Cuba Declares Candidacy for UN Human Rights Council
Another illustration of just why the US should give the UN its walking papers and “invite” it to depart for Eurabia.
Pledging to share its experiences in the human rights field with the international community, Cuba’s communist government has announced its candidacy for the United Nations’ new Human Rights Council (HRC).
The UN’s so-caslled Human Rights Council is “new” because the old UN Human Rights Commission became totally discredited by having some of the planets most abusive regimes represented on it. At this rate, the replacement HRC v.2 will have exactly the same problem.
Then again, maybe this is a good thing – with the Castro dictatorship with its tropical version of the old-style Soviet GULAG on the Council, no one will have to take it seriously. No doubt the MSM and the DUmmies will do so anyway, but what else is new?
“The Cuban people can show to the world, with deep modesty but with full satisfaction and pride, its tremendous achievements,” President Fidel Castro’s government said…
Nah – there’s no way that Cuba can yet hold a candle next to the ChiComs, although they may well give Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran a run for their money comparing the quality of human rights or rather the lack thereof.
This is like something from a bad acid trip – it’s so nasty and unbelieveable that it’s totally beyond the ability of a rational mind to comprehend it. But wait…there’s more:
Iran Seeks Seat on UN’s New-Look Human Rights Body
Iran has declared itself a candidate for the United Nations’ new human rights body, joining several dozen other states that have put forward their names ahead of next month’s election.
As for the gory details…
The State Department’s latest report on global human rights, released last month, said that during 2005, “the [Iranian] government’s poor human rights record worsened, and it continued to commit numerous, serious abuses. “The report cited problems including torture, summary executions, arbitrary arrest, lack of fair trials, discrimination against women and “severe restrictions on freedom of religion.”
Hey – if the NY Slimes Times doesn’t care, why should anyone else be troubled by those pesky facts?
Last December, in a 71-54 vote (with 55 abstentions), the U.N. General Assembly passed a strongly worded resolution condemning Iran’s human rights violations.
According to a UN listing, they are joined as candidates by such luminaries of human freedom as China, Russia, Pakistan, and the Fidelista-lite regime of Venezuela.
To add injury to insult, remember, it’s your tax dollars at work to pay for the diplomatic outhouse known as the UN.