close but it was not cost effective. The dental and vision were pretty good.
    This being said, Tricare is actually administered by an outside company. My wife is covered under this. The VA only takes care of the Veteran and if it isn’t service connected related care, they hit you with charges. the prescription copay is 8 bucks. Tricare’s is 3 bucks, for a 30 day supply.
    Where I get ticked off is the thought process from Washington that I owe anyone else anything at all. That being through the higher taxes that the Idiot Locker known as the congress will levy to cover the healtcare of others.
    I paid for mine already, with 20 years of service to the Republic. I don’t want to pay for some has been hippie to go the doctor because he couldn’t take care of himself. I hope you get the point.
    BTW, will be starting a new job in September, as a DOD Civilian at an Air Force Base in California. The mssus and I will do the checking to decide whether to take the full package or not. If it is really good, yes. If not, we will stick with Tricare and get the vision and dental separately.
    Word has it that the obambozo and crew would love to get rid of Tricare, because it takes care of those they despise.
    Any thoughts?

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