Category Archives: Uncategorized

UN Air Strike on Cartoon!

UNICEF ad drops bomb on Smurfs

UNICEF’s first adult-only episode of “The Smurfs,” in which the blue-skinned cartoon characters’ village is annihilated by warplanes, has terrified young children. The short but chilling film is to be broadcast on national television this week as a campaign advertisement for a fundraising drive by the U.N. children’s agency.

Remember the lesson kiddies: get Mom and Dad to pay the UN or this could be YOU!

Germany’s Florida Recount Resolved

Merkel set to take over as German leader

The outcome of the German election cycle has been hidden by the nacht und nebel (night & fog) of political warfare. The final tipping of the balance apparently came after the completion of a special election which resulted in victory for the CDU candidate.

Christian Democrat leader Angela Merkel is set to replace Gerhard Schröder as Germany’s next chancellor, in a political deal that will see the departure of Mr Schröder from the national political stage, senior members of the ruling Social Democrats have told the Financial Times.

Auf wiedersehen Herr Schroder. You won’t be missed by the Chief.

Intelligent Design – or not?

Why Intelligent Design Is Going to Win

It doesn’t matter if you like it or not. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s true or not. Intelligent Design theory is destined to supplant Darwinism as the primary scientific explanation for the origin of human life. ID will be taught in public schools as a matter of course. It will happen in our lifetime. It’s happening right now, actually.

First, the Chief will stipulate, that based on observation of the doings of the denizens of Washington, D.C. the prospect for intelligent design certainly seems doubtful. However…in other terms there is merit in the proposition.

This posting presents a proposition, and supporting discussion that the concept of intelligent design (ID) will ultimately gain ascendency, for a number of clearly stated reasons:

1) ID will win because it’s a religion-friendly, conservative-friendly, red-state kind of theory, and no one will lose money betting on the success of red-state theories in the next fifty to one hundred years.

2) ID will win because the pro-Darwin crowd is acting like a bunch of losers.

3) ID will win because it can be reconciled with any advance that takes place in biology, whereas Darwinism cannot yield even an inch of ground to ID.

4) ID will win because it can piggyback on the growth of information theory, which will attract the best minds in the world over the next fifty years.

5) ID will win because ID assumes that man will find design in life — and, as the mind of man is hard-wired to detect design, man will likely find what he seeks.

Check out the whole article for the supporting discussion. The Chief particularly likes what’s said in reference to the first of the above points:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: families that reproduce people tend to reproduce ideas, as well. The most vocal non-scientist proponents of ID are those delightfully fertile Catholics, Evangelicals, and similarly right-leaning middle-class college-educated folk — the kind whose children will inherit the country. Eventually, the social right will have the sheer manpower to teach ID wherever they please.

Back in undergrad days, the Chief encountered more-or-less female students of the feminazi persuasion who proclaimed their intention to NEVER have children. As a student of biology, I stated the biological significance of that option: “Oh, you have decided then that you are biologically unfit! Biological fitness is defined as success in passing genes on to the succeeding generation.” The reaction to this…as the saying goes…priceless!

Sauce for the Goose = Sauce for the Gander!?

DeLay accuses Earle of taking corporate funds

Rep. Tom DeLay said District Attorney Ronnie Earle, who is prosecuting him for trying to involve corporate money in Texas politics, has taken such contributions himself. “It’s real interesting he has this crusade against corporate funds. He took corporate funds, and he’s taken union funds, for his own re-election. That’s against the law,” Mr. DeLay told The Washington Times yesterday. A review of Mr. Earle’s campaign-finance filings in Texas shows that he has received contributions from the AFL-CIO, including a $250 donation on Aug. 29, 2000. He also has received contributions listed on the disclosure forms only as coming from the name of an incorporated entity, often a law firm.

Maybe Earle should prosecute himself again.

Mr. Earle has said repeatedly that state law bars corporate and union contributions. Attempts to reach Mr. Earle yesterday for comment, including a phone message left on his assistant’s voice mail detailing Mr. DeLay’s charge, were unsuccessful.

The old telephone tag routine, eh?

Peer’s Info on Miers

A legal colleague writes on Harriet Miers

An interesting posting from Austin Bay – a very positive missive from a Dallas attorney who knows / has workd with Ms Miers. A bit more information as grist for the mill.

He essentially says about the same thing that the Pres. did about her – again based on personal experience. It’s still anecdotal, but there is always the factor of “By the words of two or three witnesses shall all things be established.”

For what it’s worth…

Concerns about Miers SCOTUS Appointment

Conservatives Confront Bush Aides

Sort of looks like the FDR Republican President and his Kool-aid vendors still have a lot of work to do to get the GOP base on board – assuming that they have any concern about even bothering to do so at this point.

The conservative uprising against President Bush escalated yesterday as Republican activists angry over his nomination of White House counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court confronted the president’s envoys during a pair of tense closed-door meetings. A day after Bush publicly beseeched skeptical supporters to trust his judgment on Miers, a succession of prominent conservative leaders told his representatives that they did not. Over the course of several hours of sometimes testy exchanges, the dissenters complained that Miers was an unknown quantity with a thin résumé and that her selection — Bush called her “the best person I could find” — was a betrayal of years of struggle to move the court to the right.

Although the Chief is still trying to be optimistic about the appointment, none of this exactly gives a warm glow. All there is is a (hopefully not forlorn) hope that Ms. Miers ultimately proves to be a sound constitutional originalist. Unfortunately, all there is is that hope…but not much substance at this point.

Ready, set, zooooooom!

Rocket Racing League Organized!


How cool is THIS! The Chief likes it! In the first iteration this of course seems to be atmospheric rocket planes, but inevitably it’ll go beyond. Just like aircraft racing in the 20’s and 30’s spurred aviation development and design, there’s no reason why rocket racing can’t do the same thing today.

Rocket Racers.jpg

The whole concept and underlying philosophy is positive. Folks, get ready – it’s coming! This is from the same guys that posted the Ansari X-prize, that led to the Rutan Scaled Composite’s suborbital space flyer, so they know how to make things happen!

More on the Space Elevator

Wake up, NASA!

As noted before, this is an idea that we need to be moving with! It’s really a MUCH superior method for doing the heavy lifiting into orbit.


This is a very interesting posting in its own right. Many of the comments are just as interesting. (Including an assortment of comments from moonbat half-cocked luddites and nay-sayers, which I suppose are interesting also in a pathological sense.)

OU Football Bomber Questions

Why Aren’t We Being Told More Facts About the OKlahoma Suicide Bomber?
What are the FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force Investigating?

A very interesting post. When the Chief first heard about this one, he had a real question about the first released version of events. Even the sparse circumstances reported at the tiem seemed to suggest more than was admitted to.

Read the details here, and like me, you’ll have even more questions. The final bit of icing on the cake:

Finally, if Hinrichs was just a disturbed guy who decided to kill himself with a bomb 100 yards from a crowd of 84,000 people instead of simply putting a bullet through his temple, slashing his wrists or some other traditional way of doing away with himself, why is the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force now the lead agency in the investigation?

Read the whole post – terrorism sure looks likely. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then chances are, it IS a duck!

Here’s another report, that the bomber was inquiring about getting a bunch of ammonium nitrate – the main ingredient in an ANFO (ammonium nitrate-fuel oil) bomb. (Remember the Murrah building?) Curiouser and curiouser!

UPDATE: No phosgene, other stuff caused problems.

Name Of Chemical Released In Salem Investigation

At least the chemical poisoning incident was not caused by Phosgene, a military toxic gas. This was reported in the Argus as being the probable agent, but a different, but superficially related material was finally positively identified:

McCook County Emergency Management thinks it has identified the mysterious substance found in the four-plex last Friday. Test results from the South Dakota and Minnesota State Labs point to aluminum phosphide, a toxic chemical often used by farmers. The report also lists traces of the gas version of the chemical, called phosphine, which can be used as a fumigant.

This still leaves question as to the origin of the chemicals in an apartment building:

Authorities say aluminum phosphide is not a chemical that would normally be found inside of a home. But they also won’t comment on if the chemical was put in the building to hurt those inside. “We’re attempting to get results back on many many things until we get all that back we can’t really say one way or the other,” Gerlach said.

History and Appointments

A Lessons from Henry II

One of the arguments being bruited about, even by the President in this mornings presser, in defense of the Mier appointment is that in spite of a relatively lack of documentation to establish the views of the nominee, this is not anything to be concerned about, since the President has a long standing personal knowledge of her, and based on this, has full confidence that she will make decisions based on an originalist judicial attitude.

It was similar personal knowledge and assurance that let Henry II to appoint Thomas a Beckett, his long-time friend, confidante, and chancellor as Archbishop of Canterbury, in an effort to subject the rulings of the ecclesiatical court system to the monarch. Said attempt failed, when Beckett discovered and acted on a new-found spirit of independence once he was esconced in his new office.

The rest, as they say, is history, which led eventually to Beckett’s murder, and Henry on his knees before the Pope to gain absolution.

Bush had better hope, that HIS judgement of his personal attorney is more accurate than Henry’s was of his chancellor, or it could well be the death knell of constitutional government in the United States.

PHOSGENE Gas in Salem, SD????

Signs point to deadly gas

This is a really strange event. The unmentioned 500 lb. gorilla in the corner here is if this does turn out to be phosgene, how did it get to Salem, SD?

A deadly chemical once used in World War I might have led to the death of one woman and sickness of three others inside a Salem apartment complex, a prosecutor said Monday. Roger Gerlach, McCook County state’s attorney, said in one report that early indicators are the substance detected inside the building might be phosgene. Phosgene can kill by attacking the lungs, causing them to swell. Vomiting is one of the symptoms. The chemical also is used to make plastics and pesticides, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

The initial incident report here, and this article raise more questions than they answer. Where would phosgene come from to get it into Salem, SD? A test by someone off nearby I-90? If so, a test for WHAT? This is definitely something to raise some red flags.

Would you believe?

H/T to Blackfive on this one.

This situation reminds me of a joke about the Minnesota Vikings that fans console themselves with…about a fan who died and went down below. He enjoyed the heat after the salubrious climate of MinnesotaMinnesnowta, so the devil made it cold instead. The next day he was happier than ever, proclaiming “The Vikings won the Superbowl!

Just as unlikely, is the following amazing report:
Insurgents in Iraq are drawing criticism for terrorism

Human Rights Watch, which often has criticized alleged abuses by U.S. forces in Iraq, turned its attention in its latest report to insurgent groups like al-Qaida in Iraq and Ansar al-Sunnah that have claimed responsibility for attacks in mosques, markets, bus stations and other civilian areas in Iraq.

Maybe it really IS a cold day in hell!

Around the Web: GOP Base Concerned about SCOTUS Appointment

The more time that passes since President Dubya announced his choice of Harriet Miers for the SCOTUS, the more concerns become apparent.

Firstly, the disturbance in the political force has been noted all the way on the other side of the pond:

Bush nomination for swing vote with Supreme Court infuriates supporters

President George W Bush nominated a trusted aide for the key seat on America’s top court yesterday but the choice infuriated his supporters on the Right far more than his Democratic foes.

No s–t, Sherlock! As to why…read on!

Ann Coulter, in her inimitable style of invective, PREDICTED the probable type of appointment that might be expected from Bush, based on his political record:


Now Bush has Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat to fill. For those conservatives confident that Bush won’t betray them, let’s review Bush’s other ideas about what constitutes a good Republican….

In 2002, Bush backed liberal Richard Riordan in the Republican gubernatorial primary in California against conservative Bill Simon….

In 2004, Bush backed liberal Republican Arlen Specter over conservative Pat Toomey in the Republican Senate primary in Pennsylvania….

In 2004, Bush backed Mel Martinez for the open Senate seat in Florida and asked the magnificent Katherine Harris not to run against him, so she graciously bowed out. Martinez has since called on Bush to shut down Guantanamo. What’s Spanish for “buyer’s remorse”?…

This year, rumors have it that Bush is again discouraging the magnificent Harris not to run for the Senate….

Also this year, Bush is backing developmentally-disabled Lincoln Chafee over the only Republican in the race, Stephen Laffey, Harvard MBA and mayor of Cranston, RI….

As if that isn’t enough to raise the hackles of a real conservative, that list doesn’t even take into account the administrations domestic policy, which has acquiesced (when not actually promoting) a constant expansion of the role and power of the Federal government.

Most telling of all is Coulter’s recap of the situation of the history of the GOP “establishment” (including the Bushes)with regards to the rise and eventual victory of Ronaldus Magnus. Check it out for yourself. HINT: The GOP establishmentarians were NOT very big on Reagan at all!

Her conclusion absolutely nails down the biggest difference between the gipper and the Dubya:

The secret to Reagan’s greatness was he didn’t need a bunch of high-priced Bob Shrums to tell him what Americans thought. He knew because of his work with General Electric, touring the country and meeting real Americans. Two months a year for eight years, Reagan would give up to 25 speeches a day at G.E. plants — a “marination in middle America,” as one G.E. man put it. Reagan himself said, “I always thought Hollywood had the wrong idea of the average American, and the G.E. tours proved I was right.”

Because of these tours, Reagan knew — as he calmly told fretful advisers after the Grenada invasion — “You can always trust Americans.” The G.E. tours completely immunized Reagan from the counsel of people like Karl Rove, who think the average American is a big-business man who just wants his taxes cut and doesn’t care about honor, country, marriage or the unborn.

Michelle Malkin has a pointed and graphical MESSAGE TO THE WHITE HOUSE:


She goes on to note: “Guess it’s too late.” Indeed.

Just to ice the conservative s–t cake:
Democrats are relieved about Miers pick from Tim Chapman posting at, noting a positive reaction from the likes of Bob Beckel, Sen. Charlie “No-guns” Shumer, and Sen. “Dingy” Harry Reid. This as much as any of the above, makes the Chief think that we may be in a heap of trouble on this one!

On a more serious (if possible) note, Randy Barnett transplanted from The Volokh Conspiracy writes in the WSJ Opinion Journal based of Hamilton’s writing in Federalist #76:

“To what purpose then require the co-operation of the Senate? I answer, that the necessity of their concurrence would have a powerful, though, in general, a silent operation. It would be an excellent check upon a spirit of favoritism in the President, and would tend greatly to prevent the appointment of unfit characters from State prejudice, from family connection, from personal attachment, or from a view to popularity. . . . He would be both ashamed and afraid to bring forward, for the most distinguished or lucrative stations, candidates who had no other merit than that of coming from the same State to which he particularly belonged, or of being in some way or other personally allied to him, or of possessing the necessary insignificance and pliancy to render them the obsequious instruments of his pleasure.” (The italics are mine.)

You have to go read the piece – the Chief won’t attempt to recap this, but it’s sure worth a look. Also worth a look are posts here and here over across the line in Minnesnowta from Powerline – suffice it to say they aren’t real impressed with this appointment either.

There’s much more than this out there – Emperor Misha’s Rottweiler is snarling, but Captain Ed, while not fully pleased seems to be cautiously optimistic. The Chief is trying to be also, but it’s hard not to be pessimistic given the weight noted above. I hope Cap’n Ed is right, but fear he may not be. Again, time will tell.

PC Strikes at English Symbol

Prison bans Cross of St George tiepins

The same sort of PC mentality that feels threatened by the American flag and the pledge of allegiance is alive and well in the UK, striking at the flag that is the symbol of England. (Remember the UK is the UNITED Kingdom which includes England, Wales, Scotland, and No. Ireland along with the various islands such as Manx, Guernsey, Jersey, etc.)

Someone has decided that wearing pins with the Cross of St. George, which has been an identifying symbol of England dating back to the time of Richard I (“The Lion-hearted) is racist and potentially offensive!

Cross of St. George.gif

Of course, said Richard I was also a noted Crusader…ooops! One must suppose some of the Queen’s Islamic (semi)subjects have their noses out of joint.

If the Chief were resident in England, he would proudly the flag of St. George and fly it proudly. Given the pressure from modern Islamofascism, perhaps some of the Crudading spirit is not inappropriate, as is noted elsewhere on this blog. Onward Christian Soldiers: Deus Vult!

New SCOTUS Appointment

Bush picks insider for Supreme Court

President George W. Bush on Monday nominated a member of his inner circle, White House counsel Harriet Miers, for a Supreme Court vacancy, choosing a woman with plenty of legal experience but who is not a judge to replace the retiring Sandra Day O’Connor.

Who really knows anything about Miers? Is she REALLY a judicial originalist, or another lib running under false colors? According to this AP report, there’s a bit of contradictory political evidence.

In 1988, Miers, then a lawyer in private practice, donated $1,000 to Gore, the Tennessee Democrat then seeking the party’s presidential nomination, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Gore eventually bowed out and Michael Dukakis secured the nomination.

In 2000, Miers contributed to the campaign of Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who was running against Gore that year. When the votes were still being counted in Florida and the outcome was in doubt, she gave $5,000 to the Bush-Cheney Inc. Recount Fund, according to the non- partisan Political MoneyLine.

Time will tell.

Admits conspiring – to defeat Donks!

DeLay: Papers show I’m innocent

The case against Congressman Tom Delay (R-TX)is showing every sign of having as much substance as the case that Donk prosecutor Ronnie Earle tried to move agains Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX). What a waste of time, money, and newsprint!

Rep. Tom DeLay says he has provided documents to prosecutor Ronnie Earle proving he did not hatch a criminal conspiracy, but admits he is “guilty” of “conspiring to defeat Democrats.”

Mr. DeLay said that on the day he is accused of initiating a criminal conspiracy to break Texas campaign-finance law along with Jim Ellis and John Colyandro, he was neither in Austin, nor in phone contact with the two men.

Oh well, it gives the MSM and the Donks something to worry about.

How to Resolve Iran Nuke Problem

Don’t worry, we’ll take care of Iran nukes: Israel

Radio talker Michael Savage on his SAVAGE NATION program reported on Israeli willingness to take out Iran’s nukes if the US fails to get the Eurabian – UN axis to do anything more than a bit of jawboning.

After hearing this, the Chief has been looking for some sort of reportage on this topic but without success until this coverage from the India Express website popped up linked on World Net Daily. The story is datelined out of Washington, so one might note the US MSM looking the other way again.

It’s not as though the prospects of a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities wouldn’t be significant. One has to wonder why the lack of coverage on this one.

As far as the actual issue is concerned, the Chief sees chances for some real action out of the Euroweenies or the UN as being slim to none. If Israel is willing to do the heavy lifting on this one, the US would be well advised to give them a wink and a nod, and stay out of the way.

Condi Rice in ’08?

Run, Rice, run: Fans seek Condi candidacy


Devoted admirers of Condoleezza Rice bought time for a television commercial during the premiere last week of “Commander in Chief,” backing the secretary of state for the White House in 2008….Richard Mason, a Miami doctor and enthusiastic Rice supporter, established Americans For Dr. Rice in 2004 after talking with colleagues about the best Republican presidential candidate in 2008.

This has even attracted attention across the pond, where once again, the Sunday Telegraph has picked up on the draft Condi movement here.

Dick Morris is so intrigued with the concept that he has a book coming out real soon now on the topic:
Condi vs Hillary.jpg

Even without discussing any of the other details of the situation, the Chief thinks that the potential for a Condi vs. Hilary race in ’08 would be the greatest amount of political fun that there has been in a LONG time! Also, Condi would wipe up the floor with Hil in a debate. The possibilities are breathtaking.

She sure as heck would be a stronger candidate than any of the other GOP prospects that one hears mentioned.

Islamofascists Contiue War on CIvilization

Bali bombings kill at least 25

The same old same old from the religion of peace, with homicide bombers attacking highly strategic tourist restaurants:

Suicide bombers targeted the Indonesian tropical resort of Bali with coordinated attacks yesterday that devastated seafood and noodle restaurants packed with foreigners, killing at least 25 persons.

Dealing with the Islamofascists reminds the Chief of an admonition on the cover of a SD noxious weed handbook: “Better to kill them than to put up with them.” Appropriate turn of phrase.

Sci-Fi Flick Worthy of Attention and Support

Gain SERENITY with new film.

This is one that the Chief has a BAD hankering to go see soonest. Although I have been a long-time Sci-fi afficianado, a lot of the stuff coming out seems to be long on effects, and somewhat short on substance. The I, Robot film for example, took a concept from Isaac Asimov, and proceded to totally warp it beyond recognition.

Serenity, is a movie sequel to the 11-episode TV series Firefly, which has become an instant cult classic of libertarian science fiction.

Take my love. Take my land.

Take me where I cannot stand.

I don’t care, I’m still free.

You can’t take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black.

Tell ’em I ain’t comin’ back.

Burn the land and boil the sea.

You can’t take the sky from me.

Have no place I can be

Since I found Serenity.

~ Theme Ballad of Firefly

“That’s what governments are for, [to] get in a man’s way.”

~ Mal Reynolds, Captain of Firefly-Class Boat Serenity

Hey, with an attitude like that, it’s GOT to be great. Whether or not you’re a sci-fi fan, go see it. This sort of content needs to be supported in the media market-place if we don’t intend to give it all up to the Oliver Stones, Michael Moores, and Brabra Streisands of the world.


Bush Gets Low Grade on Domestic Policies, Programs

Franklin Delano Bush

The Chief has posted previously on this topic – David Boaz of the Cato Institute has a much more thorough exposition of the same proposition – that President Bush as effectively demonstrated that he is, in reality, closer to a Democrat of the FDR or JFK model: expanding government, while maintaining a staunch international policy. On second thought, JFK would probably have been more of a conservative than Dubya is!

Where is Barry Goldwater now that we really need him?

Lawyers, Judges Get Wakeup Call


As the season here on the northern plains begins to turn, the ABA notes another chilling wind blowing down their neck – sheeple seem to be waking up to the dire trends towards judicial tyrrany. Ooops. The jig is up!

More than half of Americans are angry and disappointed with the nation’s judiciary, a new survey done for the ABA Journal eReport shows.

A majority of the survey respondents agreed with statements that “judicial activism” has reached the crisis stage, and that judges who ignore voters’ values should be impeached. Nearly half agreed with a congressman who said judges are “arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable.”

Gosh, why would people begin to think like that? Hmmmmm. Oh, yeah – because judges HAVE demonstrated that they ARE “arrogant, out-of-control, and unaccountable.”

The survey results surprised some legal experts with the extent of dissatisfaction shown toward the judiciary. “These are surprisingly large numbers,” says Mark V. Tushnet, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. “These results are simply scary,” adds Charles G. Geyh, a constitutional law professor at Indiana University School of Law in Bloomington.

“Scary”? Scary to the legalistic aristocrats who see that they are loosing their aegis of untouchable isolation from their imagined inferiors. The effects of their ex cathedra edicts, issued with contempt for the proposition the in the American republic soveriegnty ultimatey resides with the people are coming home to roost.

It seems that people actually expect judges to do their job, and judge according to the law and the constitution, and not act as a superior legalistic priesthood issueing commandments according to their own views, whether we agree or not.

Fifty-six percent of the respondents strongly or somewhat agreed with the opinions expressed in each of two survey statements:

* A U.S. congressman has said, “Judicial activism … seems to have reached a crisis. Judges routinely overrule the will of the people, invent new rights and ignore traditional morality.” (Twenty-nine percent strongly agreed and 27 percent somewhat agreed.)

* A state governor has said that court opinions should be in line with voters’ values, and judges who repeatedly ignore those values should be impeached. (Twenty-eight percent strongly agreed and 28 percent somewhat agreed.)

Forty-six percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the opinion expressed in a third statement:

* A U.S. congressman has called judges arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable. (Twenty-one percent strongly agreed and 25 percent somewhat agreed.)

Ooops. The jig is up!

More libDonk Inconsistancy

No one should ever accuse the left of being troubled by such things as being logically consistant. Such dangerous tendancies towards rationality are to be avoided at all cost, lest there be some hinderance to their giving free reign to their supreme standard for evaluating issues: How does one FEEL about it, and DON’t confuse the issue with facts.

This is exemplified by a couple of issues that are currently in the news. The first is the ruling by Federal District (mis-)Judge Hellerstein (should be Hell-stein?) ordering the release of more pics from Abu Ghraib. It is conceded, even this mis-judgement that this will lead to renewed attacks on US forces in the middle-east, with highly probable loss of life. That’s OK though says the Hell-judge, since they are attacking us anyway. This says nothing about the direct damage to US interest when this stuff is once again smeared all over the place on al-Jazeera, et al.

Does anyone else remember the MEANING of the phrase “aid and comfort to the enemy”? (mis-Judge, rope, tree – Some assembly required!)

The other case is renewed in the news cycle by the scheduled testimony of NYT reporter Judith Miller on the disclosure of Valerie Plame as a CIA person. The MSM has been fulminating about this for some time, with great expressions of concern because her life might be in danger if she were engaged in covert ops.

REALITY CHECK: Ms. Plame has been an inside the HQ desk-jockey for years, and has NOT been currently engaged in the admittedly critical 007 type of stuff overseas. Additionally, there was no secret of the fact that she was working for the agency at Langley – this information was out there from other sources, including her husband.

LOGIC CHECK: Lots of concern expressed in the MSM about the so-called danger to former-spy Plame. If she was IN REALITY an active undercover operative, this might be valid. Even if theis WERE the case, is HER life intrinsically more valuable than the lives of US troopers in harms way in the mid-east? The same MSM has little or no concern about that when commenting on the mis-judgement concerning yet more Abu Ghraib pics, which can serve no real purpose, other than to stimulate a certain political agenda at home while providing at a minimum PR aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.


P,C, Exhibit at Ground Zero Memorial Nixed

Museum Dropped From WTC Site for Now

Bowing to pressure from Sept. 11 families, Gov. George Pataki on Wednesday removed a proposed freedom center from the space reserved for it near the planned World Trade Center memorial, saying the museum project had aroused “too much opposition, too much controversy.”

Since they couldn’t have center stage at the site and trowel their agenda over the top of the 9-11 event, their planned display was apparently not worth the trouble of putting somewhere else – not enough propaganda value any more.

Pataki initially said the state would help the International Freedom Center find another home, but center officials said they weren’t interested and considered the project dead.

R.I.P. Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out!

Pataki said a planned cultural building meant for the freedom center would now tell only the story of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

What a concept! A 9-11 memorial that focuses on…9-11! How novel!
Chalk one up for the real folks on this!

H/T to Blackfive.

NASA on the Wrong Road!

NASA administrator says space shuttle was a mistake

Any good “hard” science fiction fan was capable of making this analysis. Among others, rocketeer Homer Hickham, author and main character of October Sky retired from NASA and wrote a novel titled Back to the Moon in which NASA is given a pretty good black eye for having become moribund with bureaucracy and political correctness.

Latest in this feeling that NASA had lost its direction comes from no less than the NASA chief administrator himself:

The space shuttle and International Space Station — nearly the whole of the U.S. manned space program for the past three decades — were mistakes, NASA chief Michael Griffin said Tuesday.

Griffin said NASA lost its way in the 1970s, when the agency ended the Apollo moon missions in favor of developing the shuttle and space station, which can only orbit Earth. “It is now commonly accepted that was not the right path,” Griffin said. “We are now trying to change the path while doing as little damage as we can.”

Reading between the lines, it appears to the Chief that NASA needed more von Braun and less Rube Goldberg in its design philosophy:

Asked Tuesday whether the shuttle had been a mistake, Griffin said, “My opinion is that it was. … It was a design which was extremely aggressive and just barely possible.” Asked whether the space station had been a mistake, he said, “Had the decision been mine, we would not have built the space station we’re building in the orbit we’re building it in.”

Sounds like we finally have a NASA chief worthy of the name after too many bureaucrats, program managers and barely-disguised political hatchetmen, and not nearly enough engineers in the lead. Hopefully now the Congresscritters will give Griffen the support needed to get us back on the road towards the stars. It’s absolutely essential if our civilization is to continue to exist and improve itself.