Carter Seeks Vote in U.N. Against U.S.
In one of the biggest exercises of pure unmitigated bovine manure, Jimmuh Peanut Carter, the all-time worst foriegn policy president in American history, is unhappy with the US for trying to reform the UN Human Rights Commission to make it more responsive to…well, human rights!
According to the Georgia peanut-vendor, this move to limit such luminaries of individualism as Cuba, Pakistan, and Egypt from advocating their version of human rights from within the UN (dis)Organization is NOT a good thing!
President Carter personally called Secretary of State Rice to try to convince her to reverse her U.N. ambassador’s position on changes to the U.N. Human Rights Commission, the former president recalled yesterday in a talk in which he also criticized President Bush’s Christian bona fides and misstated past American policies on Israel.
Carter has left the world of the moonbat far behind him, and by working for a newspeak world where police-state dictatorships set the “standard” for individual rights (or the lack thereof) he has become what the Chief can only consider to be a truly evil person.
He has also appointed himself to be a sort of Protestant Pope, with the authority to issue ex cathedra proclamations of orthodoxy or heresy against those who fail to follow HIS personal version of Christianity.
Asked yesterday about his views on religion, Mr. Carter said, “The essence of my faith is one of peace.” In a clear swipe at Mr. Bush’s faith, and to a round of applause, he then added, “We worship the prince of peace, not of pre-emptive war.” Mr. Carter then went on to attack American Christians who support Israel.
The very NERVE of any Christians to support those Jews! Can’t they remember who killed Chr…never mind.
He also reiterated his known view that most of the problems in the Israeli-Arab front derive from Israel’s settlement policies and its building of a defensive barrier in what he insisted on calling “Palestine.”
Once again it seems, it’s the evil Jews behind all the problems of world peace! Oh darn – if only those pesky Israelis would stop defending themselves, then there would be the final solution once and for all!
If this sort of attitude isn’t EVIL, then what is?