Ill. Gov. arrested in Obama successor probe
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on charges of conspiring to get financial benefits through his authority to appoint a U.S. senator to fill the vacancy left by Barack Obama’s election as president.
Hmmmm. Seems like the Gov got caught doing the next best thing to putting the Obama Senate seat up on e-Bay, among OTHER things.
Having grown up in St. Louis, the Chief was always bemused (at least) by the news drifting across the Mississippi like some type of political air pollution, bearing word of various and sundry forms of political machinations, corruption, and irregularities, all on a grand enough scale to make even south St. Louis look clean by comparison.
Illinois has a LONG tradition of this sort of thing…it’ll be sort of fun to watch it all unwind…could it move in the direction of the new White House? Nah – of COURSE not! Just because B.O. was groomed and promoted by the Daley Chicago Machine, THAT’s nothing…or is it?
Stay tuned. Wonder if any TV caught the Gov doing the “perp-walk”.
Can you say “S-C-H-A-D-E-N-F-R-E-U-D”?
Having grown up in Illinois, I can only say DUH!! The political corruption in the state is absolutely outrageous and always has been. People from outside of the state have no idea how bad it is.