Category Archives: Uncategorized

Concerns About Ports Management Deal

Last week the Chief was quick to respond to the plan for a Dubai based outfit to take over management of a number od critical east and gulf coast ports. 3

In response, as the controversy has taken off there are a couple of interesting and contradictory responses to the plan.

Firstly, Homeland (In)Security secretary Vladimir Ulyanov Chertoff declared: “¡NO PROBLEMO, SENORES!”:
Chertoff says Dubai port deal includes safeguards

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the Bush administration had approved the sale of British firm P&O, which manages six U.S. ports including New York, to Dubai Ports World after a classified review and the deal would include safeguards to protect U.S. national security. “You can be assured that before a deal is approved we put safeguards in place, assurances in place, that make everybody comfortable that we are where we need to be from a national security viewpoint,” Chertoff said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”

This is supposed to be reassuring or something? What credibility is there to THIS when they haven’t yet gotten around to seriously addressing the virtually complete lack of border security on the Mexican border?

MEANWHILE, back at the ranch:

Congressmen threaten probe of U.S. seaports deal

This is an issue I frankly hope that the administration gets HAMMERED on to such an extent, that it finally wakes up and smells the smoke of their political edifice going up in flames.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle yesterday threatened a congressional investigation of a deal to give control of six U.S. seaports to an Arab company, while one key Republican said the Bush administration’s security reassurances were not adequate.

No sh-t, Sherlock!

Can it be? At least some of the Donks show signs of adopting a good issue? If the GOP establishment doesn’t look out this can be a real problem if they find themselves politically outflanked on the RIGHT (!) by this one.

Democrats also are threatening legislation to block foreign governments from operating U.S. ports. “I think we’ve got to look into this company. I think we’ve got to ensure ourselves that the American people’s national-security interests are going to be protected,” said Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana Democrat. “And frankly, I think the threshold ought to be a little higher for a foreign firm. There can’t be a choice between profits and protecting the American people.”

He makes a lot of sense in this quote at least.

Concerns About Ports Management Deal

Last week the Chief was quick to respond to the plan for a Dubai based outfit to take over management of a number od critical east and gulf coast ports. 3

In response, as the controversy has taken off there are a couple of interesting and contradictory responses to the plan.

Firstly, Homeland (In)Security secretary Vladimir Ulyanov Chertoff declared: “¡NO PROBLEMO, SENORES!”:
Chertoff says Dubai port deal includes safeguards

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the Bush administration had approved the sale of British firm P&O, which manages six U.S. ports including New York, to Dubai Ports World after a classified review and the deal would include safeguards to protect U.S. national security. “You can be assured that before a deal is approved we put safeguards in place, assurances in place, that make everybody comfortable that we are where we need to be from a national security viewpoint,” Chertoff said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”

This is supposed to be reassuring or something? What credibility is there to THIS when they haven’t yet gotten around to seriously addressing the virtually complete lack of border security on the Mexican border?

MEANWHILE, back at the ranch:

Congressmen threaten probe of U.S. seaports deal

This is an issue I frankly hope that the administration gets HAMMERED on to such an extent, that it finally wakes up and smells the smoke of their political edifice going up in flames.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle yesterday threatened a congressional investigation of a deal to give control of six U.S. seaports to an Arab company, while one key Republican said the Bush administration’s security reassurances were not adequate.

No sh-t, Sherlock!

Can it be? At least some of the Donks show signs of adopting a good issue? If the GOP establishment doesn’t look out this can be a real problem if they find themselves politically outflanked on the RIGHT (!) by this one.

Democrats also are threatening legislation to block foreign governments from operating U.S. ports. “I think we’ve got to look into this company. I think we’ve got to ensure ourselves that the American people’s national-security interests are going to be protected,” said Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana Democrat. “And frankly, I think the threshold ought to be a little higher for a foreign firm. There can’t be a choice between profits and protecting the American people.”

He makes a lot of sense in this quote at least.

Jihadistan Attacts Continue

Danish apology fails to quell Muslim anger

Muslim extremists attacked churches at the weekend as the row over the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed continued to spread despite an apology from the Danish newspaper that first published them.

So what did they really expect? Apparently the Eurabians haven’t really got it yet – apologizing these people is wholly inadequate to excuse the inescapable fact of being non-Islamic. Trying to appease the Islamofascists of the world is always destined to be an exercise in the futility of self-imposed dhimmitude.

At least 41 people have now died since the row ignited last month, following the intervention of political and religious leaders in the Arab world. Churches in Nigeria, Libya and Pakistan, as well as the US embassy in Indonesia, were attacked at the weekend and extremists fought running battles with police in the Pakistan capital, Islamabad.

What is the connection between Christian churches in Nigeria, Libya, and Pakistan, and the notorious cartooms from a Danish newspaper? The only possible link is the shared fact of being infidels in Islamofascist eyes.

Appeasement won’t work now any more than it did for Chamberlain in the 1930’s.


Photos of the First Few Microseconds of an Atomic Blast

Ever wondered what an atomic blast looks like before it obliterates everything around it? Before the smoke, the mushroom cloud, the devastation, it’s really quite amazing to see the first few fractions of an atomic bomb upon detonation.

This site has some snapshots of same, made by the grand guru of high-speed photography, Harold Edgerton. Truly amazing!

Here’s ONE of several – check it out on the original site – there’s a bit more information on the techniques used, also.

Click on image for larger view.

Space Elevator Update

Second Round of Tests

LiftPort Group, a consortium dedicated to building a geosynchronous space elevator system is proceeding with development and engineering testing, as has been noted previously by the Chief.

In this phase of testing, conducted earlier this month in Arizona, LiftPort successfully launched an observation and communication platform a full mile in the air and maintained it in a stationary position for more than six hours while robotic lifters climbed up and down a ribbon attached to the platform. The platform, a proprietary system that the company has named “HALE” (High Altitude Long Endurance), was secured in place by an arrangement of high altitude balloons, which were also used to launch it. The robotic lifters measured five feet, six inches and climbed to a height of more than 1500 feet, surpassing its last test record by more than 500 feet.

This is a truly radical engineering project, that can revolutionize our ability to get easily into orbital space. Then, lthe sky’s NOT the limit!

Pols Circle the Wagons Against JAIL Amendment

Senate bill condemns judicial accountability amendment

Nothing new here. The pols have universally circled their wagons and “lagered up”. (Hmmmm. In this case does it have anything to do with the OTHER more commonly used meaning of “lager”? Never mind -let’s not go there.)

Again, the Chief has read this proposal through, and he does NOT see the sorts of things that the legislators have been fulminating against. It seems pretty clear to me – and I have yet to hear or see any clarification that would tend to make me change my mind, but I will admit to being open-minded on the issue.

I guess I’m almost cynical enough to think that anything that the power establishment despises so universally MUST have a real point to it.

A Lesson in Applied Physics

Driver hurt when car collides with train
He Fought the Law (of physics) but the Law Won!

It’s a simple application: momentum = mass x velocity.
Greater mass = more momentum, and more force that can act on other objects.

Train = BIG mass,
Pickup Truck = MUCH smaller mass.

Truck will lose a fight with a train.

Roger Risty, 54, was driving a Chevy truck north near the Sioux Empire Fairgrounds entrance. At about 9:20 a.m. Risty struck the first of five railroad cars being pushed across the road by an Ellis & Eastern locomotive.

(Risty) was cited this morning for failure to stop after he crashed into a slow-moving railroad car on Lyons Blvd.
Risty declined ambulance service but was treated at a hospital for minor injuries. The train sustained about $1,000 worth of damage, but the truck took an estimated $20,000 hit.

Final score: Train 1 / Pickup 0.

Kelo vs. New London Backlash

Eminent-domain bill clears Senate

As noted earlier, there has been a lot of controversy generated by the SCOTUS decision in Kelo v. New London that affirmed that governmental bodies had the right to sieze property using eminent domain, in order to turn it over to another private owner for re-development that would yield a higher tax rake-off to the locality in question.

This method of “revenue enhancement” (read: tax increase) is soon to be totally off the table in South Dakota, with the House and Senate both having approved a measure forbidding this use of eminent domain.

Calling it a model of legislative cooperation, the South Dakota Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed a measure that is designed to protect private-property rights. “This bill is truly a work of art,” Senate Minority Leader Garry Moore, D-Yankton, said. Moore commended HB1080’s chief sponsors, Sen. Jim Lintz, R-Hermosa, and House Majority Leader Larry Rhoden, R-Union Center, for working with interested parties in crafting the legislation. HB1080, which ensures that government agencies cannot condemn land for economic development, stems from a controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision last summer regarding eminent domain.

Although this has not (yet) been a problem in SD as it has in other states, this measure is a welcome protection from this form of attack on private property rights. Kudos to BOTH parties up at Pierre, who overwhelmingly supported this act.

Now HERE’s a Shocking Development – NOT!

Hillary promotes expanding federal health care coverage

THe Chief wonders why this is news? This is just what Hillary does, because she’s Hillary. The only thing new is that, like the undead, she is back to heathcare again, since she dodged the wooden stake in the heart the first time around.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday told AARP that she still bears “scars” from her failed health care proposal 13 years ago, but the same problems she tried to address are back, and the atmosphere is ripe to make health care more cost efficient and accessible.

“…more cost efficient and accessible”? Unpacking the meaning from libDonk Newspeak to Oldspeak is informative.
“cost efficient” = eliminating all that wasteful private sector competition
“accessible” = everyone will have the same access to the same program: National(ized) Socialist healthcare for all.

Go for it Hil – it’ll do your ’08 plans as much (or as little) good as your efforts did for you before – fortunately!

Italian Gov’t Minister has Onions!

Italian minister puts Mohammad cartoon on T-shirts

Flying in the face of Eurabian political correctness and diversity, an Italian government minister is using the Mohammedan cartoon controversy to make a sharp point to the Islamofascist-minded abd their ilk, showing that onions can still be a part of the Italian political kitchen.

Italy’s Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli has had T-shirts made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move that could embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s government. Calderoli, a member of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, told Ansa news agency on Tuesday that the West had to stand up against Islamist extremists and offered to hand out T-shirts to anyone who wanted them.

(Side question: “Reform Minister”? They have a cabinet minister concerned specifically with reform? Somehow the concept seems somewhat oxymoronic to the Chief.)

It gets even better:

He said the T-shirts were not meant to be a provocation but added that he saw no point trying to appease extremists. “We have to put an end to this story that we can talk to these people. They only want to humiliate people. Full stop. And what are we becoming? The civilization of melted butter?” Calderoli said.

The Northern League, which is gearing up for an April general election, has leapt on the controversy to promote its own far-right political agenda. The League has long led the charge against illegal immigration and its leaders say the cartoon violence shows the dangers of allowing Muslim immigrants to settle in Italy. “This is only the tip of the iceberg of the religious war Islamist extremists have declared on us,” Calderoli told reporters earlier this month.

Nothing like calling a spade a spade!

The Chief has to admit that he likes this “Northern League” party. I have followed them for a number of years, and the chief (possible pun alert!) problem noted is that they regularly get charged with being a retreaded version of the old Fascisti – but then so are Dubya and the GOP over here, so who cares what the moonbats say anyway!

DUH! Who Would Have EVER Guessed!!

Money really doesn’t buy happiness, study finds

The Chief might have guessed that this is a real “no-brainer”, but apparently there was enough plausible question for someone to snag a grant for an academic study. (A nice racket there, eh?)

Money doesn’t buy happiness, and now there’s a study to prove it. Australian researchers found that people in well-off Sydney are among the most miserable in the country, while those in some of the poorest areas are much more satisfied with their lives.

“Only at very, very high levels does money actually have any impact to act as a buffer,” said Deakin University researcher Liz Eckerman. “Money doesn’t actually buy happiness and that’s what was shown very clearly for the nearly 23,000 people we’ve interviewed so far,” she told ABC radio.

’nuff said.

MSM on the hunt after shooting accident

White House under fire in Cheney shooting accident

This is yet another example of the MSM if not quite at it’s worst, at least approaching that neighborhood.

President George W. Bush knew hours after Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fellow quail hunter but the White House came under fire on Monday for not making the information public until the next day.

Notice here, the story has nothing to do with any of the circumstances of the hunting accident in question, but essentially the MSM’s concern with it’s own nose gettin gout of joint because THEY weren’t IMMEDIATELY informed of EVERYTHING, INSTANTLY!

Of course they didn’t think the V.P. was dong anything important enough to have coverage on before this, and, although ALL accidental events are regretable, this one actually had a pretty good outcome, all things considered – no permanent injury or loss of life.

In a testy exchange with reporters on Monday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan was bombarded with questions about the propriety of a private citizen making public a shooting incident involving the vice president and whether Cheney had followed White House protocol.

Let’s se now – a private owner reporting an accident that occurred with no one engaged in and sort of official action, on non-official status, on private property. What Executive Branch function applies here? None that is noticeable to an observer with enough ability to find their own backside without a flashlight. OK, maybe that DOESN’t apply to MSM reporters – never mind. To illustrate this inability, consider the following:

“The vice president spoke with Mrs. Katharine Armstrong, and they agreed that she should make that information public. She was an eyewitness. She saw what occurred and she called her local paper to provide those facts,” McClellan said. Armstrong said it wasn’t until Sunday that she telephoned the Caller-Times. She did not notify the national media or the White House press corps

Isn’t there a reason why they are called “reporters”? Doesn’t the job description involve GATHERING NEWS in order to then report on it? It isn’t necessarily anyone’s job (unless they are a PR flack or press secretary) to hand out information to reporters on a silver platter.

An additional thought: the MSM is squawking about the timeliness of the information. Is there anything that this 18 hour delay did that had a deleterious effect on the state of the nation, or the state of your life? — Nope, not to me either!

Here in South Dakota “upland game bird” for pheasant especially, hunting is a very BIG deal indeed. In fact, the Veep himself has availed himself of the opportunity to pursue the noble pheasant in South Dakota on occasion. Accidents like the one in question have been known to occur occasionally in the hunting environment.

In the normal course of events, an accident with no more seriousness than this one would probably be covered in the local county paper, and not much else. Sort of like what is described above my Mrs. Armstrong – something to note, but not THAT big of a deal!

Dare one venture the thought that the REAL agenda here happens to be taking maximum advantage of finding and using ANYTHING to try to flog the administration with? Sort of smells that way to the Chief.

Iranian Prez Still on a Roll

“Myth of the Holocaust” & a Message to “Aggressive European Governments…and the Great Satan”

Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad continues to show that his mind is untroubled by rationality. This video clip on MEMRI has some transcript.

“As I have said before, as far as several aggressive European governments are concerned, and as far as the Great Satan [the U.S.] is concerned, it is permissible to harm the honor of the divine prophets, but it is a crime to ask questions about the myth of the Holocaust, and about how the false regime occupying Palestine came into being.

“Until now, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been operating, on nuclear affairs, within the framework of the IAEA and the NPT.

OK. They have been operating…within the framework…Sure, the framework is thee, and they’ve been operating in spite of it.

“You have destroyed the prestige of the NPT. You should know that the Iranian people will not give up its indisputable right. Hear this: This is the voice of the Iranian people. It is expressing its opinion about nuclear energy clearly. Hear this:”
Crowd: “Nuclear energy is our indisputable right.
“Nuclear energy is our indisputable right.
“Nuclear energy is our indisputable right.
“Nuclear energy is our indisputable right.”

Now THERE’S a catchy popular and spontaneous chant for a crowd!?

“You should be grateful that our people has acted nobly towards you so far, and has been patient.

Right, they’ve been noble and patient, ever since the hostage-taking back in ’79 under the attempted leadership of Jimmuh the Peanut Vendor.

We want to remain patient. Don’t make us lose our patience.

There seems to be some major confusion here between patience and patients. They think they have patience but they really should be patients – in a mental ward.

The peoples have awakened. The world of Islam has awakened.

What’s left to be said?

Deus vult!

Border Security? What’s that?

UAE firm eyeing U.S. ports

The administration seems to be determined to continue and extend it’s Alfred E. Neuman (of Mad magazine) policy of border security: “What, me worry?”

A company in the United Arab Emirates is poised to take over significant operations at six American ports as part of a corporate sale, leaving a country with ties to the September 11 hijackers with influence over a maritime industry considered vulnerable to terrorism.

Between the spotty enforcement on the Mexican border, and this potential open gate via shipping ports, it’s a wonder that anyone thinks thet we have ANY border left at all.

This is the one area where the Chief absolutely thinks that the Bush administration has proven itself to be totally feckless and malfeasant in office, but hey, who’s keeping track? No one except Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, and a few others.

Winter Olympics Opening –

Scenario Designed by Fellini?

Although it’s a couple days ago, this just HAS to be noted. I guess you have to be Euro or engaged in some form of psychoactive experimental recreational pharmaceutical products to get it. The Chief and Mrs. Chief were both amazed and astounded at the Olympic opening festivities.

The preliminary part of it was reminescent of Disney’s Fantasia “Night on Bald Mountain” with the writhing collections of dancing(?) figures in a hellish looking red-orange environment, further emphasized by periodic appearances of napalm-flame-head skaters. When this was followed by the herd of randomly stampeding plastic cows on ice, along with the dancers wearing Gateway (computers) style cow spots, we were frankly reduced to laughter at the site.

We agreed that we did have sympathy and appreciation for the folk also involved, seemingly as an afterthought, who were showcasing some apparently traditional Italo-Alpine costume and dance.

The entry of the athletes was all well and good, although NBC’s editorial commenting on the political and social travails of the various participating nations as their delegations entered was anything but appropriate for an Olympic celebration, but then again, when they saddle the sports coverage with a so-called news anchor, what else could be expected? That’s what they do!

Overall, it was a waste of HD, but the Chief HAS to concede that the featured Ferrari F-1 car was way cool.

Nuclear Countdown re-Started by Tehran

Iran plant ‘has restarted its nuclear bomb-making equipment’

Iran’s controversial Natanz uranium processing plant has successfully restarted the sophisticated equipment that could enable it to produce material for nuclear warheads, according to reports received by Western intelligence.

In the past few days Iranian nuclear scientists have reportedly restarted four of the centrifuges required to produce weapons-grade uranium, and have begun feeding them with uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas, a key component in the production of nuclear bombs.

OK. Iran has now raised the stakes and called the bluff of the world. Who’s going to make the next play?

State Plan for Self-Defense to Fill Security Void at Border

Ariz. Weighs Options for Border Patrol

WIth the Feds refusing to take advantage of the authorized incresaed levels of Border Patrol manning levels, Arizona is looking at taking the law into its own hands, on the state level with an Arizona State Border Patrol.

As public frustration grows over the state’s porous border with Mexico, the once-rejected notion of using state police to supplement federal patrols is gaining traction. One state lawmaker’s plan includes $20 million for the Arizona Department of Public Safety to run a 100-member squad to operate surveillance equipment, construct border barriers, target drug and immigrant smugglers and perhaps patrol the border.

This is generating a lot of interest, both negative and positive. Of course the groups that support the open border are scandalized that anyone would actually have the onions to step in and act after they have successfully emasculated the Federal response on the border.

The Chief thinks that it’s a dereliction of duty and a violation of the oath of office of the executive branch to refuse to act to enforce the law at the border. Given the Federal fecklessness, it makes a lot of sense for the states to assume the grip on the loose reins and to reassert that part of their original soveriegnty that the Feds have abdicated.

Bolivian Minister Stoned Out of His Gourd

What elese could account for this?

Foreign minister’s call to feed children coca

This little item was in the Scotsman. It’s so short, I’ll quote it verbatim. This is from the leaders of an actual soveriegn nation?

BOLIVIA’S foreign minister says coca leaves, the raw material for cocaine, should be on school breakfast menus.

“Coca has more calcium than milk,” argues David Choquehuanca.

So much for the old Marxist saw that “Religion is the opiate of the people.” Now, cocaine will fill the bill directly!

Toward a Solution of the Islamofascist Problem

Confronting the “Religion of Peace”

You’ve gotta love the Emperor Misha at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. The inimitable style of invective of him and his minions is guaranteed to get your attention (as long as you don’t dislike extremely colorful language too much).

Every so often, Darth Misha sits back, takes a breath, and spills forth with some extremely thoughtful and well reasoned historical analysis. This piece is one of those efforts, and a worthy one it is! In the Chief’s humble opinion, the logical development leading to his pithy conclusion is well worth examination and pondering.

I can’t resist repeating his concluding kernal of hard truth:

If we truly want to mobilize the moderate muslims, the ones that just want to practice their faith in peace like we do, then we’ve got to make it abundantly clear that we’ll destroy anybody, without mercy, that stands in the way of that.

THAT is how we win the hearts and minds of the muslim world. We win them by letting them know that we’ll kill anybody trying to hurt them and that we won’t back down until final victory is here…

Check it out – like I said, it’s worth a look-see, Misha has nailed down a hard historical truth.

Donk Filibuster Hopes Die

Patriot Act Compromise Clears Way for Senate Vote

Enough was revised in the Patriot Act renewal that Sen. Sununu, sometime RINO from NH, and other GOP doubters can climb on board. With the Donks that are also willing to go along, the train is pulling out of the station, and the filibuster threat is effectively eliminated.

Efforts to extend the USA Patriot Act cleared a major hurdle yesterday when the White House and key senators agreed to revisions that are virtually certain to secure Senate passage and likely to win House approval, congressional leaders said.

The Chief didn’t really think there was much problem before, and the changes don’t seem to really be that big of deal either, but when needs must, the devil drives. If it makes ’em feel better about passing it, then so be it, and finally get the job done.

SD Abortion Challenges Continue to Move Against Death Culture

Some related items concerning the active moves against abortion that are percolating in the current South Dakota legislative session:

Abortion ban clears committee

After hearing familiar arguments and emotional testimony, a legislative committee on Wednesday approved a measure that would ban nearly all abortions in South Dakota. “In all honesty, it will generate litigation leading toward the repeal of Roe v. Wade,” Rep. Roger Hunt, R-Brandon, the chief sponsor of HB1215, told members of the House State Affairs Committee and a standing-room-only audience, referring to the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld a woman’s right to have an abortion.

When questioned about the cost of fighting such a battle, Hunt said an anonymous donor has pledged $1 million to help fund it. “When we have thought something is right, we have not been concerned with the cost,” Hunt said.

OK. That is aiming at a possible SCOTUS action to review Roe v Wade on the Federal level. The state constitutional issue is also not being neglected:

Abortion amendment endorsed

A state legislative committee on Wednesday endorsed a proposal that would make it clear that the South Dakota Constitution does not grant any right to an abortion. The Senate State Affairs Committee unanimously endorsed the proposed constitutional amendment. If the Legislature gives final approval to SJR2, the change would be put to a public vote in the November election.

The measure would add language to the constitution saying: “This Constitution shall not be construed to grant any right relating to abortion.”

Predictable, the State Planned Parenthood person and other Donks were of course fulminating against all of this, but polling showing 62% popular approval seems to be adequate to keep the bills moving.

Donk Leader Tied to “GOP” Lobbyist

Abramoff Team and Reid’s Office Had Frequent Contact, Records Show

Donk SenateMinority Leader (Dingy) Harry Reid of NV has had no hesitation for criticising GOP for having links and contacts with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Apparently he is untroubled by inconsistancy, to judge from his record as noted in the Washington Post of all places:

Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid wrote at least four letters helpful to Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff, and Reid’s staff had frequent contact with the disgraced lobbyist’s team about legislation.

The activities — detailed in previously unreported billing records and correspondence — occurred over three years as Reid (D-Nev.) collected nearly $68,000 in political donations from Abramoff’s firm, lobbying partners and clients.

Things like this, (along with Daschle’s similar response to being identified with $10k’s of Abramoff money) are the reason why this will NOT prove to be the club the Donks were going to use to belabor the GOP out of their dominant position.

Resource Shortages? What resource shortages!

Asteroid Mining: Key to the Space Economy

One of the stated concerns of moonbats is a supposed shortage of mineral resources in a “finite world”. Since this was first bruited about by the likes of Paul Erlich, the forecasts of a mineral commodity supply crash have been mugged by the reality of increasing supplies and decreasing prices of same in most, if not all, cases.

The moves towards a sustainable space presence also move us towards what would be an effective and practical way to access and utilize selected asteroids as sources of metals.

THAT would be the final (at last!) knell of one of the moonbat enviros favorite clubs to beat on technological civilization.

ZD-Net Editor: DRM = CRAP!

A load of C.R.A.P.

D.R.M. stands for Digital Rights Management, which is technology that is designed to prevent bootleg reproduction of audio-video media. Not stopping there, it also prevents youi from transferring LEGALLY PURCHASED media content between different playback devices that do not have the compatible DRM built into it. So, all the media providers use compatible DRM – right? WRONG!

For example, if you purchase some music legally on a CD, DRM could prevent you from playing it on a PC (It’s a CD, get it? It ONLY plays on a CD player!) Or a legally paid for downloaded tune might play on an I-Pod, but would be untransferable to a PC, or any other form of playback device you use that does not have Apple’s compatible DRM built into it to allow you to play it.

The result will be that Sony content could require a Sony player, content acquired from Apple would require their device, and Microsoft content could only be played on a device licensed by them for their content. Remember, this is assuming it to all be legally purchased content, licensed (allegedly) for your personal use under copyright provisions.

The writer here inveighs against DRM which he has re-defined as CRAP: Content, Restriction, Annulment and Protection. The Chief finds nothing to argue with in his piece. Check it out for yourself.

SD Abortion Challenge Moves Along

House panel approves abortion ban

SD Rep. Roger Hunt (R-Brandon) has proposed an abortion bill, that if approved, is guaranteed to be challenged in the courts, which is just what Rep. Hunt would like:

Rep. Roger Hunt, R-Brandon, acknowledged that the measure will be challenged in court if it wins final legislative approval. But he said recent changes on the U.S. Supreme Court mean the nation’s highest court may be ready to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion. Hunt said advances in science have demonstrated that human life begins at fertilization, so the state should protect the lives of unborn children.

It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.

Legislative Report

Sibby Carries the Mail on This!

The Chief was about to buckle down and go through a blow-by-blow sitrep on some of the more salient features of the current legislative session, when he discovered that Sibby was already doing a yeoman’s job of it!

One could do far worse than to check it out, to keep track of what the legislators (and the legislooters who serve with them) are up to in Pierre.

Not Really Anything New!

Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons

IRAN’S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.
“It will be an international cartoon contest about the Holocaust,” said Farid Mortazavi, the graphics editor for Hamshahri newspaper – which is published by Teheran’s conservative municipality. He said the plan was to turn the tables on the assertion that newspapers can print offensive material in the name of freedom of expression.

I guess this is supposed ot hurt or something. It’s just the sort of thing that the Islamofascist regime Of Iran does anyway, from it’s President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad on down, so what’s the big shocking change that’s supposed to get us riled up?

“The Western papers printed these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext of freedom of expression, so let’s see if they mean what they say and also print these Holocaust cartoons,” he said.

Somehow the Chief is confident that these WILL be easily accessible in the sestern media, if for no other reason than to be just one more piece of evidence as to how far from reality the current Iranian government’s point of view is. Another thought is that there won’t be angry Jews going out and burning down Iranian embassies around the world – although perhaps it would be an improvement if they did so!

Admin Continues Open Border Policies

Request falls short of full funding for border agents

This was signalled in the State of the Union when the Pres failed to mention anything about the border problems. It looks like Bush’s recurrent RINO-virus is acting up again.

President Bush’s new budget again fails to fund the entire number of Border Patrol agents mandated by Congress but for the first time includes funds for his proposed guest-worker program.

This is just insane! It puts the cart in front of the horse. No “guest worker” scheme can even come close to being enforceable as long as there are not enough people to actually perform the enforcement!

“It’s a very strong budget, and the request clearly reflects the priority that is placed on securing our borders,” said Department of Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke…

Yeah right…and it’s a form of straightening deck chairs on the Titanic…a wasted effort, but with a few things being done to allow for serious bloviating to the effect that “We’re really taking care of everything”.

What a sad joke, and meanwhile, our borders continue to be wide open, and vulnerable to raids by the Mexican Army, as well as the usual run of illegal immigrants, smugglers, and, dare one say el Qaida?!