A couple of items out on this today, firstly concerning Huckabee performing a good demonstration of Orwellian double-speak.
Huckabee Questions Mormons’ Belief
One has got to assign credit where credit is due. In this case, Huckabee Finn floats a statement that, “Shucks, gee-whiz, I don’t know nuttin’ about Romney’s religion…but ain’t they the ones that say…?” as he then procedes to bring up the issue, while simultaneously saying that he’s not doing so.
Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, asks in an upcoming article, “Don’t Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?”
The article, to be published in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, says Huckabee asked the question after saying he believes Mormonism is a religion but doesn’t know much about it. His rival Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, is a member of the Mormon church, which is known officially as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The authoritative Encyclopedia of Mormonism, published in 1992, does not refer to Jesus and Satan as brothers. It speaks of Jesus as the son of God and of Satan as a fallen angel, which is a Biblical account. A spokeswoman for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Huckabee’s question is usually raised by those who wish to smear the Mormon faith rather than clarify doctrine.
“We believe, as other Christians believe and as Paul wrote, that God is the father of all,” said the spokeswoman, Kim Farah. “That means that all beings were created by God and are his spirit children. Christ, on the other hand, was the only begotten in the flesh and we worship him as the son of God and the savior of mankind. Satan is the exact opposite of who Christ is and what he stands for.”
Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said Romney will not debate candidates on their faith or question their faith. “For those who want to know how Governor Romney’s faith informs his values, they can look at how he lives his life and how he has raised his family,” Madden said.
It would be incorrect to deny that the former Arkie Governor has no political character…it would be more accurately said that the political character he does have is that of a weasel.
Predictably (under the circumstances) enough, Romney refuses to take this with no reply.
Romney: Attacks on Religion Go Too Far
Republican Mitt Romney, amid questions about his faith raised by rival Mike Huckabee, said Wednesday that comparing political records on the stump and through the airwaves is legitimate for presidential contenders, but “attacking someone’s religion is really going too far.”
In an article to be published Sunday in the New York Times, the front-running Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, asks, “Don’t Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?”
Romney, vying to become the first Mormon elected president, refused to answer that question during an interview Wednesday, saying church leaders in Salt Lake City had already addressed the topic. “But I think attacking someone’s religion is really going too far. It’s just not the American way, and I think people will reject that,” Romney told NBC’s “Today” show.
Asked if he believed Huckabee was speaking in a coded language to evangelicals, Romney praised his rival as a “good man trying to do the best he can,” but he added, “I don’t believe that the people of this country are going to choose a person based on their faith and what church they go to.”
As you may be able to tell from some of the Chief’s remarks here, Romney is being overly generous to the former Arkansas governor,
Actually he has given a good demonstration on Marmons and there belief’s on Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers it’s great to read this article.
Interesting lack of spelling and grammar in the post. An indicator of the level of intellectual wattage available to the commenter? Could be.
As to the content, this old chestnut has been around forever, and is STILL just as wrong as it was when it was first invented.
I would argue the point further…but…the Chief’s policy on this sort of tit-for-tat is “Never mud-wrestle with a pig. you both get muddy, and the pig enjoys it!”