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One Blog’s View : Also the Chief’s!

“What does Saddam and Iraq have to do with September 11th?”

California Conservative
has a great summary of why we are at war with Islamofascism in Iraq. This is a good recap of the reasons, which were ALL stated by the administration in the period leading up to the war. A review of the facts in instructive, and gives you good factual points to torpedo the ranting of the libDonk Dhimmicrats.

H/T to S.D.P.

Copperheads Strike at Terror War

There is evidence that the latter-day “copperhead” movement is growing more restless in it’s attacks on the terror war, even as progress continues to be made on the ground. The copperhead reference first was historically applied to politicians (Democrats then, too!) who were opposed to the continuation of an ongoing long war, and who were demanding an immediate withdrawel of US troops, and a negotiated settlement of some kind. Oh yes, the war in question THEN was the War Between the States.

The President seems to be responding appropriately forcefully to these opponents of the war.

Bush blasts filibuster of Patriot Act

One of the latest efforts of the modern Dhimmicrat copperheads are going after the ability of the US intelligence agencies to respond quickly (at electronic speed!) to terrorist-linked communications that happen to involve a US connection at one end of the link.

Mr. Bush also expressed outrage that someone leaked to the New York Times information about a National Security Agency (NSA) program to eavesdrop on Americans suspected of communicating with al Qaeda operatives overseas. “The existence of this secret program was revealed in media reports, after being improperly provided to news organizations,” he said. “As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have, and the unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk.”

The other strike from the modern faction of aid and comfort to the enemy is the filibuster of the Patriot Act renewal by the Donks and some RINO allies:

President Bush yesterday accused senators of endangering American lives by filibustering renewal of the USA Patriot Act and railed against the illegal disclosure of a classified eavesdropping operation. “A minority of senators filibustered to block the renewal of the Patriot Act when it came up for a vote yesterday,” Mr. Bush said in a rare live radio address from the Roosevelt Room. “That decision is irresponsible, and it endangers the lives of our citizens.

Well said by the Pres. What part of W-A-R are these Senators unable to understand? The Constitution is not a suicide pact. It has survived repeated harsh episodes during time of war including the suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln during the Civil War, arbitrary arrest of German aliens in WW-I, and the notorious FDR Democrat ordered internment camps for Japanese, and Japanese-Americans in WW-II, along with military tribunals, routine execution of foriegn agents, and harsh suppression of partisan movements by all combatant powers.

Was all of this really necessary? Perhaps not, especially the internment camps, but they were the result the best judgement available based on knowledge at that time. As General Sherman observed – “War is hell.” It’s the nature of the beast. The only thing worse than fighting one, is losing one. Hopefully we won’t have to deal with that.

If the President has his way we won’t. If his opponents have theirs, the Chief has no such assurance.

Entrepreneurs Aim at Space

A couple of recent developments in private spaceflight:

Virgin Galactic Partners With New Mexico On Spaceport

First, Sir Richard Branson inked a deal for the development of a private spaceport in New Mexico for his Virgin Galactic suborbital flights. (He alrady has 30,000 pre-registered to take the trip!)

The first purpose-built commercial spaceport for the personal spaceflight industry is to be constructed in New Mexico, a deal struck between the state and Virgin Galactic, the private spaceline firm created by British billionaire, Sir Richard Branson. Details of the partnership were unveiled today in a Santa Fe, New Mexico gathering of state officials led by Governor Bill Richardson, spaceport planning officials, and leaders of Virgin Galactic, including Branson.

Now comes a Canadian outfit that had been a contender for the Ansari X-prize, that is aiming at orbital flight, both for space tourism as well as provision of shuttle services for the International Space Station.

The Silver Dart (Click picture to enlarge)

Canada’s London, Ontario-based firm PlanetSpace unveiled designs for its Silver Dart spacecraft, an eight-person vehicle derived from experimental aircraft studies in the 1970s, Thursday with hopes of carrying fare-paying passengers into orbit and resupplying the International Space Station (ISS). “The Silver Dart is the DC-3 of the space industry,” said Geoff Sheerin, PlanetSpace president and CEO, in a telephone interview. “It has so many things going for it in terms of performance.”

The more, the merrier – competition is a beutiful thing!

Clean Cut Kidder Gets it Wrong

CCK Post: “Trampling on the Word of Christ”

The headline and the premise of this Clear Kut Kidder post is as inaccurate as it is strong.

The teachings of Christ DO urge each to actively render needed and possible assistance to those in need. This is an inescable obligation of the Christian, on an individual, person-to-person level.

However, this does NOT sanction one to use force of arms (in this case the police authority of the state which enforces taxation) to sieze the wealth of one in order to give it to another that the Ceasar siezer feels is deserving of it.

Of course, if one embraces the revolutionary “social gospel” as originated and propagandized by the radical communo-socialist clergy of Latin America, then I guess anything goes, but the Chief doesn’t worship at THAT church!

Vote Security Firm in Turmoil!

CEO Quits Embattled Diebold

Previously, the Chief noted here, some concerns over the security of electronic voting machines from Diebold Corp.

Now comes news that the CEO of Diebold has suddenly resigned. and it is very possible that the performance of the election division is at least part of the problem. This was not helped, when formeer CEO Walden W. O’Dell stated that he “could deliver Ohio for the GOP” presidential vote, with Diebold systems in use there!

The chairman and chief executive of automated-teller and voting machine maker Diebold Inc. quit on Monday. The company, which has come under fire for its electronic voting business, said in a statement that the resignation of 60-year-old Walden W. O’Dell is effective immediately.

Diebold, whose main business is making ATMs and security systems, ventured into e-voting after the Florida punch-card debacle of 2000. But the company faced challenges in the e-voting business — from concerns by California’s top election official and others about the machines’ security and reliability to controversy about O’Dell’s support of President Bush.

Hello? Whatever you think about the President’s re-election, there is a serioud clue deficit evident. Saying something like that only pours oil on the already raging flames of Donk DUmmie paranoia. NOT a career-enhancing thing to do, and evidently the rest of his board agreed to bid farewell to him.

For real election security, the Chief thinks perhaps the best way would be good old-fashioned paper ballots. There are still some LARGE precincts that use them, and that have been able to complete their counts in a timely fashion, even when they have complex, multi-issue ballots. This may well be a case where less is more!

For more info on this issue, check out this site. They have their own point of view, but raise some serious points about the continued survivability of a meaningful election process in the USA.

Terrs Attempt to Whack Sharon

Palestinians rocket Ariel Sharon’s ranch

In what is sure to be a major embarrassment for the Palestinian Authority, a group linked to PA President Mahmoud Abbas fired a Qassam rocket that landed yesterday just outside Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s ranch with the intention of killing the Jewish leader, a terror leader whose group also took part in the rocket launching told WND. “That rocket was fired by us in conjunction specifically with the united leadership of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. It was intended to kill Sharon, and thank God we are getting closer and closer to our target,” said Mohamed Abdel-Al, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees.

This no doubt is somewhat of a PR problem for the Paleswine-ian Palestinian Authority, the Chief doubts that they feel much embarrassment. That would be about like as SS Camp Guard feeling embarrassed to go to work.

If there were any real justice in this, Sharon himself is the one who should be embarrassed – to have it almost literally shoved down his throat that his policies of withdrawel, negotiation, and appeasement have utterly and demonstrably failed to achieve an attitude of tolerance, if not acceptance, on the part of the Paleswine-ians Palestinians.

One MIGHT think that the PM of Israel would be cognizant enough of EUROhistory from as recently as the 1930’s to be able to realize that appeasement of one’s enemies only leads them to demand and expect more: ultimately your total defeat and surrender.

This lesson to Sharon SHOULD also be reinforced by the evolving situation in Gaza, where the terrs are moving in to former Jewish settlements and setting up training camps. “Land for peace” sure worked THERE – not!

A Thought to Ponder

From a Vox Day column over at WND.

“Pragmatism in politics is self-defeating in the long run. It is a euphemism for the slow sacrifice of one’s principles. The constant substitution of “electable” moderates for principled conservatives is what repeatedly kills the Republican Party and prevents it from ever realizing even a small part of its platform when it is in power.”

This has reason!

Technology Moots Ideological Fight

Researchers discover way to replicate stem cells for therapy

The ongoing argument over the need to use embryonic stem cells for the development of revolutionary new medical treatments is just about completely mooted by the advance of technology.

University of Louisville researchers have coaxed stem cells from adult mice to change into brain, nerve, heart muscle and pancreatic cells – a discovery that could lead to therapies for a host of human diseases and possibly end the national debate over use of embryonic stem cells.

“We have found a counterpart for embryonic stem cells in adult bone marrow. This could negate the ethical concerns,” said Mariusz Ratajczak, leader of the research team and director of the stem cell biology program at Louisville’s James Graham Brown Cancer Center.

This is a nice piece of science, and promises some positive further developments, without the need for the ethically questionable “harvest” of stem cells from abortion sources.

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

Williams to be Needled to Death

Gov. Schwarzenegger refuses to spare life of Crips gang founder Stanley Tookie Williams, execution set for 3:01 a.m. EST; appeal rejected by Supreme Court

Speaking of rubbish – I’m REALLY sick of the anti-death penalty types arguing that being pro-life on abortion means that one is hypocritical to favor capital punishment. The Chief contends that there is NO CONNECTION! Abortion is the taking of INNOCENT life. Yes, I oppose this, just like I oppose murder, which is also the shedding of INNOCENT blood. The execution of neo-barbarians like Tookie Williams is not even close to being the shedding of innocent blood.

To keep some perspective on this so-called redeemed man: he’s had a violet history while in the slammer, has refused to assist in prosecuting fellow-gang members, and expressed no remorse over the crimes that he was convicted of. In all the caterwauling of the libLeft media and moonbats like the so-called Rev. Jackson, the fate of Williams victims has been totally ignored.

Radio talker Michael Savage has made THEIR fate an item of public record here (WARNING: severe graphic content), which only reinforces the Chief’s earlier statement: good riddance to bad rubbish!


Evidence of Aussie State Gov’t Dhimmification:

Australian PM Rejects Link Between Terror Warnings, Ethnic Clashes

New South Wales police and government leadership are showing serious signs of dhimmification, as Moslem groups predictably protest against profiling and description of criminals as having “middle-eastern appearance”. This only reinforces the two-year old warning about this situation that was earlier noted here.

At least the national PM is thus far holding to a firmer line in this.

Prime Minister John Howard said Monday the “racism” tag was often thrown around carelessly and he would not do so. He warned against “wallow[ing] in generalized self-criticism,” and attributed the violence to “the always explosive combination of a large number of people at the weekend and a large amount of alcohol.”

Howard also rejected suggestions that his government’s warnings about the dangers of terrorism emerging from within Australia’s Muslim community had fueled the clashes. “Everything this government’s said about home-grown terrorism has been totally justified,” he told a news conference in Sydney. “It is a potential threat. To suggest that one should remain silent … because that might antagonize someone else is a complete failure of leadership.”

Good for him.

GOP Senate Feeling It’s Oats

Frist says he’s prepared to block Democrats if they seek to filibuster Alito

This is only encouraging. Hopefully the GOP components of the “Gang of 14″ and other RINO’s will stay aboard on this one. Time will tell. This is where the rubber meets the road.

The Chief spend days and hours in two tough senate campaigns here in South Dakota to get a good conservative into the senate from here instead of Tom Dachshund Daschle. I KNOW where Sen. Thune will be voting on this, it’s the RINO wing that could still pull defeat from the jaws of victory, but hopefully this won’t happen.

Frist definitely has the right idea here:

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Sunday he is prepared to strip Democrats of their ability to filibuster if they try to stall Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court. “The answer is yes,” Frist said when asked if he would act to change Senate procedures to restrict a Democratic filibuster. “Supreme Court justice nominees deserve an up-or-down vote, and it would be absolutely wrong to deny him that.”

Bring on the constitutional option!

ChiCom Cold War Continues

Hacker attacks in US linked to Chinese military: researchers

Yet another front in the ongoing ChiCom cold-war against the US, this one constituting an attact via the cybersphere. Thie intro. paragraph lays out the concept, the rest of the article elucidates:

A systematic effort by hackers to penetrate US government and industry computer networks stems most likely from the Chinese military, the head of a leading security institute said. The attacks have been traced to the Chinese province of Guangdong, and the techniques used make it appear unlikely to come from any other source than the military, said Alan Paller, the director of the SANS Institute, an education and research organization focusing on cybersecurity.

Another reason to boycott the imported slave-labor products of the workers’ and peasants’ paradise in the east.

Solution to Iranian Nuke Program

Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

Israel has always been steadfast in taking whatever means are needed to defend and maintain its security. El-al airline for examople, hasn’t had a hi-jack since the 60’s. The Entebbe raid, and the pre-emptive strike on the Iraqi Osirak reactor site in ’81 are some other examples of direct action taken when needed.

With the percolation of the Iranian nuclear program currently attracting some lip service (but no action)from the UNOcrats, and EURabians, everyone realizes that SOMETHING needs to happen, but no one wants to take the bit in their teeth and run with it; the Euros,et al have no gumption to do anything, and the US is currently otherwise engaged. Well, ALMOST no one…

Israel’s armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed.

Israel appears to be taking on the dirty work that no one else is ready or willing to do at this time. The Chief hopes that they are up to their usual standards of military prowess.

“Israel — and not only Israel — cannot accept a nuclear Iran,” Sharon warned recently. “We have the ability to deal with this and we’re making all the necessary preparations to be ready for such a situation.”

A “massive” Israeli intelligence operation has been underway since Iran was designated the “top priority for 2005”, according to security sources. Cross-border operations and signal intelligence from a base established by the Israelis in northern Iraq are said to have identified a number of Iranian uranium enrichment sites unknown to the the IAEA.

If a military operation is approved, Israel will use air and ground forces against several nuclear targets in the hope of stalling Tehran’s nuclear programme for years, according to Israeli military sources.

Aussie Riot Backgrounder

The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia

When taking note of the recent anti-middle easterner riots in Australia, the Chief noted here that this wasn’t in a vacuum, and that there was probably a lengthy historical background.

Little did I realize…!

Here’s a rather lengthy piece from a retired Sydney detective, giving a lot of detail on the background situation. It’s a long read, but very informative on how fecklessness and political correctness can ruin a police department and turn a city over to a pack of neo-barbarians. Yes, the riots WERE a reaction to an evolving condition of de-facto dhimmitude.

Oh, by the way, this was written two years ago, and the writer also compared the evolving situation in Sydney to the conditions in France – with a forecast of bad outcomes in both cases. Prophecy indeed!

Well worth the read. H/T to the Rottweiler Empire.

Naval Planning Options Considered

Keep Navy options open

Here’s the Boston Herald editorial board making a lot more sense than one is used to from the MSM, especially relating to defense.

Their point is that the Navy should consciously seek to maintain ships in “mothballs” instead of scrapping them, citing the long lead time to build replacements if/when needed. They also note the need for planned new construction to proceed at SOME level, in order to preserve a shipbuilding infrastructure, again for times of possible dire need.

What dire need might that be? The Herald takes note of the presently on-going ChiCom naval build-up, and the increasing assertiveness of ChiCom policies vis-a-vis the US in the Pacific, which is definitely something to bear in mind.

Iraq Election Cycle Starts

Iraq to Close Borders During Elections

Iraq started it’s parliamentary election process with early voting today (Monday). Security inevitably looks to be a serious issue as Iraq moves towards this weeks main election day for parliamentary elections.

Iraq’s government announced it will close its borders, extend the nighttime curfew and restrict domestic travel starting Tuesday — two days before the main election day — to prevent terrorists from disrupting the vote.

The Chief’s prediction: another successful election in the face of continuing Islamofascist opposition.

Set Off by Incident with Lebanese

Revenge attacks in Sydney race war

Gangs of youths embarked on a series of “hit and run” revenge attacks across Sydney’s beachside suburbs last night after a day of racial violence that saw mobs rampage through Cronulla, in the city’s south, bashing anyone of Middle Eastern appearance.

Fox News reports that the trigger was an incident where a beach lifeguard was assaulted by a couple of Lebanese youth.

Stuff like this doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It would be interesting to know how much of a reaction to a real or imagined incipient Dhimmitude this is.

Scores of cars in the eastern suburb of Maroubra had their windscreens smashed and tyres slashed in what police fear is the first sign of retaliation by members of Sydney’s Muslim ommunity.

If that kept up there WOULD be a race war down there. One thing for sure, the Aussies have more gumption than the Frogs, who sat there for weeks and watched cars burn without much reaction.

Media note: Coverage of this in the US MSM on line is notable by its absence, even from Fox news who had coverage on the tube. Too politically incorrect not to appreciate the practitioners of the Religion of Piss Peace.

Remember, some people REALLY don’t like us!

U.S. official warns of ‘catastrophic’ weapons use

This is one of those items that is scarcely news if yuou happen to recall something that happened a few years back on September 11th.

A senior State Department official is warning that terrorists are continuing to seek nuclear, chemical and biological weapons for use in future attacks. “If terrorists acquire these weapons, they are likely to employ them, with potentially catastrophic effects,” said Robert Joseph, undersecretary of state for arms control and the senior Bush administration arms proliferation policy-maker.

This is interesting, for it’s one of several cases recently when the State Department has been making a surprising degree of sense. Seems to the Chief like Condi has managed to get them into line to a welcome and surprising extent.

Mr. Joseph also said the U.S. government will not back off from sanctions imposed on an Asian bank that the Treasury Department said was part of the North Korean government’s illegal counterfeiting and money-laundering program.

Shocking! The US imposing some real commercial sanctions!? Bully!

Donks in Trouble on War Politics?

Anti-war drumbeat dividing Democrats

Democrats’ demands for a speedy military pullout from Iraq threaten to raise the soft-on-national-security issue and could hurt the party’s chances in next year’s elections, political analysts say. Recent Democratic troop withdrawal initiatives in Congress, followed by a direct pullout call from Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean, have not only widened a split over the war among Democrats, they have raised fears among party operatives that the “get out of Iraq now” posture will help the Republicans keep control of Congress next November.

SOme of the Donks are starting to wake up a bit and realize just how far out into left field the moonbat Deaniac/Franken/Moore/Streisand wing of the party has traveled. They’ve moved so far out, that they are starting to leave that part of their base that were known formerly as the “Reagan Democrats” far, far, behind.

The whole question is what they will be able to do about it in time to do them any good. The Chief would guess not much, since the left-Lib wing has become so entrenched in control of the DNC party apparatus.

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving crew.

And the point is…?

Military’s Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive

This is supposed to be NEWS? If nothing like this was happening, the NYT would no doubt be writing about military incompetence for ceding the information war to the enemy.

While not overtly negative, this coverage gives good ammunition to the Islamofascist enemy on what they need to do to counter us more effectively.

In this case, more is less: more coverage = less security.

Can the N.Y.T. understand “aid and comfort…”?

Sea Change in the Offing in Brit Politics?

Cameron’s election gives Tories lead over Labour

The Sunday telegraph reports a virtually immediate turn-about in polling in the UK after the UK Conservative Party selected 39-year old David Cameron as party leader last week.

This is the first time that the Tories have grabbed a poll lead since 1992. If they are able to keep it up, get ready for Blair’s Labour Party to be kicked out of Downing Street at some point in the foreseeable future.

P.C. Runs Amok at F.B.I. – Results in Blown Terr Case

Sami’s Guardian Angel

You may or may not have noticed that Florida professor Sami al-Arian was acquited last week of charges relating actively aiding Paleswine-ian Palestinian terr groups.

The Chief figured it was just another case of a flaky jury – but apparently the government’s case was emasculated by a treasonous and apparently Islamofascistic FBI agent named Gamal Abdel-Hafiz who had been promoted and groomed withing the organization in spite of obvious association and links with hard-line Islamists.


Why was he promoted? PC uber alles!?

Check out the article for whole sickening story.


The REAL Deal from Iraq!

The Party of Defeat

This response to the recent spate of Donk defeatism from the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Mutha-fMurtha, and their ilk totally nails it! GO READ THIS POST!

The article concludes thusly:

Not only does the Democratic leadership deny the transparent fact that Iraq is indeed the front line in the War on Terror, but it feels the need to apologize for our nation’s ability to deliver unrelenting, but prudent lethality onto our deserving enemies. Thus, their warped template for fighting a war: pull out when the blood starts to flow.

Against this strategy of defeat, the president has called for staying the course. Staying the course isn’t a campaign slogan; it is a life support message for those of us in the midst of battle. Congressman Murtha above all others should know the perils inherent in dictating military policy from across the Potomac. I imagine he can still taste the spittle of anti-war protestors from 30 years ago. As was the case in Vietnam, the American soldier cannot be defeated on the field of battle. It is only the failure of the political class to stomach the hardships of combat that stands in the way of our victory.

There’s much worth reading that leads to this conclusion, so go to it!

The writer’s background and experience gives him unquestioned qualification to respond to the Donk spokesmen of treason, defeatism, and sedition, which he does with a vengeance – not of vitriol, but of cold reason and analysis, devastatingly applied:

David Bellavia is a former Army Staff Sergeant who served in the First Infantry Division for six years. He has been recommended for the Medal of Honor by his leadership, and has been nominated for the Distinguished Service Cross. He has received the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Cross (New York states highest combat valor award) and was recently inducted into the New York State Veteran’s Hall of Fame. His Task Force 2-2 Infantry has fought on such battlefields as Al Muqdadiyah, An Najaf, Al Fallujah, Mosul, and Baqubah. His actions in Fallujah, Iraq were documented in the November 22, 2004 cover story “Into the Hot Zone” by award winning journalist Michael Ware. He is 30 years old.

Murtha et al aren’t worthy of shining this man’s boots.

H/T to Emperor Misha on this one.

Kryuchkov Knows All – Tells Some!

Former KGB Chief Reveals Supernatural Truth

Former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov spent 20 years in the Soviet intelligence agencies. In an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily he reveals what the KGB knows about UFOs and other supernatural phenomena, life in space and secret agents’ secret methods.

At last! The hot scoop! Direct from the KGB! This is even better than Weekly World News! Read on:

Komsomolskaya Pravda:

The media keep telling us about UFOs and a variety of other supernatural phenomena. Researchers and cosmonauts may have different opinions on the matter, but all of them are sure of one thing: that exact information can be obtained from the intelligence agencies. You headed the Soviet secret service for the longest period of time, 17 years, that is, from 1971 to 1988. You also chaired the KGB from 1988 to 1991. You must be able to give us the ultimate truth — are there any UFOs out there?


We have never received any proof whatsoever that UFOs or other supernatural phenomena actually exist.

Awwwwwwwwww! He goes on:

With full responsibility I have to state — never ever during the long period of my work with the intelligence service was anything really supernatural spotted, either in Russia or in any other country. When I say “other country”, I rely on the information from the highest officials, military, research and of course the intelligence agencies of foreign states.

Well, there it is. Unless of course his answer is just dezinformatzia – that MUST be it! Phew! It was starting to look like the Coast to Coast AM radio show was going to have to take a dive!

Too much for even Kofi Annan?

US, UN condemn Iranian leader’s Holocaust comments

Comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expressing doubt about the Holocaust and suggesting Israel be moved to Europe are appalling and reprehensible, the U.S. State Department said on Thursday. “These latest remarks … are clearly appalling and reprehensible. They certainly don’t inspire hope among any of us in the international community that the government of Iran is prepared to engage as a responsible member of that community,” deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said.

It’s one thing for the US State Department of make such a comment, but it’s an event of another magnitude when it comes from the UN (dis)Organization. With the cold weather that most of the country has been having this week, apparently some of the thermal deficit has reached down to hell, given that the recent remarks of Irans Ismlamofascist president have proven to be so over the top that even Kofi-cup Annan at the UN has spoken up on the side of rationality for a change.

At the United Nations in New York, Secretary-General Kofi Annan expressed shock at the comments attributed to Ahmadinejad, his spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. Annan noted the U.N. General Assembly last month passed a resolution rejecting “any denial of the Holocaust as an historical event, either in full or in part.” He said all nations should educate their populations about the Holocaust in which “one third of the Jewish people were murdered, along with countless members of other minorities.”

Amazing, at first glance, but then again – as noted previously, a good chunk of the UN slush-fund budget is on the edge of being held up in the US Congress.