
Communists for Obama?

The satirical pseudo-neo-Stalinist site People’s Cube has this not very satirical, but spot-on examination of what happened with B.O.’s big Portland, OR rally last week…not quite what it was cracked up to be in the MSM.

Barack Obama’s massive pre-primary rally in Portland, OR, was aided in no small part by the appearance of an uber-hip band. Their gimmick? They start each performance with the Soviet national anthem.

It appears that many of the 75,000 “Obama worshipers” in Portland last weekend really turned up to see a free concert by an uber-hip Portland band, the Decemberists (see photo). Of course, the MSM didn’t report this fact because it might dampen the story of the new and wonderful miracle of the Obamessiah.

Most media reports were reminiscent of the style the Soviet poets used to glorify public appearances of the great Stalin. For example, Obama’s home paper, the Chicago Tribune, reported it this way:

They waited for hours under a warm sun, the line snaking for blocks and blocks through downtown. They packed onto the park lawn, from the makeshift stage to the waterfront and up to the street. They watched from a bridge overhead and from pleasure boats on the river, bikini-clad. They brought their parents and their infants. Some skipped work. Some wilted in the heat. A few jammed the streets afterward, hoping for a final motorcade glimpse. Fire department officials counted 75,000 in all, a record for the main attraction, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

Not a word about the popular Obama-supporting band — which is a shame, because it’s the most interesting development in this whole episode.

Not only do the band members love Obama’s message, but they also write lyrics that sound as if Michelle Obama wrote them — except, of course, for the lyrics of the most musically competent piece in the entire set, the Soviet anthem. Those lyrics were written by Sergei Mikhalkov, Stalin’s most trusted poet.

There are more of the gory details in the piece, including a H/T to the ORIGINAL Decembrists, who would have been appalled at the Bolshies. It’s worth a look, as is the PEOPLE’S CUBE site in general.

One thought on “Obamunism”

  1. Communists for Obama? It’s not a question, it’s an endoresment!!

    Is anyone familiar with the term “Usefull Idiots”? Soviet Worship Bands in the US? Opening for his own political rally?

    What has the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on European Affairs to say about this?

    Well, nothing of course, he’s never convened a meeting since his appointment… He must be too busy running for POTUS to actually do the work he was elected to do…

    I’m sure this will build bridges of CHANGE to the former Soviet republics that not only remember the oppression but are our most ardent allies for freedom…

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