Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blogging Moody County

A new voice in Indian Country

This caught my attention as a general interest item, since I work with many Native Americans in Flandreau, Moody County, SD. Aside from the success of this relatively new paper, there was more of interest to the Chief in this article:

Currently, the association’s (SD Newspaper Assoc.) only Indian newspaper is the Lakota Journal, although that may soon change, Bordewyk said. He said the Lakota Journal plans to move its operation from Rapid City to Flandreau. He said the newspaper has sold its press but will use the Madison Daily Leader’s press to publish the weekly paper.

Because of the move to Flandreau, the Lakota Journal will temporarily lose its SDNA membership. The Lakota Journal must publish for a year in the new location to become a legal newspaper and therefore eligible as a member of the association.

The Chief follows the news that is decided fit to print in the (weekly) Moody County Enterprise also of Flandreau, but apparently the Lakota Journal move is not newsworthy enough, or the Enterprise doesn’t want another paper in town, or, just possibly, the Chief overlooked some coverage somewhere along the way.

Admittedly this is a local issue, but hey, it’s the Chief’s own ‘hood!

No News Here: Iranian Pres Repeats 70’s Claims

Tehran raps U.S. as ‘war criminals’

Iran’s hard-line president said yesterday the Bush administration should be tried on war-crimes charges, and he denounced the West for pressuring Iran to curb its controversial nuclear program.

Iran’s hard-line president, who was one of the student leaders involved with the Carter-era US embassy hostage taking (and holding), is re-hashing some of the same types of claims that they were expounding during the late 70’s incident. He’s nothing if not consistant with his hatred of the USA as the great satan.

“You, who have used nuclear weapons against innocent people, who have used uranium ordnance in Iraq, should be tried as war criminals in courts,” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said.

This one is new: equating depleted uranium armor-piercing rounds with the use of nuclear weapons. Not any technical validity, but hey, just saying the word “uranium” gets a lot of mileage propaganda-wise, and is even likely to elicit sympathy from western envirowackos who are just as ignorant of the issue as the Iranian peasant population is.

Mr. Ahmadinejad Ah’m-mad-in-jihad did not elaborate, but he apparently was referring to the U.S. military’s use of artillery shells packed with depleted uranium, which is far less radioactive than natural uranium and is left over from the process of enriching uranium for use as nuclear fuel.

Iran has been under intense international pressure to curb its nuclear program, which the United States claims is part of an effort to produce nuclear weapons. Iran denies such claims and says its program is aimed at generating electricity.

Yeah, right, you can believe as much of THAT as you want to. (If you do believe him on that, please e-mail the Chief: I have some GREAT tropical beach property in Moody County, South Dakota I would like to sell you.)

Also, a possible marriage made in hell is in the works:

Meanwhile, a leading German newsweekly reported that Iran has offered North Korea oil and natural gas as payment for help in developing nuclear missiles. A senior Iranian official traveled to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, during the second week of October to make the offer, the Der Spiegel magazine reported yesterday, citing unidentified Western intelligence sources. It was not clear what North Korea’s response was, the magazine said.

If they keep going like this, with any luck they’ll be turning themselves into a bombing practice range for the Israeli Air Force, assuming Sharon doesn’t put their gonads into a lock-box, but that’s another story.

Slavery in 21st Cen. Eurostan Reintroduced by Albanians

The plight of the cellar girls

Here’s reports of extensive traffic in sex-slaves out of Eastern Europe. It seems they are getting lured into Albanian sex-slavery rings by promises of legitimate employement in Western Europe.

I guess this is just part of the Albanian (Islamic) culture. One would hope that these are not observant religionists, but it is still apparently perfect acceptable to them to do this.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Not only is there a 21st Century revival of chattel slavery that the US and UK fought to eliminate in the 19th Century, but this is paralleled with the revival of widespread piracy both out of Somalia, as well as in the Indonesian islands, both areas coincidently (?) Islamic if not Islamist.


Calling Art Bell!

Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament Asked To Hold Hearings On Relations With Alien “ET” Civilizations

Canada continues to push the envelope to redefine moonbat:

A former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on Exopolitics — relations with “ETs.” By “ETs,” Mr. Hellyer and these organizations mean ethical, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that may now be visiting Earth.

He goes on to warn about a posssibly impending “galactic war”:

Mr. Hellyer went on to say, “I’m so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something.”

And of course, being Canuckian, it’s obligatorythat the something he has to say lays it to the fault of the evil, wicked, mean, and nasty USA:

Hellyer revealed, “The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop.” Hellyer warned, “The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, “The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.”

All that’s left missing is to pin the blame on Bush and Rumsfeld, but the Chief has faith…just give him time…it’ll happen!

As far as the seriousness of the identified threat…the Chief leaves that up to your own better (oe worse) judgement.

Dreamchaser Planned

Private Spacecraft Developer Settles on New Design

Plans for the privatization, or at least, private participation in space are procedign apace, as has been noted by the Chief a number of times in the past. This plan seems to be a bit more conventional than some, but is aiming from the start at full orbital capability.

A private space firm with orbital aspirations has revamped its plans for a crew-carrying spacecraft. Poway, California-based aerospace firm SpaceDev has a new design for its Dream Chaser vehicle and hopes to offer suborbital rides within two years, with orbital flights to follow.

An artist’s interpretation of SpaceDev’s Dream Chaser vehicle after spacecraft separation. Credit: SpaceDev. Click to enlarge.

SpaceDev is also planning on a lunar mission – using the Dreamcatcher as par of the prep.

If you’re interested in space development, as the Chief certainly is, this is an outfit that bears watching at least as much as the nest of projects associated with Rutan’s Scaled Compoosites like the Rocket Racing League, and Virgin Galactic‘s Spaceship 2 suborbital plans, and other efforts like the DOOM/DOOM II/DOOM III computer game designer JOhn Carmack’s Armadillo Aerospace, and Kansas’ Rocketplane, Inc.

All of this together is an exciting mix, and is moving towards getting us SERIOUSLY off the planet, into space to stay.

Now the rest is up to us, and there’s a future to be won:
We must turn our faces outward, we will do what must be done.
For no cradle lasts forever, every bird must learn to fly.
Yes we’re going to the stars, see our fire in the sky!

Fire in the Sky (Kristoph Klover), Prometheus Music – available here as a legal mp3 download. The Chief HIGHLY recommends this!

Vox populi vox deus?

Public ignores Iraq war naysayers

Polls are almost as pervasive as opinions – the old Naval expression about that is that opinions are as ubiquitous as…rectal orifaces: everybody has one. Nonetheless, when a liberalish polling organization detects signs of support for the Iraq efforts, etc., it’s worth noting, since there is something there that even they can’t massage and spin away into insignificance.

Negative press coverage of the war in Iraq in recent weeks has emphasized rising pessimism among the American public about the conflict. But a new survey found that 56 percent of the public thinks that efforts to establish a stable democracy in the country will succeed.

Another aspect of interest in this set of data is a serious disconnect between the PLM (Politico-Legal-Media) complex, and the people that they are supposedly representing:

The survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press — which also plumbed opinions of journalists, university presidents and others in academe, diplomats, government officials, religious leaders, members of the military, scientists and international security specialists — revealed a marked disconnect between the perceptions of the general public and many of the so-called opinion leaders.

THis is nothing new – all anyone has to do is watch/read the MSM with a rational point of view and there is no excuse to be surprised.

When asked whether they thought democracy would succeed in Iraq, only 33 percent of the journalists agreed that it had a chance. The number was even worse in academe — 27 percent of respondents thought the effort would succeed. Among the military, however, the number stood at 64 percent. “The media and academia have always been more to the left, so how they report these things is not necessarily the way the country sees things,” said Charles Gravely, 56, a real estate executive from the District.

Shocking, simply shocking!

The final point of interest here is the release of this data, which arguably gives support to the admininistration and the current policies. It can even be reported, but with the Thanksgiving holiday, it’ll easily get lost in the static. (Phew! That way the Pew organization can duck any positive impact for the President. How opportune!)

The China Threat

East Asia allies doubt U.S. could win war with China

This is not a cheery prospect, but unfortunately not without validity. This is not out of line with a series of reports from Bill Gertz in the DC Times last summer.

The real tragedy is that the Chinese missile forces moved into the big league thanks to the Clinton-Loral sell-out, and their Naval forces are seriously upgrading with technology produced by the ChiCom spy ring recently busted in L.A., so they would be killing us with our own technology!

The overwhelming assessment by Asian officials, diplomats and analysts is that the U.S. military simply cannot defeat China. It has been an assessment relayed to U.S. government officials over the past few months by countries such as Australia, Japan and South Korea. This comes as President Bush wraps up a visit to Asia, in which he sought to strengthen U.S. ties with key allies in the region.

The obvious answer is probably politically undoable: reinforcing the US military to a more realistic level, but with no signs of the administration being willing to bite the bullet, chances of this are currently between slim and none. As far as the Donks – well, that’s a lost cause.

Is it any wonder that Japan is moving towards remilitarization?

Saving the Net

How to Keep the Carriers from Flushing the Net Down the Tubes

A rather long and geekish article, but one that addresses some issues that could have profound effects on the operation of the entire internet – so if this has any relevance to what you do, it’s worth a look-see, if not a more direct response.

We’re hearing tales of two scenarios–one pessimistic, one optimistic–for the future of the Net. If the paranoids are right, the Net’s toast. If they’re not, it will be because we fought to save it, perhaps in a new way we haven’t talked about before. Davids, meet your Goliaths.

This is a long essay. There is, however, no limit to how long I could have made it. The subjects covered here are no less enormous than the Net and its future. Even optimists agree that the Net’s future as a free and open environment for business and culture is facing many threats. We can’t begin to cover them all or cover all the ways we can fight them. I believe, however, that there is one sure way to fight all of these threats at once, and without doing it the bad guys will win. That’s what this essay is about.

Here’s a brief outline of the article. If you want to go straight to the solution, skip to the third section:
* Scenario I: The Carriers Win
* Scenario II: The Public Workaround
* Scenario III: Fight with Words and Not Just Deeds

Check it out!

A History of Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to All, from The Chief

This is forwarded from an e-mailing from The Federalist Patriot. This is a bit lengthy for a blog, but well worth the read. Seriously!

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the LORD is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.”
(Psalm 100:4-5)

Why is America such a blessed land? Some point to its bountiful resources, its vast and glorious expanses. Others point to that which is inspired by these geographical gifts—the freedom, the entrepreneurial spirit, the economic and technological wonderment. Still others, however, would note the rancor and recrimination that currently poison our political discourse—and argue forcefully that this country is blessed no more.

Were we to field the question, we would answer it differently, for we believe our nation to be so heaped over with blessings that only the most jaded would deny our indebtedness to Almighty God for His continuing favor. Pressed further, we would say that America is blessed not so that we should thank God, but blessed because we have, continually, from our earliest days on this continent, given thanks to God and humbly sought ever-better to follow His precepts.

Consider this history: Though the “First Thanksgiving” by name was in the Virginia Colony in 1607, our Thanksgiving heritage has its roots with the Pilgrims’ three-day feast in early November of 1621.
Continue reading

The Sun is Rising Again in Modern Japan

Japan seeks to scrap law that bans it from having an army

There has been talk about this for several years.

Japan’s ruling party unveiled plans yesterday to revise its constitutional commitment to pacifism and allow the country to establish armed forces “for self defence”. The proposals would end Japan’s renunciation of the right to maintain an army, as enshrined in the constitution imposed by America after the Second World War.

The new draft keeps the commitment to peace but recognises the military as crucial to maintaining it. It says: “In order to secure peace and the independence of our country as well as the security of the state and the people, military forces for self-defence shall be maintained. In addition, the defence forces can take part in efforts to maintain international peace and security under international co-operation.”

Of course, there is some kvetching from some others in Asia, notably China and S.Korea, who were on the negative end of the “Greater-East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” of WW-II. If France, et al in Europe can deal with a remilitarized Deutschland, they should be able to deal with a fully functional Nippon.

Besides, in China’s case, maybe it’s a good thing for another independent Asian power to be on the scene. This is not a bad thing from the US point of view!

Chris Matthews Embarrasses Himself

Rips Pres., Policies at Canuck University

Hoo boy! Another case of what’s wrong in the MSM, illustrated this time by Chris Matthews:

“The period between 9-11 and (invading) Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn’t a robust discussion of what we were doing,” Matthews said.”If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we’ve given up. The person on the other side is not evil. They just have a different perspective.(Emphasis added)

By the same logic Chris, why not say the same thing about the old Nazis, or for that matter the Azteca worshippers of Huitzilopochtli with the tens of thousands of hearts ripped out on top of their temple pyramids. I mean, they just have a different perspective, right?

Ther’s effectively no difference with the terror war, when the head of the chief Islamofascist state calls for the elimination of Israel and the Israelis, and then condemns the US in equally strong terms. Negotiate with the people who have only the purpose ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN “HOLY” SCRIPTURE of either converting you, killing you, or placing you in “subjection” to the Religion of PeacePiss.

Radio talker Michael Savage is right: “Liberalism IS a mental disorder.”

Back to the Moon!

Private Sector, Low-Cost Lunar Plan Unveiled

NASA is looking in the right direction, but as I noted earlier, a $100+B plan to land again on the moon in 2018 is hardly an example of any semblance of progressive engineering or management. Still, it is some forward momentum, and is positive for that reason if no other.

Now comes a private group, taking their own look at the concept. For the price of the NASA plan, they estimate they can have 40 people to the moon, with a good start at a permanent base. Oh yeah, they’re looking at landing between 20-10-2015, for a price of $10B – 1/10th the NASA price tag.

Picture from

A newly released study has focused on how best to return people to the Moon, reporting that future lunar missions can be done for under $10 billion – far less than a NASA price tag. The multi-phased three-year study was done by a private space firm, SpaceDev of Poway, California, and concluded that safe, lower cost missions can be completed by the private sector using existing technology or innovative new technology expected to be available in time to support human exploration of the Moon in the near-future.

Why should there be a surprise that the private sector, when it sets it’s hand to the task, is able to run circles around a 50 year old government bureaucracy?

Way to go guys! Keep up the good work!

Zarqawi Killed? Now in Hands of CSI Types

US using ‘technical means’ to see if Zarqawi killed

The United States is using “technical means” to verify if Al-Qaeda frontman in Iraq Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in battle, US coordinator for Iraq James Jeffrey said. “We are using technical means to try to verify that,” Jeffrey told reporters in Jordan during a videoconference from Washington.

In other words, stay tuned pending the lab results. One can only hope that one of the stiffs turns out to be the Zarq.

More Fecklessness Towards Iran, Russia

U.S., Europe Won’t Push for Move on Iran

Washington and its European allies will forgo pushing for Iran’s referral to the U.N. Security Council later this week, giving Russia more time in persuading Tehran to give up technology that could make nuclear arms, diplomats and officials told The Associated Press on Monday.

Once again it seems that the counsel of the Foggy Bottom boys is at work with another waffling towards Iranian nuke development, and their Russki backers.


For the Americans and the European Union, the plan holds the promise of success even if Iran continues to reject the proposal that would move its uranium enrichment program to Russia. The acceptance of that plan, in theory, would deprive the Iranians of the chance to enrich uranium to weapons grade, suitable for use in the core of nuclear warheads.

Yeah, right. Theoretically, pigs could fly if they had wings.

But if the Russians fail to win over the Iranians, Washington and the Europeans hope Moscow and other key board members of the International Atomic Energy Agency now opposed to Security Council referral will moderate their opposition.

“And this time we REALLY, REALLY mean it, no shit!”

The comments by the diplomats and U.S. and European government officials came three days before the IAEA board meets to ponder options on Iran that at least formally still included a decision on Security Council action.

But the diplomats and officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the strategy on Iran is confidential, said referral was now off the table at the meeting. Instead, they said Washington as well as Britain, France and Germany – representing the European Union – would probably settle for a statement critical of recent IAEA findings showing the Iranians in possession of what appeared to be drawings of the core of an atomic warhead and of other worrying nuclear activities.

And if that doesn’t work, I suppose we’ll threathen them with the dreaded Monty POython Spanish Inquisition soft pillow of comfy chair. That’ll fix em!

CNN Caught in Subliminal Attack?


The Cheif KNEW there had to be some reason that CNN continually set his teeth on edge!

At 11:04:45 AM ET Monday CNN was airing Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech live from the American Enterprise Institute in Washington — when a large black ‘X’ repeatedly flashed over the vice president’s face! The ‘X’ over Cheney’s face appeared each time less than a second, creating an odd subliminal effect.


As this DRUDGE REPORT screen capture reveals, while one ‘X’ flashed over Cheney’s face CNN ran a headline at the bottom of its screen: “CHENEY: I DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS WRONG TO CRITICIZE.”

How in the world can anyone still take the MSM seriously? One has a greater chance of getting accurate news coverage from Scrappleface.

A Bad Day for al Qaeda in Mosul

Officials Probing Whether Raid in Mosul Killed Zarqawi

An Iraqi police commander said Sunday that U.S. and Iraqi officials were certain that seven men who fought to the death in a house in northern Iraq were members of al Qaeda but were still trying to determine whether one of them was Abu Musab Zarqawi, the Jordanian insurgent leader.

Too bad, so sad. At WORST, good riddance to bad rubbish!

At best, a seriously evil leader has been sent to meet his maker. What a surprise, when he discovers something considerably different than a friendly reception from 72 virgins.

Their hot time will have a considerably different nature than the one they claimed they have claimed that they go to.

Dems Maneuvered Away from Call for Appeasement

There are several events associated with the sense of the House resolution calling for immediate withdrawel of US forces from Iraq.

To start with, there were the disgraceful remarks of John Murtha (Donk-PA).

Key House Democrat calls for Iraq pullout now

A key House Democrat said yesterday that U.S. troops should immediately begin withdrawing from Iraq because they have achieved their military goals but have now become the single unifying factor for the insurgents.

Muthaf—-r Murtha just flat out doesn’t get it about the war on Islamofascism. It wouldn’t matter whether US troops are in Iraq or not – just the fact that we exist on the planet, and are not Islamist ourselves is a full and sufficient reason for the jihad to continue.

Not for nothing does Islam refer to “Dar al Islam” (the world of Islam) as opposed to everwhere else: “Dar al Harb” (the world of war).

The White House issued a statement from South Korea saying Mr. Murtha “has a record of supporting a strong America. So it is baffling that he is endorsing the policy positions of [filmmaker] Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party. The eve of an historic democratic election in Iraq is not the time to surrender to the terrorists.”

It has been widely bruite about by Donks that it is an improper personal attack to criticise Mutha’s views, since he is a decorated Viet-Nam vet. It’s somehow supposed to be inappropriate, pathetic, and lowdown to compare Mutha’s remarks to those of the fat b—–d himself, Michael Moore. This begs the point, that Mutha’s expressed views line up with Moore’s quite nicely – but as usual with the Donks, the form is more important than the substance of the issue at hand.

As far as all the crocodile tears about the “wascally Wepublicans” daring to criticise a decorated veteran, a historical note is in order. No one suggests that the admirably positive record and performance of General Benedict Arnold in the Continental Army during the American Revolution was enough to excuse his colossal act of ultimate treason and betrayal.

The Chief isn’t quite saying that Mutha’s betrayal is on the same scale as Arnold’s, but it arguably is of similar nature in essence.

Republicans said Mr. Murtha played right into the hands of terrorists. “The liberal leadership have put politics ahead of sound fiscal and national security policy, and what they have done is cooperated with our enemies and are emboldening our enemies,” said Rep. Geoff Davis, Kentucky Republican and a former Army officer.

Mutha’s dose of aid and comfort to the enemy resulted in the next number in today’s political dance: the dreaded resolution in the House calling for immediate withdrawel from Iraq. Of course when the Donks were confronted with actually acting on their expressed sentiments, they couldn’t quite find the nerve to carry their kvetching and moaning to its logical conclusion in am on-the-record vote. The result:

Lawmakers Reject Immediate Iraq Withdrawal

The House on Friday overwhelmingly rejected (403-3) calls for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq, a vote engineered by the Republicans that was intended to fail. Democrats derided the vote as a political stunt.

The House voted 403-3 to reject a nonbinding resolution calling for an immediate troop withdrawal.

“A disgrace,” declared House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. “The rankest of politics and the absence of any sense of shame,” added Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat.

In a wierd sort of way the Donks may have a point! It truly IS a discrace that their one time staunch party of Truman has descended to lows of appeasement and pusillanimity unseen since the days of Chamberlain at Munich. The Chief would also concur that their blind opposition to decisively pursuing the war on Islamofascism is indeed truly “The rankest of politics, and the absence of any sense of shame.”

One wonders how far down the gutter they will slither, on their continuing descent into sedition, treason, and betrayal.

“Why then, doth treason never prosper? When it does, none dare call it treason.”


Blogs Are As Much “Press” As Everyone Else

The FEC has issued an advisory opinion in the case of a Missouri Donk-oriented blogsite called “Fired Up!”. If you read the opinion, there is a thorough description of “Fired Up!”‘s activity – which matched most of the sorts of comments, postings, etc. that are done by just about any politically or semi-political blogsite.

To cut to the chase on their decision:

QUESTION PRESENTED: Is Fired Up eligible for the press exception?
LEGAL ANALYSIS: The Commission concludes that, in light of the facts presented, Fired Up’s disbursements for news stories, commentary, and editorials on its websites are encompassed by the press exception, and therefore do not constitute “expenditures” or “contributions” under the Act and Commission regulations.

Of course there’s more legalese – but the upshot is that the FEC has made a sensible decision that in fact the 1st Amendment is still in effect, and whether you are standing on a soap box in Lafayuette Square, or on the electronic soapbox of the internet, your political speech is protected!

Will wonders never cease! Now, to get rid of the root problem that caused the whole issue to come up in the first place: the legal abortion infamously known as “McCain-Feingold”.

McCain-Feingold delenda est!

Somebody Gets It!

Don’t go wobbly on Iraq

The Chief gives a hearty “Bravo Zulu” (NavSpeak for “kudos”) to the Rapid City Journal editorial board for cutting through the crap and calling the right shots on the recent maneuvering about Iraq in the Senate.

“Don’t go wobbly on me, George,” said British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to President George Bush after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990. Bush steeled himself, told Hussein that he was “drawing a line in the sand” at Kuwait, and the following year, U.S. and British forces spearheaded a coalition that booted Iraq out of Kuwait. Now his son, President George W. Bush, is faced with a U.S. Senate that has gone wobbly on the war in Iraq.

On Tuesday, Senate Democrats proposed an amendment to the defense authorization bill that would have called on President Bush to specify a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. The amendment was defeated by a 58-40 vote, largely along party lines.

Those Donk boneheads have to be truly clueless. One would have expected that they had studied at least the rudiments of history somewhere along the line before they got into office, but on the face of it, this is evidently not the case.

A fixed timetable says just one thing to the terrs: “OK guys, we can’t cut and run – but, (wink, wink) we’ll be gone on date certain, so just be a bit patient, and we’ll deliver what you want on a silver platter after that. Oh yes, please forgive us for the inconvenience of our efforts to defend western civilization.”

Weak-kneed Republicans crafted an alternative that called on the administration to explain to Congress and the American people its strategy for completing the mission in Iraq. That non-binding amendment passed 79-19.

As previously noted here, most of the GOP’ers didn;t do a whole lot better – but at least THEY didn’t seek to set a specific schedule.

Thirteen GOP senators stood with the president and voted against both measures, including South Dakota Sen. John Thune. Thune said the amendments “send the wrong message to our troops, the Iraqi people and the terrorists.”

Hooray for Senator Thune! As for Donk Tim Johnson, as noted in the last post, he’s a Donk doing what Donk’s do: appease and apologize to our enemies.

Congressional oversight of the president’s conduct of the war is one thing, but it is not Congress’ role to dictate war plans. Certainly, as commander in chief, President Bush has the responsibility of demonstrating that he has a clear strategy for winning, but the war against terrorism will surely be lost if our military has to answer to 100 commanders in chief. We can’t wage war based on public opinion polls.


We can debate what strategies will lead to victory in the war against terrorism, but now is not the time for weakness and to signal to the Iraqi people and the terrorists that we’re going to cut and run from Iraq. That’s not a winning strategy. Will the House of Representatives join the 13 senators who understand that this is a war that we must win, or will they, too, go wobbly?

No news here!

Democrats say Alito not a sure thing

THe Chief doesn’t see much real news here. Anyone that has a clue could have predicted this development. You just KNOW that there will be a lot of weeping, wailing, and knashing of teeth by the libDonks about the Alito nomination.

Among the Nevada Democrat’s concerns were that Democrats weren’t consulted on the nomination, as well as Judge Alito’s 20-year-old claim to be a conservative. Judge Alito’s job-application essay “may explain why the extreme right wing is popping champagne corks,” Mr. Reid said. “We learned of the 1985 memo in which he said, ‘I am and always have been a conservative.’?”

How SHOCKING to the Donks! Who could have ever imagined that a Republican would appoint a…CONSERVATIVE…to SCOTUS! Why, this doesn’t even have the approval of the NY Times editorial board!

Will they EVER get a clue? Naaaah! They can’t help it – they’re Donks, and they’re just doing what they do because of what they are.

WSIS Comes to Agreement (Wink, nod)

Deal Reached on Managing the Internet

U.S. officials said early Wednesday that instead of transferring management of the system to an international body such as the United Nations, an international forum would be created to address concerns. The forum, however, would have no binding authority. U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce Michael D. Gallagher, however, said the deal means the United States will leave day-to-day management to the private sector, through a quasi-independent organization called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN.

This deal can be fairly easily summarized. The US is retaining administrative management of the internet, but an organizational framework is being set up to make comments and suggestions for changes and improvements, which the US can act on, or not, as it sees fit, thus giving the UNOcrats and EUrocrats a fig-leaf concession to hide behind.

Not too bad! The Chief thinks that someone(s) had a clue as to how things REALLY were, and came up with a formula that COULD be interpreted as a concession from the US, but that had no real realignment of the way things are now run. Did anyone REALLY think that the US was going to turn internet admin rights over to the UNO (UN disOrganization)?!

The onus now lies with the developing world to bring in not just opinions, but investment to expand the Internet to their benefit, he (Gallagher) said.

What a concept! You want something? You pay for it and build it! Radical stuff for UN/EU apparatchiks to wrap thier minds around.

This time at least, the big dog on the block wouldn’t let himself get penned up by the Poodles and friends.

Pokiing ChiComs in the Eye

Bush Urges China to Grant More Freedoms

President Bush prodded China on Wednesday to grant more political freedom to its 1.3 billion people and held up rival Taiwan as an example of a society that has successfully moved from repression to democracy. In remarks sure to rile Beijing, Bush said, “Modern Taiwan is free and democratic and prosperous. By embracing freedom at all levels, Taiwan has delivered prosperity to its people and created a free and democratic Chinese society.”

This has GOT to bug the ChiComs big time, especially the comparisons to Taiwan. Frankly, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving outfit, all the more so in the face of the recent espionage ring that’s busted on the west coast.


J.A.I.L Initiative Heads for Ballot

S.D. activists target judges with ballot issue

A movement is under way in South Dakota to turn the tables on members of the bench. Activists are trying to put a radical measure on next year’s ballot that could make South Dakota the first state to let people who believe their rights have been violated by judges put those judges on trial. Citizens could seek damages or criminal charges.

The J.A.I.L. initiative would establish a mechanism for penalizing judges who improperly administer the law in their courtrooms by making them subject to special grand juries that could allow for civil and/or criminal consequences.

The South Dakota amendment would eliminate state judges’ immunity in cases involving deliberate violations of the law (by the judge), someone’s constitutional rights or deliberate disregard of the facts. People could file complaints against judges after the traditional appeals process has concluded. A special grand jury would handle complaints, deciding whether a judge could be sued or face criminal charges.

If the grand jury decides on criminal charges, it could indict the judge and create a special tribunal that would act as both judge and jury, deciding guilt and any sentence. The measure would not apply to federal judges.

Predictably, this has members of the PLM (Politico-Legal-Media) complex upset. Thomas Barnett, Exec. Director of the SD Bar Assoc. already telling lies about the measure to the effect that it would allow convicted felons on the grand juries (NOT! They are specifically excluded!), and that the measure is about suing judges whose decisions you dislike (NOT! The measure only addresses procedural actions that violate a person’s due process rights.)

The Chief predicts that when this gets certified for the ballot – attacks will get FAR worse than that!

For the straight story go to the J.A.I.L. site, or to

By the way, J.A.I.L. stands for Judicial Accountability Initiative Law.

Decisive Action by Fwench? Not really.

France Cabinet Extends State of Emergency

Fwench Homeland Security.jpg

The French Cabinet approved a bill Monday to extend the country’s state of emergency for three months, while youths set schools ablaze and waged other scattered arson attacks across France.

I’m sure that this is very reassuring to the Fwench people.

Hey! Look at the bright side! All those cars burned up may help unemployment by giving a boost to the Fwench auto makers to replace the ones that are fried.

MSM: No more riot stories, no more Fwench fried cars, right? Wrong!

American Media Quit The French Riots Story

Captain Ed notes the fecklessness of the MSM in mostly dropping coverage of continuing civil disorder in Fwance:

Does the American media suffer from ADHD and find themselves incapable of following an important story for longer than ten days? Or do they find themselves increasingly unable to explain the serious and continued violence despite the bribery and politically-correct strategies employed by French security forces? It seems to me that the media cannot bring themselves to admit that the uprising has more behind it than bored youths looking to blow off some steam and acting spontaneously and unilaterally. The riots have a purpose, and they have a central control structure — and that means someone wants to make specific gains from attacking France.

Who could that be? Don’t count on the Times or the Post to find that out for you.

’nuff said!

UN on the Skids at Last?

Can the U.S. find a substitute for the U.N.?

America’s representative at the United Nations said yesterday that the organization must become better at solving problems and more responsive to U.S. concerns or Washington will seek other venues for international action.

Oh yes! PULEEEEZE let it be so!

During a luncheon with reporters and editors at The Washington Times, U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said repeatedly that the Bush administration requires nothing less than “a revolution of reform” at the world body, encompassing everything from U.N. Security Council engagement to management changes to a focus on administrative skills in choosing the next secretary-general.

What a novel concept: efficiency at the UN. Talk about cleaning the Augean stables!

The Bush administration has been a principal advocate of management reform at the United Nations — supported by a mandate from U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the passion of new management and budget czar Christopher Burnham, and crisply worded criticism from oil-for-food investigator Paul Volcker. But developing nations have mounted stiff resistance to many of the administrative changes sought by Washington — most of which call for reducing micromanagement by budget committees within the General Assembly.

This is easy to deal with – just close the purse on ’em:

Washington’s frustration with the General Assembly is well-known. Mr. Bolton said yesterday that the United States pays 22 percent of the regular U.N. budget, yet has only one vote out of 191 cast. “We have one-half of 1 percent of the total [votes], meaning we pay 44 times more than our voting power,” he said. “My priority is to give the United States the kind of influence it should have. Everybody pursues their national interests. The only one who gets blamed for it is the United States.”

Sacrilage! The US Ambassador calling an ugly spade, an ugly spade – in this case the UNO (UN disOrganization).

GOP Senate Preps to Cut and Run in Iraq

Senate Weighs Measures Urging Bush Set Limits in Iraq

The U.S. Senate opened debate today on measures that would put the chamber on record for the first time asking President George W. Bush to set limits for keeping American troops in Iraq. The Bush administration “needs to explain to Congress and the American people its strategy for the successful completion of the mission” say resolutions introduced separately by both Republicans and Democrats.

This certainly provides evidence that bipartisanship is nearly dead in the Senate, although most pundits and talking heads will label the event in precisely opposite terms than this. It’s just a matter of perspective.

First, the standard interpretation that this IS bipartisanship: the obscene political mating of Frist and Ried, simultaneously cutting the President off at the knees does indicate a perverse sort of cooperation.

Bipartisanship? The Chief would argue that this is an indicator not of bipartisanship, but rather one of MONOpartisanship. At this rate, the only real debate will be whether the newly unified polity will take the name of Republocrats, or Demicans. WAIT! I know! Even more descriptive: call them Republodhimmicrats* taking cognizance not only of their joining, but also their willingness to submit to the strategy of the Islamofascists to push us out of the way of their eventual triumph.

*NOTE: Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, “protected people,” are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur’an’s command that they “feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the law that global jihadists are laboring to impose everywhere, ultimately on the entire human race. (Note borrowed from the Dhimmi Watch blogsite.)

How unnecessary it all is – once again the American political class is demonstrating that it has no more nerve than the Fwench, and is unwilling to apply the necessary fortitude and determination to grind the enemy into the dust and break HIS will to fight.

What’s a patriotic man to do any more? Remember, Nov. 19 is National Ammo Day – buy 100 rounds (or more)! It’ll no doubt be handy for something or another someday.