This video allows B.O. to speak for himself…
Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance
Click on the above link for the video which is up on
Of course, this has been vociferously denied by Obamacare supporters…but as shown, the reality of what The One has said trumps the denials IMHO.
That doesn’t sound so bad to me. The best thing we can do for this country is to go to a single-payer government insurance plan for all Americans. Kind of like Medicare but it will cover everyone.
Let’s see now…the government runs the V.A., the military medical system, medicare, and medicade. With some instances of truly good work done with prosthetics and trauma treatment by the military, all of the other systems are stressed, often corrupt, and often inadequate to meet the needs of the clientele. So that should be shoved down the throats of EVERYONE?
Blech! Instead of equality of care, we will end up with equality of misery…except for those of our would-be masters who will (of course) have their own private medical bolt-holes, like a new industry of private clinics and hospitals that will grow up along the south side of the Mexican border, or in the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, or wherever.
Ignoring all of the arguments and evidence showing how horrible single-payer systems are: if it’s not such a bad thing, why is Obama going out of his way to misrepresent his own plan by telling people this won’t lead to a single-payer system?
I know you’ve had a bit of a tussle with CAH as of late, so thought you might enjoy this: