Donks Seek Terr Whistleblower Liability

Democrats cut ‘John Doe’ provision

Congressional Democrats today failed to include a provision in homeland security legislation that would protect the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior that may lead to a terrorist attack, according to House Republican leaders.


“This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists,” said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Couldn’t have said it any better myself.

One thought on “Donks Seek Terr Whistleblower Liability”

  1. What’s the matter with these Donks is that they (and a few RINOs – Call for Chuck Hagel, John Warner, etc) is that they are more concerned about the security of their political seat than the safety of their country. History will NOT judge them kindly…

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