Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dragon Going to the Moon, Eagle Getting Left Behind

U.S. Losing Unofficial Space Race, Congressmen Say

Some congressmen believe the United States and China are in an unacknowledged space race that this country could lose if it doesn’t spend more money on the civilian space program.

DUH! No shit, Sherlocks!

The communist nation’s military runs its manned space program, employs an estimated 200,000 workers and has set a goal of putting an astronaut on the moon by 2017. By contrast, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a civilian government program with a limited budget that directly employs fewer than 20,000 civil servants and has lost the commanding lead it once held over the rest of the world in human space exploration.

Like the song says: “Every picture tells a story, don’t it!”

We had best get off our butts on this, or we will find ourselves in deep dung indeed if the ChiComs are able to hold the ultimate high ground.

Former Gov Sells Out

Janklow to fight DM&E

Former U.S. Rep. Bill Janklow confirmed Friday that he is working as a consultant with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., to fight a controversial expansion plan by the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad that would increase rail traffic past the world-renowned clinic.

Former Congresscritter & Governor Bill Yanklow Janklow has run a political stop sign and knocked the economic development of the state that he formerly claimed to serve into the ditch along the side of the tracks.

Janklow denied that he was trying to kill the project.

Sure has a funny way of supporting it.

He also slammed Schieffer and DM&E for “running roughshod over people”…

Excuse me? A comment about “RUNNING OVER PEOPLE”? This has GOT to be one of the most surrealistically unfortunate uses of a phrase that the Chief has run across in a LONG time!!!!!

“I’ve always believed in the concept of this project. I have never believed in the integrity of Kevin Schieffer,” Janklow said.

So what’s THIS about? Never let a chance to let a policy issue interfere with a chance to get in some personal payback – especially when it goes along with the chance to get a cash payback at the same time.

The Chief has had a lot of respect for a lot of what former Gov. Bill accomplished in his long history of public life. It’s sad to see it look like a baseball pitcher trying for one more season, after he’s lost his stuff. Sic transit gloria mundi.


FIRST Robotics Denver Regional Competition

Blogging has been in a hiatus due to the Chief taking the school’s Inter-Tribal Robotics Group to the above noted competition.

Here’s a Denver news story that reports on the event, and includes comments from one of the schools’ team members.

This is a REALLY neat program for students (and others) to be engaged in. For moe information, check here – this SHOULD be at a school near you if it isn’t already!

British Law – What NOT to do!

Some thoughts on the current state of the legla system over across the pond, that libDonks are so impressed with when it comes to anti-gun policies.

OK, so the Brits have lost their rights to self defense, but not to fear, the government is taking care of things properly so one doesn’t have to worry about it individually, right? Welllllll…maybe not.

Crime and capitulation

Each week, a murder or rape is committed by offenders supposedly under supervision. Yet, even knee-deep in evidence of its own failure, the National Probation Service cannot acknowledge its inability to reform these criminals. It is all a deadly con trick, writes David Fraser, who spent years working in the service

When I read that four of the six men who raped, tortured and then murdered the schoolgirl Maryann Leneghan were on probation, I felt angry and desperately sad. But I was not in the least surprised: I realised long ago that probation is a gigantic con trick played on the public.

Hmmmmm. Sort of reminds one of recent cases here with recidivist predators returning to their old habits with nary a blink of official concern until someone else turns up dead.

When a ‘life sentence’ means just 15 months in jail

Criminals are being released from jail little more than a year after they have been sentenced to life imprisonment, the Government has admitted. One offender was freed only 15 months after a life sentence was imposed. Another was jailed for life with a recommendation that he should serve just 16 months.

Sheesh! “I complained because I had no shoes, then I met a man with no feet.”

At least we aren’t QUITE that bad yet, in spite of the best efforts of the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU).

Republic? Yes! // Democracy? No!

SD Blogospheric Discussion of Democracy

There is some blogging traffic concerning the benefits of democracy, stimulated by the continuing debate over the SD abortion law that was recently passed. The Chief will avoic commenting on THAT at this time – I have other fish to fry here.

Firstly, CCK and others of that ilk commenting on his site appear to be offended by the concept that a representative republic actually has authority to pass laws without direct democratic approval. (Or is the problem here that it is without Democratic approval?)

Whether or not one agrees with the point he is making, Chat at SD WAtch goes on to pour more vitriol into the mix, stating that there is “hatred for democracy” being expressed in SD. (“There’s Trouble right here in River City!”)

Horrors! How evil and diabolical to oppose DEMOCRACY!

Sibby commnents on this at some length by presenting a very good history lesson on the difference between democracy and a republic. It’s worth a look for sure. Going back into history, the Chief cannot find any examples of true democratic rule that had a good outcome, either for itself, or anyone else.

That’s why we have a Constitutionally based legal government that was specifically designed to limit both the scope of the government to act arbitrarily, AND to exclude direct democratic control of the government.

Government by popular feeling or emotion is just as arbitrary and tyrannical in it’s authority as any other form of authoritarianism. It was one of the arguments of the Revolutionary War era loyalists that they could see no advantage over being ruled by 3000 tyrants one mile away, instead of one tyrant 3000 miles away.

Fortunately, with the initiation of the Constitutional system, both of these undesired alternatives have been held at bay – at least until now.

What’s the solution to Chad and Todd’s unhappiness over the limiting of democracy/Democracy? Win some elections if you can – they your guys get to pass the laws for a while. That’s what it means to have a republican government.

It’s interesting that for once it seems that the names of the political parties is actually beginning to mean something. The Epps/Schuldt Democrats truly are democrats, who do not want to continue to live (or have the rest of us live) under the republican government established by the constitution, with all those pesky limits to untrammeled expression of the “popular will” of the moment.

The Chief knows there are some good Democrats around, both in SD and nationally, but all too often they are over-ridden by the other democrats, to the detriment of their own party, as witnessed by their election results.

Heil Harvard! (Part II)

Harvard’s Paper on Israel Drew From Neo-Nazi Sites

When this article came out, it attracted early criticism as noted previously here by the Chief. Now there’s more information available on the contents of Harvard’s little exercise in latter-day Nazi-like anti-semitism.

A prominent Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, is alleging that the authors of a Harvard Kennedy School paper about the “Israel lobby,” one of which is the Kennedy School’s academic dean, culled sections of the paper from neo-Nazi and other anti-Israel hate Web sites.

“What we’re discovering first of all is that the quotes that they use are not only wrenched out of context, but they are the common quotes that appear on hate sites,” Mr. Dershowitz, who is identified in the paper as part of the “lobby,” told The New York Sun yesterday. “The wrenching out of context is done by the hate sites,and then [the authors] cite them to the original sources, in order to disguise the fact that they’ve gotten them from hate sites.”

What else is needed to highlight the sorry state of some of what passes for higher education these days.

ChiComs Using Recycled Human Remains

Report: Cosmetics firm using remains of executed Chinese

What’s to say about this? What can be said? THis is fully in the spirit of the Nazi industrial murder factories in its casual treatment of humans as just another source of commodities for use as industrial feedstocks.

A Chinese cosmetics company has been using skin taken from the bodies of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe, a London newspaper reported. An agent for the company informed customers it is developing collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments from skin taken from prisoners after they had been shot.

The agent said some of the company’s products have been exported to Britain, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts was “traditional” and nothing to “make such a big fuss about,” the Guardian reported.

Nothing to “make such a big fus about” they say.

Why do we even WANT to have ANYTHING to do with that government? Remember, they ARE Communists, and don’t allow ANYTHING to go on without at least tacit state approval.

ChiComs To Check for Nukes in US Ports??!!!!!

U.S. Hires Foreign Firm to Help Detect Nuclear Materials at Bahamas Port

What’s wrong with this picture?

In the aftermath of the Dubai ports dispute, the Bush administration is hiring a Hong Kong conglomerate to help detect nuclear materials inside cargo passing through the Bahamas to the United States and elsewhere.

The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. represents the first time a foreign company will be involved in running a sophisticated U.S. radiation detector at an overseas port without American customs agents present.

The folks in the White House have got to be losing their political marbles! What’s wrong with this indeed:
– Hutchinson Whampoa is a ChiCom outfit for crying out loud! Could anyone imagine turning over this sort of security to the USSR during the cold war???? The Chief fails to fall for the argument that the ChiComs are significantly any better than the Soviets were. The ChiComs have certainly killed off as many or more of their own people as the Soviets did in their bad old days of Uncle Joe Stalin et al.
– ChiCOm military leaders have repeatedly sabre-rattled by threatening nuclear consequences to the US over policy disagrements. (Remember, these guys’ employees to protect us against nuke infiltration!? Yeah, right!)
– Finally, yet another no-bid contract. They might as well just paint a bull’s eye on the White House, or tape a “kick me” sign on the President’s back. You just know where this will go before it’s done.

Unfortunately for the President it’ll mostly be justified, even if the motivations of the Donk critics will be based on their typical weaselly political motivations rather than any concern about the ChiComs.

Oh well – that’s what Donks do.

Feckless Weasel Threatens Filibuster

Reid Threatens Filibuster on Immigration

Once again the head senate Dork Donk (same difference!) has demonstrated his talent for placing political gamesmanship ahead of getting something done anout one of the biggest problems we have.

As the Senate prepares to tackle the most sweeping immigration reforms in years, a top Democrat vowed Wednesday to do everything in his power, including filibuster, to thwart Majority Leader Bill Frist’s proposed overhaul.

Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would “use every procedural means at my disposal” to prevent Frist from bypassing the Judiciary Committee. Frist, R-Tenn., has made clear the Senate will take up his proposal next week if the 18-member committee fails to complete a broader bill.

One can just imagine what that committee is cooking up – what with Kennedyu, and Leahy “at work” on it. Eeeeeuuuuu! Nasty!

UK Labourites With Continued Troubles

We want our money back

Labour was plunged into a full-blown financial crisis last night after millionaire businessmen embarrassed by the disclosure that they had made “secret” loans insisted on the party paying back at least £6.5 million.

The threat of Labour being bankrupted by the loans scandal came as Scotland Yard announced that it had opened an investigation into the alleged sale of peerages.

The Labour unraveling contininues with this, and with the other difficulties that Blair and others of his cabimet have been having.

In the Chief’s humble opinion, except for Blair’s staunch support of the terror wars, he’s done more harm than good to the fabric of Britain with many domestic policies that are at least on the edge of moonbattery, when not over the line.

ABM System Development Continues

Officials Map Out Test Milestones for Airborne Laser

The threat of cancellation no longer looms over the Pentagon’s Airborne Laser (ABL) effort, but senior program officials say they are taking nothing for granted as they prepare for a missile-intercept demonstration in 2008. Several clear test milestones have been laid out for the ABL in 2006 so that senior Missile Defense Agency (MDA) officials will be able to measure its progress, according to Air Force Col. John Daniels, the ABL’s program director.

Click on image to enlarge.

The ABL is a Boeing 747 aircraft being equipped with a high-powered chemical laser to destroy ballistic missiles in their boost phase. Boeing Co. of Chicago is the prime contactor on the effort.

It’s good to see our tax dollars being invested in something like this instead of building bridges to nowhere, etc.

Deus Vult!

Vatican change of heart over ‘barbaric’ Crusades

THE Vatican has begun moves to rehabilitate the Crusaders by sponsoring a conference at the weekend that portrays the Crusades as wars fought with the “noble aim” of regaining the Holy Land for Christianity.

Looks like P.C. diversity will only go so far at the Vatican. Although the Chief is certainly not a Catholic, this is a welcome development as it seeks to maintain some historical balance instead of continuing the politically correct cultural self-flagellation about this part of history.

ANOTHER Dubious Dubai Deal?

Dubai’s $1.2 Bln Bid for U.S. Weapons Maker Delayed

Is this “stuck on stupid” or what? Selling out a firm that manufactures military equipment to a Dubai outfit?

Dubai, which agreed this month to sell its interest in U.S. ports, said its $1.2 billion takeover of a U.K. company with U.S. plants that make military equipment is delayed while the authorities investigate security concerns.

Security concerns? DUH! I wonder what their first clue was on this one?

Dubai International Capital LLC, which is owned by the government of the Persian Gulf emirate, and Doncasters Group Ltd. agreed to delay the transaction by as many as two months from March 31 while government agencies review the purchase, Sameer Al Ansari, Dubai International’s chief executive, said in an interview today.

Delay the transaction? How about torpedoing the deal?

Heil Harvard!

Kalb Upbraids Harvard Dean Over Israel

This is ugly, and worthy of something from Teheran and/or the German 3rd Reich.

The furor over a paper co-authored by the academic dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government about what is described as the far-reaching influence of an “Israel lobby” intensified yesterday, as it drew sharp criticism from a prominent Kennedy School scholar, President Clinton’s special coordinator for the Middle East negotiations, and figures identified in the paper as members of the “lobby.”

The paper, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” was written by the Kennedy School’s Stephen Walt and a political science professor and the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, and published by the Kennedy School.

In the 83-page “working paper,” the professors allege that a vast network of journalists, think tanks, lobbyists, and largely Jewish officials have seized the foreign policy debate and manipulated America to invade Iraq. Components of the purported network include nine major publications, including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal; “Christian evangelicals” including Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson; top-ranking officials in the Bush administration, and scholars at nine think tanks, including the Brookings Institution.

The merits of this argument can be seen by those who have expressed agreement with it:

The paper has won praise from anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke, is being distributed by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mission to Washington, and has been lauded by a senior member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization.

The old fascism and the latter-day Islamofascism once again show their attitudinal affinity! Surprise, surprise, surprise!

One would expect better than this from Harvard, but then again, it DOES seem to hearken back to the bad old days of unspoken (and spoken) anti-Jewish quotas.

FEC to Bite 1st Amendment Again?

Bloggers from both sides oppose FEC regulations

This header is a SEVERE understatement as far as the Chief is concerned.

Conservative and liberal bloggers both worry their freedom of speech is threatened by proposed campaign-finance rules that seek to regulate online political speech.

“…to regulate online political speech.” This should be anathema! What’s not to be understood here: “no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”. Helloooo? Does the government still speak English, or is it just “Newspeak” now a la “1984”>

The Federal Election Commission is expected tomorrow to outline rules that could limit political Web logs and e-mail solicitations and would be similar to campaign-finance laws that apply to more traditional advocacy groups, such as the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association.

Frankly, this is NOT something that would be at all acceptable, and I have NO plans at all to modify ANYTHING that is happening on this blogsite.

If the FEC or some libDonk lackeys don’t like it, well, f-’em if they can’t take a joke.

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal’s New TV Channel

“The West’s Conflict With Islam & Muslims is Eternal”

It seems that the Saudi’s started up a new TV service:

Prince Al-Waleed told a press conference that his new channel, which according to The Saudi Gazette was a family channel, would “counteract the misconceptions about Islam in other societies,” as well as project Islam as a religion of moderation and tolerance and provide a platform for dialogue on religious, social, and economic issues.

OK. Sounds good, but what are our Saudi “friendly allies” putting out on their new media outlet to “…project Islam as a religion of moderation and tolerance…:

More Demography at Work

Where Did All the Children Go?

The Chief noted here a few days back, some pieces on demographic changes that spell hard times for Liberalism As We Know It.

Here’s something else that seems to relate – the loss of middle-class families from the urban environment, focusing attention on San Francisco as an archetype example of what’s happening. The article ascribes this to increasing costs of housing rather than moving away for social and (anti)cultural factors, but the Chief doubts this assertion is entirely true.

Even here on the wind-swept Dakota plains there are refugees from Californicatia and other such places who have noted the high costs where they came from, but even more so noted the change in the cultural atmosphere in flyover country as opposed to the coastal blue-fringe areas of the country.

“There’s a middle-class flight on both sides of the country,” said Frey, who has analyzed county-level census data on both coasts. He has found that real estate costs more than schools are driving the migration.


The trend has city officials worried about what the loss of these middle-class families will do to the vitality of their communities, and they are trying to find ways to stem the flow.

Maybe try cuttting taxes & grabbing houses with eminent domain actions to create a more family-home friendly environment, eh?

Blair Government takes Hits from Scandal

Revealed: Blair’s secret role in loans scandal

Evidence linking Tony Blair personally to the £14 million “loans for peerages” scandal engulfing Labour can be revealed today.

This one, along with a whole series of various irregularities (see additional sidebar links from the Telegraph) involving members of Blair’s cabinet have brought things to the point where a turnover at #10 Downing Street is getting closer and closer.

When President Bubba was elected, the MSM made much ado about Blair and Clinton’s political affinities, in the context of a much-ballyhooed “third way” that they allegedly represented. It turns out ultimately, that there was another serious affinity that they both apparently had of playing fast and loose when it came to political funding.

The only question the Chief has now, is how long Blair’s death-spiral will contintue until it reaches it’s inevitable end.

Iranian Exile Speaks Out

‘Only a fraction of Teheran’s brutality has come to light’

The Telegraph has this report on the sad conditions of the Islamofascist mullahcracy in Iran. Read it and weep!

She is the female figurehead of what she hopes will become a new Iranian revolution. Now, after almost 25 years in exile, the world is beginning to beat a path to her door. Maryam Rajavi wants those who visit her near Paris to know what sort of regime Iran’s mullahs are running.

As the leader of the largest exiled Iranian opposition group, she talks angrily of the 15-year-old boy flogged to death for eating during Ramadan, and the girl of 13 buried up to her neck and stoned for a similarly trivial “crime”.

When she describes the punishments meted out by Iran’s rulers, a picture of the limp bodies of two hanged men suspended from a crane is projected onto a screen. She waves a large bound book that, she says, contains the names of 21,676 people who have died resisting the clerical regime. Another 120,000 people have been executed since the mullahs took power in 1979, she claims. Now Iran’s rulers are trying to develop a nuclear weapon.

Of course there is more in this article. Encouragement, finance, and political support for folks like these could be a possible alternative to a military solution to Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad and the rest of his ilk in Teheran. Of course there IS a slight time factor what with the nuclear developments going on, so it may be a bit late for this already.

Still, this may provide a basis for a post-mullahcrat regime.

Taliban Still Active with Pakistani Help

Afghanistan and Pakistan and the Terror Way

This is a report that doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy towards Pakistan at all, and also highlights some other areas of concern, and some successes, and suggests that we might have a major problem to deal with there.

Check out the posting at Counter-terrorism Blog, and the entire article when it hits in the April Vanity Fair. (March is currently on-line – April to follow.)

Of course, as an alternative you CAN just continue to take the State Department’s word on the wonderful cooperation of the Pakistanis.

Demography Rules, Liberals Lose!

Here are a couple of articles from the same writer, both making the point that based on good old fashioned biology, that liberal dominance is ultimately doomed, although one suspects that there will always be a few residual moonbats just to keep things interesting & to remind us that it is human to err.

The liberal baby bust

What’s the difference between Seattle and Salt Lake City? There are many differences, of course, but here’s one you might not know. In Seattle, there are nearly 45% more dogs than children. In Salt Lake City, there are nearly 19% more kids than dogs.

This curious fact might at first seem trivial, but it reflects a much broader and little-noticed demographic trend that has deep implications for the future of global culture and politics. It’s not that people in a progressive city such as Seattle are so much fonder of dogs than are people in a conservative city such as Salt Lake City. It’s that progressives are so much less likely to have children.

The point of this is then….

Today, fertility correlates strongly with a wide range of political, cultural and religious attitudes. In the USA, for example, 47% of people who attend church weekly say their ideal family size is three or more children. By contrast, 27% of those who seldom attend church want that many kids.

In Utah, where more than two-thirds of residents are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 92 children are born each year for every 1,000 women, the highest fertility rate in the nation. By contrast Vermont – the first to embrace gay unions – has the nation’s lowest rate, producing 51 children per 1,000 women.

The other article develops these ideas more fully, and is well worth a look, if ofr nothing else than it’s totally anti-P.C. title:

The Return of Patriarchy

Across the globe, people are choosing to have fewer children or none at all. Governments are desperate to halt the trend, but their influence seems to stop at the bedroom door. Are some societies destined to become extinct? Hardly. It’s more likely that conservatives will inherit the Earth. Like it or not, a growing proportion of the next generation will be born into families who believe that father knows best.

The Chief found it interesting that apparently the Romans were plagued by their version of feminazis that stimulated this observation:

“If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance.” So proclaimed the Roman general, statesman, and censor Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus, in 131 B.C. Still, he went on to plead, falling birthrates required that Roman men fulfill their duty to reproduce, no matter how irritating Roman women might have become. “Since nature has so decreed that we cannot manage comfortably with them, nor live in any way without them, we must plan for our lasting preservation rather than for our temporary pleasure.”

The Chief, being married, would not go quite as far as old Quintus did, but then again…considering the current state of the feminist movement…it that was ALL the choice that had been available…maybe so.

The whole point of this is that based on reproductive rates, the liberals among us are inevitably destined to become a smaller, less influential part of society. A phrase from a sci-fi book (Oath of Fealty) by Larry Niven comes to mind: “Just think of it as evolution in action.”

The Chief also recalls conversation with persons of the feminazi persuasion while he was an undergrad biology major. When said acquaintances observed their determination to NOT ever have children, the Chief noted, “Oh. So you’ve decided that you are biologically unfit.” This ALWAYS got a reaction that was inevitably reduced to muttering and sputtering when it was pointed out that biological fitness is defined by successfully passing genes to succeeding generations. No reporoduction = no biological fitness! Q.E.D. (This was great fun, but was not a popularity builder with them. Oh well.)

Border Issue to Advance…Sort of

Frist orders border security first

WIth RINO Senator Arlen Spector and Donk Sen. Patrick Leahy and his other cohorts on the Judiciary Committee fiddle-f-rting around with an immigration act of some sort, eventually, they promise us – Bill Frist doesn’t have much faith in them.

Majority Leader Bill Frist, frustrated by the sluggish debate over immigration reform at the committee level, plans to introduce a bill that deals solely with border security as early as today.

Mr. Frist’s bill, according to aides on both sides of the aisle, does not include a guest-worker provision or a process for handling the 12 million illegal aliens already in the U.S., divisive topics that have stalled immigration legislation in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

This is encouraging. Before we set up some sort of temp worker scheme, we need to get control of the borders.

The bill would beef up security along the U.S.-Mexico border, provide funding for thousands more Border Patrol agents and build short sections of fencing in key traffic areas.

Not enough, but it’s a start.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned RINO-Donk alliance is NOT happy with Sen. Frist’s plans to move on his own:

“The majority leader is wrong,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat. “It’s impossible to build a political consensus in that time. We need time. We need time to talk.” In a letter to Mr. Frist yesterday, Mrs. Feinstein and two other Judiciary Democrats pleaded for the majority leader to remain on the sidelines.

Feinstein is unhappy! That makes me thing Frist is on the right track.

“The Judiciary Committee has unique expertise on immigration law and, under the leadership of Chairman Specter, is working diligently to mark up a comprehensive immigration reform bill,” wrote Mrs. Feinstein and Sens. Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont and Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. “The Senate would be well-served by the benefit of a complete committee markup, even if a brief extension of time is required to produce one.”

Better and better: not just Feinstein, but also Leahy and Kennedy! What’s left to say except “Go for it Frist!”!!

The biggest bone of contention is the guest slave worker scheme.

According to aides, Mr. Frist’s bill would simply take Mr. Specter’s proposal and strip out the guest-worker plan and provisions dealing with illegal aliens in the U.S.

Once on the Senate floor, Democrats and Republicans could add a guest-worker program if they all agreed on one of the several that have been proposed. But any such program would have to be reconciled with the bill approved in December by the House, where conservatives are adamant that the borders should be secured before any guest-worker bill is considered.

Hoo-rah for the House!

MAJOR understatement alert:

“Nobody in the country trusts us on this issue right now because we have not demonstrated the integrity to control our borders,” said Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, during yesterday’s Judiciary meeting.

The Chief wonders when he got his first clue!

New Ocean Starting to Form: Geological History in the Making!

A Continent Splits Apart

Actually this in NOT an exaggeration!

E African rift.jpg

Normally new rivers, seas and mountains are born in slow motion. The Afar Triangle near the Horn of Africa is another story. A new ocean is forming there with staggering speed — at least by geological standards. Africa will eventually lose its horn.

Personally, this sort of thing is really interesting. It only confirms personal observations from places like Kilauea volcano that the seemingly stable earth is a highly active dynamic entity, and is worth paying attention to. (Remember Yellowstone?)

der Spiegel Looks at South Dakota

The Front Lines of the Religious War in God’s Own Country

South Dakota has drawn the attention of German news mag der Spiegel this week – based on the abortion act and its reactions.

South Dakota has passed the most restrictive abortion law in the United States. But much more is at stake. The rural state has become only the most recent front line in an ongoing religious war in the US.

Phillips Avenue in Sioux Falls, South Dakota — located in the heart of the flat Midwestern prairie — is a sleepy thoroughfare. There are a few businesses along the street, a couple of restaurants, and a souvenir shop which struggles to attract customers.

Oooops! It seems like Downtown Sioux Falls hasn’t impressed the Euros very much! Oh well. The Euros don’t always impress this South Dakotan either.

But last Thursday, this dreary provincial boulevard became the dividing line separating two irreconcilable camps in the city — and it became the most recent front line in an ongoing war that bisects the entire nation. For about an hour, opposing groups of demonstrators swore at one another across the street, launching a new round in an old dispute that has long since expanded into a cultural battle — a bitter fight that has raged for decades between conservatives and liberals, devout Christians and women’s rights groups.

OUCH! Phillips Avenue: “a dreary provincial boulevard”? So much for downtown redevelopment.

The Chief thinks that the “progressive” Deutschers, with legal prostitution to say nothing of abortion, are trying to figure out what the fuss is all about here, and can only account for it as being something akin to the barbaric peasants trying to maintain their values in the face of a euro-ized “progressive” cosmopolitan viewpoint.

The article is worth a look to see ourselves from another perspective, whether it’s really a valid view or not.

UNO: UN (dis)Organization at it again!

U.N. Ignores U.S., Approves New Council

The first part of that header, scarcely news any more, again brings up the question of why do we even bother with the UN for ANYTHING? To paraphrase an old song: “Anything you can do, we can do better! We can do anything better than you!”

U.N. member states ignored U.S. opposition and overwhelmingly approved a new Human Rights Council on Wednesday, attempting to strengthen the world body’s machinery to deal with major human rights offenders….The Bush administration refused to back the new council, saying it was not the radical reform needed to ensure that countries like Cuba, Sudan, Myanmar and Zimbabwe – known as rights abusers – were barred from membership.

Maybe we could pay the UN to move itself to somewhere in Eurabia?

Mother Nature is a Bitch!

The Chief has seen a number of things in the media recently, that remind one that nature, being well, natural, often does not live up to the images that many, particularly of the enviro-moonbat left, seem so fond of.

One of these are the observations of Orcas torturing Dolphins by repeatedly tossing them through the air, before eating them.

Then there was the enviro bear-lover, who spent much of his time in the wilderness “living with” grizzly bears. The bears, or at least one of them decided that he liked the moonbat so much that he ate him for dinner one day.

Another example was an Aussie enviro recently featured on the cable show “I Shouldn’t be Alive”, who sought to avoid urinating into a wilderness stream by his campsite by climbing up a rocky slope (in the dark) and ended up with his legs pinned under a granite boulder. Before he could be rescued, his feet were nibbled on by crawfish, and his legs went dead and had to be removed. So much for protecting the stream flow.

Now there comes another report of nature caught in the act of being itself, in defiance of the image that many hhave of it:

Forget cuddly and caring – Meerkats are baby-killing cannibals

Meerkats are the loveable stars of natural history films and a mere mention conjures up images of them sitting on their haunches and looking furtively around the African savannah.


But the image of caring creatures on endless sentry duty to protect their young and family is overturned today by Cambridge University scientists who have revealed how meerkat society is riven by jealousy, murder and cannibalism.

But then again…maybe more people would like it that way: “jealousy, murder, and cannibalism” sounds like some of the crap that comes down the chute from Hollywierd these days.

Donk Governor Makes Some Sense

Richardson blasts partisan divide
N.M. governor cites immigration, energy, foreign policy deadlock

New Mexico Governor, former Clintonista, Bill Richardson makes a surprising amount of sense these days. If he could ever get past the far-left base of the Donk party and get the nomination, he would be a very strong candidate for the White House – stronger than Hilary for example, to say nothing of Daschle, and the rest of the left-Donk pygmies and dwarves.