Category Archives: Uncategorized

ChiCom AWACS Effort Cracks Up

China’s hi-tech military disaster

China officially admitted that a “military aircraft” had crashed, that President Hu Jintao had ordered an investigation and that state honours would be bestowed on the victims.

…it was a Russian Ilyushin four-engined cargo jet, rebuilt to house a conspicuous array of radars and codenamed KJ-2000. The doomed flight, they implied, had been a test mission. The disaster robbed China of 35 of its best electronic warfare technicians, according to sources in Hong Kong. There were also five crew members on board.

Awwwwwwwwww. Can you say “schadenfreude“?

Yowl! Catfight!


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday blasted conservative firebrand Ann Coulter for writing that a group of World Trade Center widows are enjoying their husbands’ deaths, calling it a “vicious, mean-spirited attack.”

How mean of Ann to describe reality like that!

At a book signing in Long Island, the acid-tongued Coulter, who has frequently targeted the former first lady, shot back with even more venom. “Before criticizing others for being mean to women, perhaps Hillary should talk to her husband, who was accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick and groping Kathleen Willey at the very moment Willey’s husband was committing suicide,” Coulter said in an ABC radio interview with Sean Hannity.

The Chief’s call:
Ann 1
Hill 0

Jihadistan War News from the Iraqi Front

Zarqawi killed in air raid

Abu Musab Zarqawi, the al Qaeda leader in Iraq who waged a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and beheadings of hostages, has been killed in a precision airstrike, U.S. and Iraqi officials said today. It was a long-sought victory in the war in Iraq.

Zarqawi and seven aides, including spiritual adviser Sheik Abdul Rahman, were killed yesterday in a remote area 30 miles northeast of Baghdad in the volatile province of Diyala, just east of the provincial capital of Baqouba, officials said.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Military Injustice

Shackled Marine Update

This letter from an attorney was released on the Michael Savage website regarding the set-up for a Haditha “show-trial” of US Marine troopers who are currently “brigged” in solitary at Camp Pendleton, and are shackled hand-and-foot any time they are out of their cells.

As my client sits shackled in solitary confinement in the Marine Corps Brig with charges yet to be filed, the Marine Corps has stooped to leaking portions of the investigation in order to advance their case in the media.

W.T.F!!!!!? No charges filed, with allegations made by ENEMY spokespeople (Sunni terrorists), and members of the USMC are slammed and treated worse than the Islamoterrs at GITMO!

The worst is the fix in from the top down, starting from the President himself, who, IMHO has proven himself to be morally unfit to be Commander-in-Chief in charge of the Marines, and the other branches of the United States Armed Forces.

When the commander-in-chief and other high level military officials are passing on the guilt of these men and making statements regarding punishment based on pure conjecture, what message is that sending to their military subordinates who will be charged with rendering a fair judgment in this case? Any potential military juror has already seen and heard their superiors at the highest levels intimate their personal verdicts. That kind of influence is patently unjust and, I’m afraid, will operate to taint the judgment of what is supposed to be an impartial fact-finder. My client’s opportunity for justice has been irreparably compromised even before the first charge has been filed.

The public comments of CINC, and SECDEF constitute an egregious abuse of power and authority to “fix” a legal outcome for political purposes. Then right after spouting off Rummy-dummy flies off to cement relations with – the Commies in Viet-nam? Hello? What’s wrong with this picture? This whole thing has moved into the realm of a hallucinatory experience – the pattern is so bizarre that it only coincidentally interfaces with reality any longer.

It is a sad day in military justice when honor on the battlefield takes a back seat to political agendas.


Military Injustice Led by Feckless Administration!

Shackled Marine Update

This letter from an attorney was released on the Michael Savage website regarding the set-up for a Haditha “show-trial” of US Marine troopers who are currently “brigged” in solitary at Camp Pendleton, and are shackled hand-and-foot any time they are out of their cells.

As my client sits shackled in solitary confinement in the Marine Corps Brig with charges yet to be filed, the Marine Corps has stooped to leaking portions of the investigation in order to advance their case in the media.

W.T.F!!!!!? No charges filed, with allegations made by ENEMY spokespeople (Sunni terrorists), and members of the USMC are slammed and treated worse than the Islamoterrs at GITMO!

The worst is the fix in from the top down, starting from the President himself, who, IMHO has proven himself to be morally unfit to be Commander-in-Chief in charge of the Marines, and the other branches of the United States Armed Forces.

When the commander-in-chief and other high level military officials are passing on the guilt of these men and making statements regarding punishment based on pure conjecture, what message is that sending to their military subordinates who will be charged with rendering a fair judgment in this case? Any potential military juror has already seen and heard their superiors at the highest levels intimate their personal verdicts. That kind of influence is patently unjust and, I’m afraid, will operate to taint the judgment of what is supposed to be an impartial fact-finder. My client’s opportunity for justice has been irreparably compromised even before the first charge has been filed.

The public comments of CINC, and SECDEF constitute an egregious abuse of power and authority to “fix” a legal outcome for political purposes. Then right after spouting off Rummy-dummy flies off to cement relations with – the Commies in Viet-nam? Hello? What’s wrong with this picture? This whole thing has moved into the realm of a hallucinatory experience – the pattern is so bizarre that it only coincidentally interfaces with reality any longer.

It is a sad day in military justice when honor on the battlefield takes a back seat to political agendas.


The Chief has supported Republicans since he was in high school, campaigning for a GOP Senatorial candidate in solidly Democratic south St. Louis (which later became Gephardt country). Since then he has worked in additional elections in Missouri, South Carolina, and South Dakota, all in support of GOP candidates. He was a member of the SD Delegation to the 1980 GOP Detroit Convention that formalized the beginning of the Reagan Revolution.

In spite of this history, crap like this betrayal of US forces, and the fecklessness towards border security, the half-assed committment to WINNING the war on terror by whatever means are NECESSARY to do so, has brought the Chief to the point where he actually begins to think he might actually have something in common with the KOSsacks, at least in regarding these Administration policies with total contempt and rage.


Jihadistan War News from the Homefront

Islamists know where we live

What in the world is wrong with calling a spade a spade, or in this case, stating the simple fact that the 17 terrs busted in the land of the Great White North were all Islamofascists?

Losers, all. That’s what we Westerners are and the Islamic fundamentalists bent on our destruction know it. Even when the police nails a cell of 17 would-be terrorists, catching them red-handed with 3 tonnes of 34-0-0 fertilizer, which you can bet wasn’t acquired to fertilize their lawns, the media and government go to great lengths to assure everyone that the arrests have nothing to do with any “specific community or ethno-cultural group in Canada.” At least that’s how CSIS spokesperson Luc Portelance categorized the arrests.

The Toronto Sun’s resident Islamophile “foreign” correspondent, Eric Margolis, even went so far as to wonder if the whole investigation and arrest wasn’t some kind of CSIS set-up. Margolis moronically posited “It’s possible that among the 12 adults and five minors charged, Canadian security organizations have rounded up some loud-mouthed teenagers who have been encouraged to sedition by government “agents provocateurs”. Right, Eric, and the fertilizer was going to be used for a modest home garden in Scarborough and the electrical detonation devices seized were actually intended to be used as a TV remote and the whole conspiracy was fabricated by government agents eager to please George W. Bush and the neo-cons.

FAR, FAR too much political correctness methinks, apparently on BOTH sides of the border as noted in this OpEd from the DC Times:

Torture as defined by the media

In case you have been the least bit curious as to why al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist organizations are convinced — beyond a mushroom-cloud shadow of a doubt — that they can defeat the United States, the evidence is no further away than your newspaper, radio, network or cable news outlet. If all else fails, the twisted leadership of these evil terrorist organizations know they can always count on the liberals in the mainstream media, as well as the liberals in Congress and Europe, to act as their unquestioning propaganda ministers. To prove that what we once believed to be up is now down, and what we thought to be right is now wrong, we have several examples that embolden al Qaeda with every news report or printed word.

Check out the piece for the examples. A Marine Court-martialed and given hard time for…allowing his dog to bark at a terr prisoner is unfortunately only a part of the crapola being dished out to our troops these days.

The liberals in the media understand that with each news report on the new My Lai, each case where a U.S. soldier is punished for letting a dog bark in the face of a war prisoner, with every story that equates dunking a terrorist in water with chopping off a human head, they tell these Islamist terrorists that political correctness is weakening our foreign policy and military and robbing us of our will to prosecute the war or defend our nation. They know but don’t care. For them, the real enemy is Mr. Bush and conservative beliefs.

Down is now up. Wrong is now right. And the terrorists are not only grateful, but on the way.

UPDATE: Defense of Marriage Amendment

The Slippery Slope of Same-Sex Marriage

This article goes into more depth on the comments in the Chief’s posting on this subject from last night, and in fact extends the argument with even more information.

Those pesky old facts – busting down moonbat arguments again, and again. Whether it is enough to get the amendment through is another matter altogether.

One has to wonder on the irony of this being voted on the date 6/6/6! It’s a plot element worthy of Hollywood – but it’s reality instead. Is there a message here? The Chief fears there is, one way or another.

Another expression on the situation was expressed in the following advert:
Click on image for enlarged view.

Donk’s Bill Plans de-Facto Racial Separatism

Will the Senate impose race-based government on Hawaii?

This pattern is getting old. Just when the Chief can’t imagine moonbats getting any farther out in left field, they come up with something so bizarre that it beggars the imagination.

In this case, the perp of the insanity du jour is Donk Senator Daniel Akaka of Hawaii. His scheme is to grant special rights to anyone who has any degree of native Hawaiian ancestry – would you believe down to a degree of 1/256!

As if this attempt at institutional racism isn’t bad enough, if enacted, it will open the door for similar treatment to any faction determined and influential enough to claim ITS priviliges on similar grounds.

Apparently the Senate may even pass this legal abortion, thereby demonstrating once and for all that the great tradition of the likes of Clay, Webster, et al is gone forever.

Maybe the Roman Emperor Caligula wasn’t totally insane after all when he appointed his favorite horse (Tacitus by name) to be a member of the also once great Roman Senate, as a means of demonstrating his contempt for the feckless Senate of his day.

United Front on Defense of Marriage Amendment

Believers push for marriage measure

The Religious Coalition for Marriage, a fledgling organization forged to fight same-sex “marriage,” includes eight U.S. Catholic cardinals, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Church of God in Christ and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. Also signed up to support passage of the Marriage Protection Amendment are Mormons (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), Missouri Synod Lutherans, Greek and Russian Orthodox churches, among a host of groups representing more than 100 million Americans.

So much for divisive sectarianism on this issue!

The Chief knows that lots of libertarianish folk think that the state has no business being invoved in this sort of thing…yadda-yadda-yadda. Sorry folks, there is no realistic disputing that stable family structures are the building blocks of a stable and successful society. Historically, any time that this has NOT been the case, the entity (civilization, nation, empire, whatever…) has declined and either reformed itself in this direction, or ended up as history…with no continued existence.

Eurotrash nations that have ignored this are already deep in the realm of negative population growth, and are starting to wonder how they will sustain their continued existence. It is worth noting, that contrary to the libertarian arguments, that legalizing “gay” marriage has an effect of cheapening the whole concept of marriage itself – wherever this has been done the overall hetero marriage rate has declined significantly. Without the committment, say what you will, the resulting relationships have far less stability than a traditional family cemented by formal marriage.

In our own case, as we go farther and farther towards dismantling the traditional family basis of social structure, is it any wonder that as a nation we are becoming enervated at standing up to the threats confronting us in the world, whether it be irredentist Mexican nationalism, Islamofascist Jihad, or relentless economic (and lurking in the background military) pressure from the ChiComs.

Believe it or don’t, there IS a connection, which related to the very non-PC concept of moral fiber. This in itself has many more ramifications, of which the issues noted above are a by no means complete listing.

In short, the Chief is heartily in support of this amendment. If we can’t defend this most basic of all human institutions, then our nation and culture will inevitably find itself in the unfortunate state noted in Daniel 5: “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.”

Jihadistan War News: Lurching towards Dhimmitude

The UK has problems with this. Unfortunately, even worse than we do. Sic transit gloria Britannia!


This piece details how creeping Dhimmitude has been sapping the strength of Britain for some period of time. Not a pretty picture:

London was dubbed “Londonistan” because, during the 1990s, Britain allowed its capital to be turned into the principal hub of Islamist radicalism and terrorism outside of Saudi Arabia. But Londonistan is more than the physical presence of Islamist extremists: It is also a state of mind. A systematic, decades-long assault on Britain’s values from within has created a cultural vacuum that Islamist extremism has exploited from without.

England afraid to fly its own flag

How Crazy is This? (Pretty crazy iindeed, but all too true!)

Following warnings by extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun, in which the group said that the red cross in the England flag symbolizes the ‘blood thirsty crusaders’ and the occupation of Muslims, some of the largest companies in England have ordered their workers not to wave the flags.

Jihadistan War News from the Homefront

A couple of items all over the media this weekend.

Canadian arrests foil terror plot

Police foiled a homegrown terrorist attack in Canada by arresting 17 suspects, apparently inspired by al Qaeda, who obtained three times the amount of explosives used in the Oklahoma City bombing, officials said yesterday….

3 tons of Ammonium Nitrate – that’s fertilizer for a LOT of corn fields, or for a big batch of ANFO (ammonium nitrate-fuel oil) explosive sludge.

“These individuals were allegedly intent on committing acts of terrorism against their own country and their own people,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper said. “As we have said on many occasions, Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism.”

This statement shows a healthy dose of reality. The previous Martin (Liberal Party) would have no doubt blamed this on the Bush administration somehow.

Meanwhile, across the pond in the UK:

Toxic gas bomb tip cued raid in Britain

A raid on an East London house where anti-terrorism police shot and wounded a man was prompted by fears that a suspect had built a bomb designed to release a cloud of toxic chemicals, police said yesterday.

The situation is apparently far from resolved:

Police Fear Bomb Has Been Moved

Anti-terrorist police hunting for a suspected chemical-based bomb after a raid on a house in east London fear that the device may have been moved and could still be used. Two days after a man was shot as armed officers stormed the house in Lansdown Road, Forest Gate, a search has failed to yield any evidence of a bomb….

Police and MI5, whose intelligence led to the operation, are still working on the basis that the tip was reliable and that a device exists that could release poisonous gas on detonation.

Sort of reminds the Chief of the first few hours of a “24” season: terrs busted just a BIT too late to snag the weaponry in one fell swoop! Tune in next week so see how Jack Bauer saves the day!

Media Complicit in Allowing Ethnic Cleansing by Islamoterrs

Christians Under Siege in Kosovo

While the U.S. fights Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. and the United Nations are helping allies of Muslim terrorists come to power in Kosovo, a province of Serbia. This is a foreign policy disaster in the making that you should hope and pray gets some immediate attention from the media. To illustrate the dimensions of the problem, Father Keith Roderick of Christian Solidarity International has testified that Albanian Muslims in Kosovo have been systematically destroying Christian churches and other sites in Kosovo and the Serbian Christian population in the province is being “squeezed down to oblivion.” The evidence is on display in a new DVD, “Days Made Of Fear,” directed, produced and distributed by Ninoslav Randjelovic.

Why am I not surprised that this doesn;t get covered?

BIG Problem from ChiCom Nanotech!?

Stalin’s ‘industrialization’ and Hu Jintao’s ‘modernization’

With all thewierd stuff going on these days what with the usual Irano-Islamofascist stuff, the US political meltdown, and the other miscellaneous forms of contemporary chaos, this one STILL gives the Chief sinking feeling like little else.

Lev Navrozov has “been there, done that” in terms of his experience, and he paints an extremely alarming picture here.

When war was the war of steel, no spy penetrated Stalin’s military secrets of steel. But it was clear to every person of common sense that it was for the production of weapons and of the machines producing them that Stalin wanted so much steel in his country…

In 1945, the war of steel was over. Nuclear weapons were on. But nuclear powers (including the United States since 1945, Stalin’s Russia since 1949, and China since 1964) have been living in peace due to Mutual Assured Destruction. Each nuclear power had secret means of retaliation (such as deeply submerged submarines with nuclear missiles aboard), which nuclear weapons cannot destroy and which would have annihilated an attacker by way of retaliation.

Only superweapons, such as molecular nano weapons, could destroy enemy secret means of retaliation, circumvent thereby Mutual Assured Destruction, and thus annihilate the enemy with impunity.

…no spy has penetrated China’s labs, developing superweapons. A reader of mine (who asked me not to divulge his name) sent me on July 11, 2004, his three-page e-mail about his attempts, when living in China, to learn something-anything-about China’s labs developing superweapons. He works at NASA Glenn Research Center and was excellently received in China. Here is, out of his three-page e-mail to me, the most “penetrating” paragraph:

I talked with a guy who had worked in the military in another city. He said that most secret military projects are carried out in remote areas under the mountains. Essentially, there are huge underground facilities where manufacturing and research is conducted. He said that China’s main concern was in hiding the level of technology that they had achieved, thus giving them an advantage militarily.

READ THIS PIECE. This is almost entirely off the radar screen, but we can ignore this only at our own risk.

Maybe, we’re at least TRYING to figure out what they are really up to:

National Science Foundation Opens New Office … in Beijing

The National Science Foundation (NSF), a leading governmental research group in the United States, has opened a research operations office in Beijing, officials said yesterday.

This next comment is rather interesting in its own right:

But the U.S. Ambassador to China, Clark Randt, also made clear that the new office is partly a response to changes in the global research marketplace. Some experts say the United States is losing its edge in general science research and in robotics.

If we’re willing to say THIS much, how much more is being left unsaid. The Ambassador’s statement is like the tip of an iceberg.

For yet more background on the ChiComs advanced weapons programs check THIS out:

Warning: ‘We do not have the most powerful weaponry on earth’

The Invision Power Board (Online) posted on Jan. 7, 2005, an article headlined “Scalar Weaponry Makes Nukes A Thing of the Past.” Nukes? No wonder! They were obtained and used in 1945, more than half a century ago! The article begins as follows: “Scalar weapons are electromagnetic waves emitted through a specially constructed radio antenna.”

How’s THAT title grab you!

Islamofascists’ War Plan

Al-Qaeda’s long march to war

In recent weeks, media reports from both Iraq and Afghanistan have suggested the appearance of a slow evolution of the Islamist insurgents’ tactics in the direction of the battlefield deployment of larger mujahideen units that attack “harder” facilities. These attacks are not replacing small-unit attacks, ambushes, kidnappings, assassinations and suicide bombings in either country, but rather seem to be initial and tentative forays toward another stage of fighting.

There is of course more to be said about this concept, which broke down their concept into a staged plan, originally laid out by the leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Abu Hajar Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin. (NOTE: al-Muqrin was dispatched from this world in a fire-fight with Saudi security forces.)

Muqrin told his insurgent readers that the power of the US precluded any expectation of a quick victory. He wrote that the war would progress slowly through such phases as initial manpower mobilization, political work among the populace to establish trust and support, the accumulation of weaponry and other supplies, the establishment of bases around the country and especially in the mountains, the initiation of attacks on individuals and then a gradual intensification of the latter until a countrywide insurgency was under way.

When they get themselves into bigger units, they DO enter a new phase which can be referred to as “targets”. The real question is whether the West has the gumption to stand up against their determination, or whether things will reach the point where it’s a contest with the level of engagement and possible negative outcome as WW-II.

Hopefully we arn’t as dense as the Euros were in the 30’s (with the exception of Churchill and a few others crying in the wilderness), but given the current state of US politics, the Chief wouldn’t make any bets right now.

Islamo Street Barbecues Again

Renewed riots force extra police into Paris suburbs

The Froggish Islamos are feeling their camel-fodder again, and getting into the spirit of summer cook-outs. The only catch is that their tail-gate parties set the vehicle on fire instead of a grill.

POLICE sent reinforcements to the troubled suburbs of northern Paris yesterday after a night of rioting revived fear of a return to the violence that raged through France’s immigrant housing estates last year.

Seven policemen were injured on Monday night in the town of Montfermeil. Rubber bullets and stun grenades were fired at youths, many of whom were masked and wielding baseball bats. About 100 youths hurled projectiles and petrol bombs at police and public buildings and attempted to storm the home of Xavier Lemoine, the town’s Mayor. The violence was sparked by the arrest of a suspect over the beating of a bus driver.

Let’s see now – the cause of this was the arrest of someone who beat up a bus driver??!! Now THERE’S a human rights violation – unfortunately it was the human rights of the unfortunate bus driver.

Meanwhile, from the point of view of the Islamofascists, the REAL threat was not forgotten: The Evil Jews!

In another sign of continuing racial tension, the Government also ordered an inquiry into an anti-Semitic black group that staged an aggressive march through the Jewish quarter of the capital.

African Killing Fields

Images show extent of Mugabe’s destruction

Robert Mugabe, Head Honcho in Charge of the sad land of Zimbabwe, has been moving more and more in the direction of becoming an African Pol Pot.

The true scale of a destructive campaign waged against Zimbabwe’s poorest and most vulnerable citizens by their own government has been revealed in previously unseen satellite images.


The pictures show how a community of 30,000 at Porta Farm, outside Harare, was wiped from the map last year, during President Robert Mugabe’s Operation Murambatsvina, or “Restore Order”. Countrywide, these demolition orders resulted in up to 700,000 people being made homeless in the midst of a food crisis.

This African government was supposed to turn Zimbabwe into a benevolent example of post-colonial self-determination after the ouster of Ian Smith’s government of (then called) Rhodesia. Instead, it has turned into an economic disaster of biblical proportions, with elements of Pol Pot’s killing fields. What a waste.

Dictator. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required.

Self-reliance Re-emphasized

As Hurricane Season Looms, States Aim to Scare

Just a couple of lines from this article are enough to get the gist:

Convinced that tough tactics are needed, officials in hurricane-prone states are trumpeting dire warnings about the storm season that starts on Thursday, preaching self-reliance and prodding the public to prepare early and well.

This save-yourselves approach comes after government agencies were overwhelmed by pleas for help after last year’s storms and strongly criticized as not responding swiftly or thoroughly enough to the public need. Now, officials have said repeatedly, only the elderly, the poor and the disabled should count on the government to help them escape a hurricane or endure its immediate aftermath.

What a concept in this day and age: individuals and families taking responsibility on their own for preparing for emergencies! This is fundamenally in opposition to the “nanny state” syndrome. This can only be a good thing…to get the idea that the government REALLY can’t protect you from your own stupidity and lack of judgement.

Islamofascist Terrs Upgraded by Iran

In first, Hizbullah aims rockets at Israeli strategic targets

The Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah has for the first time targeted a strategic facility in Israel. Military sources said Hizbullah and Palestinian groups fired Katyusha rockets along the entire Lebanese border with Israel. They said the Hizbullah strike on Sunday targeted at least one strategic facility and paralyzed infantry outposts and ground defenses over a 70-kilometer frontier.

Iran is apparently throwing some gas onto the fire:

Meanwhile, Israel has reported the transfer of an advanced Iranian-origin rocket to Hizbullah. Israeli officials said the unnamed rocket was the most advanced in Hizbullah’s arsenal and could strike major population centers. They deemed the rocket the first strategic weapon of Hizbullah.

Note to Iran: Israel has a very limited inclination to tolerate this sort of thing. Iran could easily find its own “strategic sites” acquiring bulls’-eyes…and what a pity THAT would be. Heh heh heh.

News from der Spiegel

“We Are Determined”

In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discusses the Holocaust, the future of the state of Israel, mistakes made by the United States in Iraq and Tehran’s nuclear conflict with the West.

The Chief recommends reading this carefully. At risk of being repetitious, if people had really looked at what was saind in Mein Kampf, a lot of blood, toil, sweat, and tears could have been saved.

Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad has a frighteningly discrepant view of reality, and if (when) he fully acts in accordance with it, there will be BIG problems. This is one scary dude!

Illinois Donk willing to cede US soveriegnty

Dick Durbin: Consult with Mexico on Border Fence

Illinois Donk Senator Dick “Turban” Durbin has expressed his willingness to bend over and assume the position for Mexico with regards to the status of the US border with the great cesspool of corruption and feckless illegality that exists along said border.

The number two Democrat in the Senate is urging the House of Representatives not to repudiate a provision in the immigration reform bill that would force the U.S. to consult with Mexico before building a border fence.

“To think that we would build a fence without any conversation or consultation with Mexico – that doesn’t make sense,” Sen. Dick Durbin told “Fox News Sunday.”

Excuse me…it doesn’t make any sense that we have to consult. It’s OUR country, not theirs (et), inspite of what Turban Durbin and others of his ilk would like to see.

What’s the actual flap about? How’s this grab you:

“CONSULTATION REQUIREMENT — Consultations between United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels concerning the construction of additional fencing and related border security structures along the United States-Mexico border shall be undertaken prior to commencing any new construction, in order to solicit the views of affected communities, lessen tensions and foster greater understanding and stronger cooperation on this and other important issues of mutual concern.”

NOw, if SOMEONE in Washington would consult like this: “¡Hey muchachos! We’re building a fence. Try to breach it at your own risk! Violators will be stopped – dead or alive! ¿Comprende?

Eurocrats: US Security Checks? Who cares!

EU privacy ruling threatens chaos on flights to US

The Eurocrats apparently still don’t get it at all, 9-11, and the Madrid, and London bombings, etc. notwithstanding.

Millions of tourists and business travellers planning to fly to the United States were left in legal limbo yesterday after the European Union’s highest court struck down an agreement on sharing the personal details of passengers with US authorities….The Passenger Name Records (PNR) agreement governs 34 pieces of personal information that must be handed by airlines to the American authorities within 15 minutes of a plane taking off. It came in as a counter-terrorist measure demanded by Washington after September 11.

The case against the PNR agreement was brought by the European Parliament, which claimed it infringed the fundamental rights of citizens.

How’s THIS for fundamental rights: Euros have a fundamental right NOT to fly into the US without meeting our requirements! Of course, with their US counterparts unwilling to enforce out laws with regards to Mexican illegals, why would they have any expectation that the US would enforce regs against Eurotrash either.

Unfortunately, they may well be right.

Republocratic Legislooters at Work…er…or whatever you call it.

Power corrupts both parties

A rare bipartisan unity was achieved in the House of Representatives this week. What was it that brought lawmakers together? A determination to win the war on terror? A plan to secure our borders? A compromise to save Social Security from bankruptcy?

Nah. Democratic and Republican leaders in the House joined together to protest the search the FBI made last weekend of the offices of Rep. William Jefferson (D., La.), who is under investigation for allegedly accepting a bribe from a Kentucky businessman. Partisan differences are set aside when (and apparently only when) the privileges of lawmakers are threatened.

What a joke this continuing farce is. It brings to mind something approaching (if not achieving QUITE yet) a state of Byzantine decadence….and we’re supposed to respect these people? Give me a break!

Last Word on Illegal Alien Act: Read and Heed!

CIRA=Corruption, Ignorance, Recklessness, Arrogance

The sheer staggering awfulness of CIRA (the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act McCain-Kennedy Open Borders and Illegal Alien Amnesty Act(r), passed by the U.S. Senate yesterday) is just beginning to dawn on me. Heritage’s Robert Rector, who knows what he’s talking about, called it “the worst bill I have seen in 25 years.” The only thing to question there is the 25. This might easily be the worst bill ever.

This piece is as concise a summary of the breath-taking scope of this legislative abortion as it is possible to write. Read it and weep!

I will not vote for any politician who helped pass this bill; I will not vote for any politician who says so much as a word in its favor – make that a syllable – and I will not even vote for any politician who agrees to go into conference on this horror. How big are Capitol Hill garbage bins? That’s the only place this heap of dreck belongs.


Political Armageddon

Immigration Deal at Risk as House GOP Looks to Voters

Interesting account here, of various reactions to the McCain-Kennedy Open Borders and Illegal Alien Amnesty Act(r). Looks like the Congresscritters are getting a message that the voters are NOT happy campers, that in fact they show signs of being mad as hell, and not inclined to take the crap any longer on this issue.

Hopefully there are enough House members shuddering into awareness that the McCain-Kennedy Open Borders and Illegal Alien Amnesty Act(r) goes down in flames.

Enviros Mugged by Reality Again!

The truth about global warming – it’s the Sun that’s to blame

Global warming has finally been explained: the Earth is getting hotter because the Sun is burning more brightly than at any time during the past 1,000 years, according to new research. A study by Swiss and German scientists suggests that increasing radiation from the sun is responsible for recent global climate changes.

Dr Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, who led the research, said: “The Sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures.

Oh oh! Just in time to meet up with Algor’s new propaganda movie on how it’s all the fault of us and our evil SUV’s.

Other scientists have taken note of this also (understatement alert!):

Dr Bill Burrows, a climatologist and a member of the Royal Meteorological Society, welcomed Dr Solanki’s research. “While the established view remains that the sun cannot be responsible for all the climate changes we have seen in the past 50 years or so, this study is certainly significant,” he said.

“…is certainly significant…” DUH! But the good Dr. Burrows goes on and, wonder of wonders, takes things to their logical conclusion:

“It shows that there is enough happening on the solar front to merit further research. Perhaps we are devoting too many resources to correcting human effects on the climate without being sure that we are the major contributor….”

So much for Kyoto!

The research adds weight to the views of David Bellamy, the conservationist. “Global warming – at least the modern nightmare version – is a myth,” he said. “I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world’s politicians and policy-makers are not.

Now THERE’S a mouthful! Who would have EVER thought that policymakers suffered from a reality gap. I mean, they’re right on top of the border situation, aren’t they? (Oh. Never mind.)

“Instead, they have an unshakeable faith in what has, unfortunately, become one of the central credos of the environmental movement: humans burn fossil fuels, which release increased levels of carbon dioxide – the principal so-called greenhouse gas – into the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to heat up. They say this is global warming: I say this is poppycock.”
