Time to get back into blogging, stimulated by an e-mail exchange with a county GOP party leader. Firstly was this comment from radio conservatalker Michael Savage:
Looking ahead to the new year, Dr. Savage mused about the steps needed to “save this country” from both Democrats and a Republican leadership addicted to power, money and big government.
The American people, he warned, may have to adopt the extreme tactics of leftist activists if they wish to succeed.
“In January, I’m going to start telling you what the Republicans need to do to save this country,” Savage said to his listeners.
I don’t know if we can do it, but we’ll try.
We’re probably going to have to get in the face of Boehner, McConnell and the rest of the GOP leadership. We’re probably going to have to become a sort of conservative “Occupy” movement in order to get them to stop screwing us.
I know one rule in life: When Democrats and Republicans get together, the American people are being screwed. That’s what’s going on right now.
Make no mistake: Boehner wasn’t elected. He was brought in on the coattails of all the young conservative people that were swept into power. He and McConnell and the rest of the so-called leaders are hated.
Yet they act like their mandate to keep screwing the American people has been renewed.Â
Forwarding the above resulted in this reply:
I can see his point to an extent, but most of the tactics of the left (blocking bridges and traffic during rush hour, flash mobs, demonstrating in malls, etc) just tend to P**S people off – lol
I think the louder and crazier the Left gets, the better it is for us. Â Most people aren’t particularly ideological but they DO tend to block out belligerent and noisy.
OK.  Reasonable enough…but it seems to the Chief that that response forgets that one can be more assertive without resort to the hard-core obnoxiousness of the progressive occupiers: Remember when the TeaParty got started? There was plenty of “direct action” there that didn’t go over the line…the key principle there is that my exercise of rights stops  before rights of others such as free passage, etc., are violated. There are ways of being more assertive in a targeted way without going around the bend crazy like the anarcholeft.
The thing that DOES drive me crazy is the spineless lack of principles exhibited by Boehner, McConnell, and the GOP establishment. There is no real reason we shouldn’t be standing up for ourselves, rather than knuckling under with stuff like the cromnibus, plans for “comprehensive immigration reform”, etc.
Local case in point: Sen-elect Rounds declaration of a bi-partisan strategy for legislation. Oh joy. That sure as hell is NOT what we need…especially when the Dems’ idea of compromise is to propose some new and/or expanded “progressive” scheme, and then reduce the size of the expansion as a “compromise” deal. Of course in all such cases, the only argument is not whether or not to continue the leftward drift.  The only debate under those terms is how fast we socialize.
Daschle was the Grand Master of this when he was Senate Majority Leader. If THIS is what Rounds stands for waffles on, Â Pressler should have been elected–at least HE was honest during the campaign in defining himself as a progressive.
The actual issues themselves are NOT really complicated in spite of what the Republocratic Demicans and the lame-stream media make it out to be, whether it’s health care, taxes, or whatever.  This is worth additional comment, which will be forthcoming in the near future. ’nuff said.