Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Big Stick?

Bush Orders FBI-Congress Documents Sealed

President Bush stepped into the Justice Department’s constitutional confrontation with Congress on Thursday and ordered that documents seized in an FBI raid on a congressman’s office be sealed for 45 days. The president directed that no one involved in the investigation have access to the documents taken last weekend from the office of Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., and that they remain in the custody of the solicitor general.

Bush’s move was described as an attempt to cool off a heated confrontation between his administration and leaders of the House and Senate.

Well, yes, it COULD be described that way…but…Emperor Misha at Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler comes up with a connect the dots sequence that ends with this unfortunate suggestion in relation to the President’s action:

A cynical person might be led to believe that there was some sort of implied message hidden in there somewhere, something along the lines of “of course, what happens regarding your precious “safety in your offices” AFTER the 45 days depends entirely upon the result of negotiations between you guys in the House and my guys in the Senate”, but that would just be… ridiculous. Right?

Ridiculous? Misha reports, you decide. Check out his reasoning, though it doesn’t make a pretty picture.

Another post at the Rottie includes a dynamite clip of CNN talking head Jack Cafferty ripping a strip from Congress’ hide over this. It’s well worth checking it out!

With this, and Lou Dobbs drilling the Senate on its just passed Open Borders and Illegal Alien Amnesty Act, could CNN be attempting to turn over a new leaf, and do some…fair and balanced coverage? Time will tell if this is a pattern, or just a couple of flukes.

ACLU: “Do As I Say…Not as I do!”

A.C.L.U. May Block Criticism by Its Board

Why be surprised at ANYTHING this bunch of feckless weasels does! They already have no credibility, this just lays it out even more openly than was the case before.

The American Civil Liberties Union is weighing new standards that would discourage its board members from publicly criticizing the organization’s policies and internal administration.

“Where an individual director disagrees with a board position on matters of civil liberties policy, the director should refrain from publicly highlighting the fact of such disagreement,” the committee that compiled the standards wrote in its proposals. “Directors should remember that there is always a material prospect that public airing of the disagreement will affect the A.C.L.U. adversely in terms of public support and fund-raising,” the proposals state.

Given the organization’s longtime commitment to defending free speech, some former board members were shocked by the proposals.

Apparently at least a few of them still have some live brain cells.

UK Analysis: Blair a Statist

Blair’s crackdown on freedom is an inspiration to tyrants

The Chief has noted in prior postings, that the trending of domestic programs and measures in Blair’s Britain has been one that has resulted in an ever more intrusive role of the government. This UK commentator builds his case, and comes to a similar conclusion:

This plague of Labour legislation may not much affect the criminals and illegal asylum-seekers of Britain. But the laws give the likes of Mugabe the pleasure of saying, tu quoque: you are up to it as well.

Britain has something far more precious and more important to give the world than the £4.6 billion of overseas aid, and that is the idea of freedom. It is not shortages that cause famine, but tyranny. No tyrant can survive for too long in the face of a free press and a free civil society. The sad thing is that we are losing our moral authority to export our greatest asset.

Michigan Ed Department Bans “America”

Keep ‘America’ in Michigan schools

Censoring the word “America” from our own schools is something Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden would never have thought possible. Michigan has done it without a whimper.

The Michigan State Education Department has left reality behind and has apparently moved into the realm of hallucination. In the words of Isaac Asimov: “Such folly smacks of genius. Lesser minds would be incapable of it.”

In perhaps a well-intentioned, but pernicious example of political correctness, (note from the Chief: We all know what is used to pave the road to hell.) the Michigan Department of Education is attempting to ban the words “America” and “American” from our public schools. Even though the word “America” appears in the department’s own civics and government benchmarks, the department’s style protocol for the Michigan Education Assessment Program requires that “America” and “Americans” be expunged from our testing and grade level expectations. Last week, the department ordered that our hard-working teachers not utter the words.

Every time something totally stupid pushes the envelope of political correctness, something else even wierder always seems to happen. If the people of Michigan swallow this jug of stale piss, then we’re even farther gone than I had feared.

Side note: Is it a coincidence that Michigan has one of the largest US communities of Islamics in the country? One has to wonder.

McCain Reinforces Republocrat Support

Senator McCain…On New York Stage

Senator John “Manchurian Candidate” McCain (RINO-AZ), has apparently been working to garner support from the northeast country-club wing of the GOP, which regretably is still all too alive and active.

Along the way he took a healthy poke (by name) at Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, and Michael Savage for contributing to what he feels is a regretable anti-illegal alien sentiment in the country. (The NERVE of them and their listeners to resist and oppose the course that he, and his ilk have carefully planned out for us to follow!)

If the GOP continues in the McCainiac direction, get out the butter, ’cause the party will be toast.

Hildabeast Bores Press

Dull Hillary stumbles and the memory of Bill lingers on

In a weighty speech to journalists at the National Press Club in Washington yesterday, the senator squandered an opportunity to shine before a critically important audience – the journalists who will present her to the public if, as expected, she declares her candidacy for the 2008 nomination.

It began well enough. Resplendent in a lemon yellow two-piece and expensively bejewelled, her star power was plain the moment she entered the room. Everywhere, necks craned for a sight of the immaculately coiffured New York senator. But then she lost it. The half-hour speech was achingly dull, a meandering lecture on energy policy which left the audience stifling yawns.

Quality, or the lack thereof, tells in the end. Ultimately the Clintons are a real world manifestation of the Snopes clan found in William Faulkner’s mythical Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi.

Republocratic Presidency!?

Bush, Congress at Growing Odds Over Policy on Palestinian Arabs

As Prime Minister Olmert prepares for his first official meeting with President Bush since his election in March, a clash is emerging between Congress and the White House over whether America should have formal diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority now that it is effectively controlled by the terrorist group Hamas.

Let’s see. Bush pushed for greatly expanding the role of government in education, and health care. He’s afraid (apparently) to fully exercise US power to successfully conclude the current middle-east war games. He had obviously been malfeasant in defending the soveriegn borders of the United States. Now he comes in support of cozying up to the Palestinian Authority – which is now under the management of the hard-core terrorist based Ham-Ass Hamas.

Is there ANYTHING conservative left in the White House? I wonder where.

The House of Representatives this morning is set to pass the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, legislation that would instruct the State Department to cut ties with Palestinian Authority officials and restrict everything except the barest of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Arabs. Unlike other legislation supported by the pro-Israel lobby in Washington, the bill under consideration has little in the way of waiver authority for the president to overrule the intentions of Congress.

Thank God for the House. It may well be the last sane branch of government that we have left.

It’s a Real Gas!

Scientists build caramel-powered margarine-making fuel cell

Scientists from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) have found that waste from confectionery production could be used to produce useful amounts of hydrogen for electricity generation. The feasibility study used sugar-rich waste from a Cadbury’s factory to power a fuel cell.

This is kind of neat. Hydrogen is a perfect non-polluting fuel: it releases water as it’s exhaust. The only drawback to shifting to a hydrogen-based energy economy is the ability to economically produce enough hydrogen – which usually is a very energy-intensive process.

Now, if we could just figure out how to eliminate those pesky problems with designing fusion power plants….

Summer Beastliness Upcoming

World’s most expensive mobile number is 666 6666

The Chief is rather skeptical about all of this stuff here…except for the ultimate reality of the devil.

Having seven sixes as your mobile number might seem devilish to some, but interpretations vary. A brief dip into the weird world of numerology shows 666 is seen as holy in Judaism because it represents six directions – up, down, north, south, east and west. Others equate it with the Arabic word “ellah” meaning God.

On a techy note, the first Apple Computer sold for $666.66, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is w – so www. shows how evil the internet is. And finally, Viagra has a molecular weight of 666.7g/mol. More nuttiness here.

This article had more 6-6-6 lore than anyone outside of the realms of conspiracy needs to know about. Perhaps it would have been better if this article had been run on June 6th. (6/6/06)


U.S.-based vessels can’t fly N. Korean flag

This is a real no-brainer.

The Bush administration quietly imposed additional economic sanctions on North Korea earlier this month by barring U.S. companies from flying North Korea’s flag on freighters, tankers and fishing vessels, some of which are linked to illegal smuggling. The sanctions took effect May 8 and were announced by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Controls. They prohibit U.S. companies or foreign companies based in the United States from owning, leasing, operating or insuring any ships that fly North Korea’s flag.

The Chief is frankly surprised that this needs to be spelled out. Who in their right mind would flag US owned ships in North Korea?

Oh, yeah. Those guys who think that the ONLY worthy goal of their existance is the accumulation of every possible dime:

The sanctions were imposed in response to government reports that shipping companies were buying North Korean flag registry to evade other nations’ strict regulations and vessel-inspection rules.

“North Korea is aggressively selling its flag as a flag of convenience,” said one administration official, who noted that the number of ships using North Korean registry is growing. “One would think that in light of North Korea’s illegal activities, U.S. companies would not want to be registered in North Korea.”

A normally sane American citizen MIGHT think that, but unfortunately needs to be reminded of these bottom feeders, and others of their ilk like those who peddled off advanced missile technology to the ChiComs.

Traitorous businessmen. Ropes. Trees. Some assembly required.

Senator Tries to Worsen Open Border Act

Sen. Feinstein plan expands illegals pool

A Senate Democrat yesterday introduced a proposal to expand the pool of illegal aliens eligible for citizenship to include anyone who sneaked across the border before Jan. 1. Under the amendment filed yesterday afternoon by Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, all illegals who can prove they arrived before the start of this year would be issued an “orange card,” which would provide a path to U.S. citizenship.

One can only wonder what in the heck is in the water up there. I know, it IS Di-Fi after all, but still…you might think that even the Donks could figure out that LOTS of people want the borders controlled.

There has to be an especially hot corner in hell for these feckless wonders who are actively working towards the ending of the American Republic.

Islamofascists Feeling their Oats


The Hezbollah terror group – one of the most dangerous in the world – may be planning to activate sleeper cells in New York and other big cities to stage an attack as the nuclear showdown with Iran heats up, sources told The Post.

The FBI and Justice Department have launched urgent new probes in New York and other cities targeting members of the Lebanese terror group. Law-enforcement and intelligence officials told The Post that about a dozen hard-core supporters of Hezbollah have been identified in recent weeks as operating in the New York area.

The Chief thinks that we would have been well served if we had cleaned out the Hezbollah rats’ nest in Lebanon years ago, all the more so since there is evidence that they are the receivers and holders of Saddams WMD’s. Oh well. If we don’t fight ’em over there, then it looks like we get to deal with them here.

North American Union Planned

The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the ‘Amero’

The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin.

What does this have to do with the Inaugural oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”??? If one takes the words at face value, maybe the Moonbats ARE right, and Bush IS worthy of impeachment for failing to observe his oath of office.

“Why then doth treason never prosper? When it does, none dare call it treason!”

Bubba Rides Again

Former President Clinton agrees with Bush immigration plan

As if the plan itself wasn’t bad enough, did anyone REALLY need any other reason to think it was bad?

Former President Bill Clinton on Sunday said President Bush is doing a good job on immigration reform, praising his call for better border security and moderation in dealing with illegal immigrants. “I basically think President Bush has done a good job with this,” Clinton told a convention of shopping center developers. “I’m different with him on nearly everything, but I think he’s done a good job with this.”

If it gets the Bubba Seal of Approval, that totally nails it for all time that the Bush-Senate Border Abolition Act is worthy of nothing but being roundly rejected.

Increased Resistance to Dhimmitude

German Mistrust of Muslims and Islam Grows

Reality Check!

Experts fear new conflicts after a study published this week showed most Germans doubt the Western and Islamic worlds can peacefully coexist. Mistrust of the 3 million Muslims living in Germany appears to be growing.

In spite of official attempts to promote dialog among religions, distrust of Islam continues to grow, with 60 percent of Germans expecting tension between traditional German society and immigrants from Muslim countries, according to an Allensbach study commissioned by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper. “Germans are increasingly of the opinion that a lasting, peaceful coexistence with the Islamic world will not be possible,” the researchers said in the survey, released Wednesday.

Blair Gov’t Slippage Continues

Voters want Blair in the dock over loan scandal

This is acontinuing saga – sort of like watching a slow-motion train wreck. As noted by the Cheif previously, except for the terror war, Blair has been harmful as basically an Ingsoc-lite who has consistently enacted programs that have lessened the traditional rights of Englishmen” and enhanced a collectivistic and centralized scheme of government.

Tony Blair should face criminal charges over the “cash for honours” scandal if Scotland Yard’s investigation finds that Labour broke the law, voters believe.

A survey for The Sunday Telegraph shows that 54 per cent of those polled believe seats in the House of Lords were offered in return for secret loans or donations to Labour, or for funding of the Government’s City Academies programme. Only 28 per cent believe they were not.

To be continued.

How Do You Say SIEG HEIL in Farsi?

Iran eyes badges for Jews
Law would require non-Muslim insignia

Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country’s Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims.

Does anyone outside of CAIR still have any questions on why it’s appropriately labeled ISLAMOFASCISM???


Iran’s roughly 25,000 Jews would have to sew a yellow strip of cloth on the front of their clothes, while Christians would wear red badges and Zoroastrians would be forced to wear blue cloth.

The Chief felt like he had been punched to see this on Drudge this morning. Apparently the sad lessons of the 3rd Reich are being ignored as its policies are once again being implemented. How long before there will be Islamofascist concentration camps, or will they just short-circuit the whole camp process and just start randomly killing (even more that they already do).

Ali Behroozian, an Iranian exile living in Toronto, said the law could come into force as early as next year. It would make religious minorities immediately identifiable and allow Muslims to avoid contact with non-Muslims.

Mr. Behroozian said it will make life even more difficult for Iran’s small pockets of Jewish, Christian and other religious minorities — the country is overwhelmingly Shi’ite Muslim. “They have all been persecuted for a while, but these new dress rules are going to make things worse for them,” he said. The new law was drafted two years ago, but was stuck in the Iranian parliament until recently when it was revived at the behest of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

But of course – Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad is the mover on this one. And the moonbats think that one can negotiate with this person? (I suppose just like Chamberlain negotiated “peace in our time” with Hitler at Munich.)

Shuffling Towards Eurabia Dept.

EU Internet proposals to protect society

This report is one thing. What it can actually mean is something else altogether. “Protect society?” Right, whatever THAT means.

EU proposals to regulate content on the Internet are aimed at protecting society not undermining free speech, European Union Media Commissioner Viviane Reding said on Thursday.

OK. “…to regulate content…not undermining free speech…” Huh? See recent posting for definition of “doublespeak”.

She said the proposed regulations reflected “basic societal values” — the protection of young children and restrictions on incitement to hatred.

Two parts to this then. The one sort of hearkens back to Hill and Bill: everything is “for the children”. Does this mean that the Euros want to protect young children from sexual and pornographic content for example? Somehow the Chief doubts that this is on the Euros radar screen.

The second part on the other hand: “…restrictions on incitement to hatred.” probably is the kernal of the issue. How this is interpreted will make all the difference. Does it mean that Islamofascists and Neo-nazis (for example) will be restricted? Not a problem. Will it strike at a religiously based expression of traditional morality (as for example designating non-marital sexual behavior as being “sinful”) also? What about criticism of fundamentalist Islam as being intrinsically prone to violence and terrorism? And finally – who decides?

The devil is in the details. This could be a good defense for Europe as Europe, or another construction moving towards Eurabian dhimmitude.

Overall, the Chief will remain skeptical if not fully cynical on this one, until the course of events shows otherwise. If this shows a lack of faith in the tendency of Eurocrats to get it right, well, based on the record, why shouldn’t it?

“Citizens for Global Solutions”

Global Government Group Gives Hillary Clinton an A+ Rating

The left-wing Citizens for Global Solutions, which believes in global government under the auspices of the United Nations, gave Senator Hillary Clinton an A+ in its most recent scoring of her voting record on issues near and dear to their globalist agenda. Hillary has improved her grade each year in the Senate, now eclipsing even “global test” John Kerry.

Yet another reason (as if any more were needed) to vote against Hillary.

President Bubba Sounds Off, and On, and On, and On…

Bill Clinton, Canadian speech, gibberish

You just gotta love a good description:

Mr. Clinton has become our leading feather merchant extraordinaire, bar none. And people just pack the house to hear his ceaseless spewing of statistics, the selling of his books and handshakes and to see this walking soap opera in the flesh. He has become the world’s Dr. Phil, with just the slightest touch of The Price is Right, sans the models with the signs.

There’s more, much more in the same vein vain. Check it out – the writer has Bubba nailed!

ABM’s for Euros?!

Doublethinking defense

Now that the Euros may end up in the cross-hairs of the Iranian nuclear weapons & their matching missile building, their perspective on a regional anti-ballistic missile system has gone through a major shift.

What they argued was reckless war-mongering on the part of the US to be developing an ABM system, now seems like a good idea to them now.

It brings to the Chief’s recollection the bit about nothing focusing the mind quite so intensely as the prospect of being hanged in the immediate future.

By the way, this is a very good analysis of the situation in the context of Orwell’s concept of “doublethink” which is recap’d in the piece:

Orwell’s own description of doublethink is set out as follows:

Continue reading

Head ’em off at the pass!

More Illegals Nabbed by Sheriff’s Posse

Ignoring all the warnings by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio including the promise of jail time for illegally entering the United States through Arizona, more illegal immigrants were nabbed by the Sheriff’s posse detail early Wednesday morning….

Currently the Sheriff says there are 169 people booked into his jails for conspiring to enter the country illegally, a federal misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a new Arizona felony law punishable by up to three years in prison. “They keep on coming and I keep on putting them where they should be – in jail for violating a state and a federal law,” Arpaio says.

Way to go Sheriff Joe! Keep up the good work!

More Policy Waffling?

U.S. Said to Weigh a New Approach on North Korea

President Bush’s top advisers have recommended a broad new approach to dealing with North Korea that would include beginning negotiations on a peace treaty, even while efforts to dismantle the country’s nuclear program are still under way, senior administration officials and Asian diplomats say.

This represents at least a partial realignment of US policy – but, the idea is not to go so far as to enter bilateral negotiations concerning nuclear issues:

Aides say Mr. Bush is very likely to approve the new approach, which has been hotly debated among different factions within the administration. But he will not do so unless North Korea returns to multinational negotiations over its nuclear program. The talks have been stalled since September.

This could be good, or not. Given the proclivities of the post-Reagan administrations to bend over backwards in the interest of showing some “progress” on refractory issues, the Chief thinks there are good grounds for some degree of cynical caution, but that may be too much to hope for any more.

UPDATE: Border Enforcement – NOT!

FIRSTLY: The Chief is NOT impressed with the Presidents spiel last night, and even LESS impressed with the current Senate bill.

Admittedly, the 6000 Guardsment will provide some good support to the Border Patrol, but the overall impact will be limited. Needed are about another 12000 or so (minimum) and not JUST for support: set them to work pinching the illegals and enforcing the border. This should be a key function of the National GUARD – the Constitutional bit about “…provide for the commen Defense…” seems to be fairly clearly stated, eh?

The Emperor Misha does some more deconstructing of the Presidential spiel that’s worth taking a look at here.

Some of the other details on the Senate’s unlimited immigration sweepstates act, are totally insane (see below). If they REALLY pass this traitorous abortion of a bill, it’s time for something drastic to start to happen…can you say C-I-V-I-L-W-A-R???

Several relavent press items noted on the web:

Bush calls for Guard on border

Here are the gory details of last nights spiel. As noted, it partially SOUNDS good, but…the devil is in the details!

The Chief is FAR from alone in his humble opinions:

Aspects of Bush’s Plan Draw GOP Fire

President Bush drew fresh criticism from House Republicans Tuesday for endorsing eventual citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants. On the morning after a prime time speech, the White House sought to emphasize efforts to strengthen border security.

“…sought to emphasize efforts…”? More symbolism over substance?

Supporters of the measure said they had the votes to block the first of several expected attempts by critics to rewrite the measure. Advanced by Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., the proposal would require the government to certify that border security provisions were fully operational before any illegal immigrant could receive a change in legal status. “We must have a more permanent solution for securing our borders,” Isakson said in a statement after Bush spoke, reaffirming his intention of seeking a vote on his proposal.

Somebody needs to slap the Senate upside the head! Isakson definitely has a good idea here!

South Dakota senators approve of Guard deployment border plan

Well, more or less, anyway.

GOP Sen. Thune does:

“I applaud the president for taking steps to stop the flow of unidentified individuals who are coming across our border illegally,” Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said in a written statement Monday. “The temporary deployment of our National Guard is a good first step as we work to permanently secure our border.”

Donk Sen. Johnson, sort of:

Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., was slightly less enthusiastic. “I am open to it,” he said. “But I think it needs to be a short-term stopgap and not a long-term strategy.”

Oh no, nothing long range – that might actually result in some real…border security…instead of a pseudo-effort drummed up for the next election cycle.

Is that too cynical? Naaah – not at all, as a look at the next two items proves. ARE THEY NUTS, OR WHAT!!!????

Reform bill to double immigration

The immigration reform bill that the Senate takes up today would more than double the flow of legal immigration into the United States each year and dramatically lower the skill level of those immigrants.

What’s wrong with this picture: double the inflow, and lower the skill level? Unless you want a large class of coolie labor, this is NOT a good thing.

And, as if THAT doesn’t sound bad enough, check out this next one:

Bill permits 193 million more aliens by 2026

193 MILLION!!! WTF???? THIS is IMMIGRATION CONTROL? They’ve GOT to be kidding if they think that no one will notice this bit!

The Senate immigration reform bill would allow for up to 193 million new legal immigrants — a number greater than 60 percent of the current U.S. population — in the next 20 years, according to a study released yesterday. “The magnitude of changes that are entailed in this bill — and are largely unknown — rival the impact of the creation of Social Security or the creation of the Medicare program,” said Robert Rector, senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation who conducted the study. Although the legislation would permit 193 million new immigrants in the next two decades, Mr. Rector estimated that it is more likely that about 103 million new immigrants actually would arrive in the next 20 years.

It’s definitely time to think about the revival of an old American tradition: tar and feathers!

Border Enforcement, or Not?

Bush eyes border role for military

President Bush is looking at ways for the military to play a broader role along the U.S.-Mexico border and will announce new immigration initiatives in a prime-time address from the Oval Office on Monday night.

These reports MAY be encouraging. It will all depend on the ROA (Rules Of Engagement) that any troops are given. If all they can do is stand around and watch, then this will prove to be a largely meaningless bone thrown to the blogosphere. talk radio, and the minutemen to defuse their criticism.

If so, the administration will find that that dog won’t hunt!

If the GI’s will actually be detaining illegals, and actually have real bullets in their guns, and authority to act – then this could be a significant


Thune Backs Bill to Allow U.S. Companies to Compete with China, Cuba for Energy Resources off American Coastline


Senator John Thune (R-SD) has signed on as an original cosponsor of the Marine Oil and Gas Environmental and Competitiveness Energy Security Act, legislation to give the United States a competitive edge over nations like China and Cuba who intend to drill soon in waters just off the coast of Florida. The legislation will be introduced today by Senator Larry Craig (R-ID).

Cubapetroleo, the state oil company of Cuba, recently signed an oil production sharing agreement with the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation and purchased three deep-water drilling rigs from them for use in the exclusive economic zone of Cuba, which extends to within 52 miles off the coast of the Florida Keys. U.S. industries are currently hamstrung by U.S. law and not able to compete with countries like China, France and Spain in our own Western Hemisphere. The Marine Oil and Gas Environmental and Competitiveness Energy Security Act would amend U.S. law to allow American industries to explore and extract resources in our region before foreign countries lock-up these critical resources.

“Democrats for too long have stood in the way of domestic oil and gas exploration. The negative results of this obstruction are today being felt by every American consumer paying $3 and more for a gallon of gasoline. And now, because of decades of Democrat obstruction, countries like Cuba and China are set to seize on the rich resources that lie off our shores,” Thune said. “I will not stand for the American consumer losing out to Communist Oil. The time to act to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and take advantage of energy sources at our fingertips is now.”

It’s about time this is done!

ChiComs drilling in the Florida straits? Maybe we should go the extra mile, and back the Phillipines drilling in the Spratley Islands (claimed by China), by sending them the 7th Fleet in support them, & see how THEY like it! F-em if they can’t take a joke!