Category Archives: Glowbull Warming

EPA Junks Science at Work

EPA Proposal: Help Environment Or Increase Costs?

The government is considering a plan that could help the environment, but some say it could also hurt your budget.

Two things here: (1) It WILL hurt your budget (and the economy, employment, etc.) (2) It won’t make any real difference in the environment. Over geologioc time, there is NO noticeable correlation between climate and CO2:

paleocarbon Notice the WIDE variations between the temperature and CO2 fluctuations? If CO2 level drove temperature, as CO2 increased, so would temperature. This just is NOT present in the data!  Nonetheless…

The Environmental Protection Agency wants to require large industrial facilities to get more permits if they emit more greenhouse gases. The plan targets power plants, refineries, even ethanol plants.

The EPA’s proposal would cap greenhouse gas emissions at 25 thousand tons of carbon dioxide a year. The EPA says it would mean a healthier environment, economy, and future for America. But some Republicans including Senator John Thune disagree.

Good for them.  The Chief also disagrees in MANY ways!

Look at the list of South Dakota facilities that emitted more than 25 thousand tons of carbon dioxide last year in the table from the SD DENR lin the article linked from the header.  Note that it hits a number of “green” facilities.

The Chief’s recommendation:

: Stop Exhale

Global Cooling Update

That’s right – COOLING!

Scientific evidence now points to global cooling, contrary to U.N. alarmism

U.S. policymakers who cite “consensus” on man-made global warming as justification for anti-emission regulations are relying upon outdated and misleading material from the United Nations that deliberately omits the influence of natural forces, according to climate skeptics. In fact, a growing body of evidence now points to the emergence of another cooling cycle that could persist for decades.
Dr. Don Easterbrook, a geologist and professor emeritus at Western Washington University, has presented data that shows a cooler and wetter climate is in order for the next 25 to 30 years. The Pacific Ocean has a warm temperature mode and a cool temperature mode known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation or PDO, he said in a recent study.

The shift away from a cooling cycle in 1945 triggered several decades of warming that ended in 1998, according to the study. However, the PDO has now reverted back over to a cool mode, Easterbrook has concluded. This data raises questions about the reliability of models used by the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Easterbrook has said. This U.N. prediction of global temperatures 1° F warmer by 2011 and 2° F by 2038 appear to be very much off track.

Meanwhile, some scientists are convinced earth could experience more than just cooling over the next few decades. Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics with the National Autonomous University of Mexico sees evidence that points to the onset of a “little ice age” in about 10 years that could last for much of the 21st Century. The IPPC models are not correct because they do not take into account natural factors like solar activity, he said in a ecture.

This view is also advanced in a paper published by the Astronomical Society of Australia. The authors anticipate that sun’s activity will diminish significantly over the next few decades.

Unfortunately, we have a much more immediate threat than the U.N. from B.O., AlGor, et al.

Up until now, critics of the Waxman-Markey bill inside and outside of Congress have focused mostly on the severe economic costs of emission caps. During the August recess, it might be helpful to ask members why they continue to pursue regulatory schemes unattached to what new scientific data now shows.

Tune up your snowblowers & snowmobiles, and throw another AlGore log on the fire.

Glowbull Warming Updates & Cap and Tax

(New York blogging!)

With B.O. and Congressional Donks pushing for the passage of the energy mega-tax bill, these items are either directly or indirectly related.

First Some of their political strategery…

Al Gore not coming to D.C.


Former Vice President Al Gore canceled plans to fly to Washington for a news conference with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday, and instead was working the phones from Tennessee to help push a landmark climate bill to passage.

Hopefully this next bit is wrong…but we’ll see what happens.

Friday’s vote on the measure is expected to be close, but multiple sources on both sides of the aisle say they’re confident that the bill will pass — with some Republican votes — following a deal between House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson.

Why is this a BAD idea: a number of issues are in play here:

The Cap and Tax Fiction

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has put cap-and-trade legislation on a forced march through the House, and the bill may get a full vote as early as Friday. It looks as if the Democrats will have to destroy the discipline of economics to get it done.

Despite House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman’s many payoffs to Members, rural and Blue Dog Democrats remain wary of voting for a bill that will impose crushing costs on their home-district businesses and consumers. The leadership’s solution to this problem is to simply claim the bill defies the laws of economics.

This will NOT be doing anything to help the economy, quite the contrary. (Are you paying any attention Congresscritter Herseth-Sandlin?)

The biggest doozy in the CBO analysis was its extraordinary decision to look only at the day-to-day costs of operating a trading program, rather than the wider consequences energy restriction would have on the economy. The CBO acknowledges this in a footnote: “The resource cost does not indicate the potential decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) that could result from the cap.” [emphasis added]

The hit to GDP is the real threat in this bill. The whole point of cap and trade is to hike the price of electricity and gas so that Americans will use less. These higher prices will show up not just in electricity bills or at the gas station but in every manufactured good, from food to cars. Consumers will cut back on spending, which in turn will cut back on production, which results in fewer jobs created or higher unemployment. Some companies will instead move their operations overseas, with the same result.

So what else is new in the Glowbull Warming debate?

EPA Suppresses Internal Global Warming Study

Scientific findings at odds with the Obama Administration’s views on carbon dioxide and climate change are being suppressed as a result of political pressure, officials at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) charge.

“This suppression of valid science for political reasons is beyond belief,” said CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman. “EPA’s conduct is even more outlandish because it flies in the face of the president’s widely-touted claim that ‘the days of science taking a back seat to ideology are over.’”

The agency has never made the study public or included it in official reference materials, according to CEI. As part of a recently concluded EPA public comment period on a proposed rule, CEI submitted a set four EPA emails, dated March 12-17, 2009, as evidence that the suppressed study included a critique of the agency’s global warming position.
CEI has asked EPA to make the study public and to allow public comments on it. CEI has also asked that EPA to prevent any reprisals against the study’s author who has been employed with the agency for 35 years.

And then there’s this this bit of common sense:
Electric Cars Will Not Decrease Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Says Federal Study

The stimulus law enacted in February promoted the purchase of plug-in electric cars by the federal government and the broader market, but a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released this month says that the use of plug-in electric vehicles will not by itself decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

To do that, the report argues, the United States would have to switch from coal-burning plants to lower-emission sources to generate electricity such as nuclear power.

“If you are using coal fired power plants and half the country’s electricity comes from coal powered plants, are you just trading one greenhouse gas emitter for another?”
Mark Gaffigan, co-author of the GAO report and a specialist in energy issues told

Well, DUH!

Poor Situational Awareness, Again

On guns and climate, the elites are out of touch

Many years ago political scientists came up with a theory that elites lead public opinion. And on some issues they clearly do. But on some issues they don’t. Two examples of the latter phenomenon are conspicuous at a time when Barack Obama enjoys the approval of more than 60 percent of Americans and Democrats have won thumping majorities in two elections in a row. One is global warming.

The other is gun control. On both issues, the elites of academe, the media and big business have been solidly on one side for years. But on both, the American public has been moving in the other direction.

Citing long-term (and continuing) trends in Gallup and other polling (scarcely hot-beds of militant conservatism), the trend on these issues is clear: reality is trumping LibDonk ideology. The refusal of Glowbull Warming to occur as predicted, along with the lack of harmful consequences along with a decline in violent crime as 40 states have allowed concealed carry permits HAS been noticed, and is starting to be felt by some of the pols who actually listen to their constituents.

So what’s it mean?

The liberal elite is less interested in giving up its luxuries (Al Gore purchases carbon offsets to compensate for his huge mansion and private jet travel) than in changing the lifestyles of the masses who selfishly insist on living in suburbs and keeping guns for recreation or protection. Ordinary Americans are seen not as responsible fellow citizens building stable communities but as greedy masses who must be disciplined to live according to the elite’s religious dogmas.

It should not be completely surprising that, over time, these views have become less congenial to the masses who are the object of such condescension. Democratic officeholders who must live by the discipline of the ballot have noticed. Party leaders did not press to re-enact the assault weapons ban when it expired and are currently flummoxed by their backbenchers who are resisting a cap-and-trade bill that will impose huge costs on those who use electricity. Elites may lead, but Americans do not always follow.

Illegitami non carborundum!

Senate Rolls B.O. Glowbull Warming Plan

Cap and Tax Collapse

A light in the forest!

Please pass Al Gore a Valium — and better make it a double — because his cap-and-trade dreams just took a dive in the U.S. Senate. In a vote late Wednesday, no fewer than 26 Democrats joined all 41 Republicans to insist that any new cap and tax on carbon energy would require at least 60 votes.

Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander called it “the biggest vote of the year” so far, and he’s right. This means Majority Leader Harry Reid can’t jam cap and tax through as part of this year’s budget resolution with a bare majority of 50 Senators. More broadly, it’s a signal that California and East Coast Democrats won’t be able to sock it to coal and manufacturing-heavy Midwestern states without a fight. Senators voting in favor of the 60-vote rule included liberals from Wisconsin, Michigan and West Virginia.

Now look for Team Obama to attempt to impose cap and tax the non-democratic way, via regulation that hits business and local governments with such heavy costs that they beg Congress for a less-harmful version.

Glowbull Warming Update

Chill winds take heat off global warming

The ranks of America’s “climate sceptics” have been growing quietly for some months now. And at the weekend a watershed was reached: the usually left-wing New York Times put the British-born physicist Freeman Dyson on the front of its Sunday magazine. The article inside revealed that Professor Dyson – 85 years old and based in Princeton – not only possesses one of the finest noodles on Planet Earth, but also happens to think that most of what Al Gore and his band of Unmerry Men preach amounts to little more than yuppie self-loathing.

“All the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated,” is how Professor Dyson puts it. He adds that while it’s true that human-caused carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising, the Earth is still going through a relatively cool period in its history, and that most of the evolution of life took place in a warmer era. Professor Dyson is also fond of pointing out that carbon dioxide helps plants to grow – so having too much of the stuff hanging around might not be such a bad thing.

More signs of the outbreak of reason! Amazing.

Glowbull Warming Updates – cont’d

First, an item concerning the Grand Poo-bah of Glowbull Warming himself:

A scientist forces Al Gore to back down

For years, Al Gore has predicted that man’s sins of carbon dioxide will bring calamity and apocalypse. He cited an increase in natural disasters.

Gore quietly dropped the contention that the increase is connected to manmade global warming this week after being called on it by Roger A. Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado.

“Gore is pulling a dramatic slide from his ever-evolving global warming presentation,” reported Andrew Revkin on a blog for the New York Times.

What? AlGor making a bogus presentation so blatently incorrect that it even exceeded his loose standard of scientific validity?

…his climate slide show contained a startling graph showing a ceiling-high spike in disasters in recent years. “The data came from the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (also called CRED) at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels.”

The slide has since disappeared from the show, Revkin wrote.

This was not happenstance. Pielke called Gore on his assertions. The link between manmade activity and natural disasters has not been established. CRED, the source cited by Gore, even said so.

If AlGor is so concerned about man-made CO2, maybe he can make his own contribution to solving his “problem” by not exhaling.

You’ve gotta love the big glowbull warming protest in D.C., in the middle of a major snowstorm, where NASA’s James Hanson’s propaganda line is getting so far out there that HIS creds are starting to get frayed around the edges even in the formerly slavishly adoring MSM.

Will D.C. global warming protest be the end of NASA’s climate chief?

Change is coming to Washington, D.C. tomorrow — or, at least, more warnings of climate change. On March 2, D.C. will be the site of a snowstorm and the largest public protest of global warming in history. Irony aside, the protest might also help usher in the public unraveling of NASA’s chief climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen.

Hansen, best known for his alarming testimonies on climate change, has drawn fresh criticism from colleagues and lawmakers alike after endorsing tomorrow’s Capitol Climate Action protest. Calling for “mass civil disobedience,” the protest aims to draw attention to global warming and remove all coal-burning power plants from America.

In an article with FOXNews, one of Hansen’s former supervisors, Dr. John Theon, remarked of Hansen’s involvement: “Oh my goodness. I’m not surprised. The fact that Jim Hansen has gone off the deep end here is sad because he’s a good fellow.” Theon is well-known in the scientific community for questioning Hansen’s integrity, claiming that the man abused his position and violated NASA’s position on climate forecasting.

Hansen has also been the target of several notable global warming skeptics, including “Red Hot Lies” author Chris Horner: “He’s providing ample cause to question his employment on the taxpayer dime,” Horner told

IMHO Horner is among the worst of the bad…a scientist who cooks the (data) books to make a political point. Lysenko would be proud.

Glowbull Warming Underway In Britain

Britain faces another 10 inches of snow as grit supplies run low

Relatives in the south of England told us that a 2 or 3 inches of snowfall was occasionally a part of the winters there…but not much more than that. In fact they came over to visit us here in South Dakota in FEBRUARY one year, just to get into some real winter weather for a change. (The Chief is STILL wondering about that one…but hey, they liked it, and we all had fun, so why not?)

This year has been far from that circumstance, as the latest round of Glowbull Warming has delivered more than 10″ to London, and other areas of the U.K.

Britain faces a fresh bout of travel chaos after councils began running out of grit as a further 10 inches of snow was forecast.

Britain braced for another eight inches of snow

Up to eight inches could fall on high ground tonight, with several inches across low ground in Wales, the Midlands, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.

Forecasters said the UK faces a “pincer movement” with another band of snow moving across Scotland and into Northern Ireland. A Met Office spokesman said: “It’s the second significant snow of the week. Through the weekend it’s going to be wintry with a mix of rain, sleet and snow.”

The bad weather will sweep across south-east England again on Friday bringing sporadic snowfalls in the Home Counties.

Yep – definitely more of that Glowbull Warming!

Glowbull Warming Updates – cont’d

Oceans are cooling according to NASA

More cooling…caused by glowbull warming? Yeah. Right.

The NASA glowbull warming clique is talking overtime to straighten this our to suit them…perhaps they think if they generate enough hot air that man-made glowbull warming will actually occur.

So, could these reports indicate that melting cools the oceans and has a negative feedback on warming? Is this just a speed bump in the general trend of warming? Does this ‘surprise’ almost sound like they are dissapointed that the warming trend has not continued so far? Or is this just part of a natural cycle, such as the seasons, but on a larger scale? With regard to cycles, we have only been sampling and studying a small part of Earth’s history and have perhaps jumped to conclusions about the impact of carbon dioxide (there are more potent gases such as methane that don’t make headlines).