Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nothing New Here…Another Scummy Traitor!

American Al Qaeda Unmasked?

U.S. officials believe with a high degree of confidence that missing Southern Californian Adam Gadahn is the self-described American al Qaeda who threatened to kill thousands of his countrymen in a videotape obtained and broadcast by ABC News two weeks


“No, my fellow countrymen you are guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty,” the man identified only as “Azzam the American” said. “After decades of American tyranny and oppression, now it’s your turn to die. Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood matching drop for drop the blood of America’s victims.”

This is the latest chapter in the story of folks like Lord Haw-Haw, Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally, etc. – traitors one and all.

Another One Off the Arab Street

No. 2 al Qaeda in Iraq caught

Score another one for the good guys!

Authorities yesterday announced the capture of al Qaeda in Iraq’s No. 2 leader, accusing him of “brutal and merciless” terror operations, including the bombing of a Shi’ite shrine that touched off the sectarian bloodletting pushing Iraq toward civil war.

This is one evil character – just go to the article and check out his picture – you can see it on his face!

Not only is HE out of circulation, he’s giving more information – no doubt to try to save his own scaly(?) skin.

A Breath of Enviro Sanity

It’s not the end of the world

The Aussies have apparently located a major clue:

The world’s scientists are getting a clearer idea of just how the Earth’s climate is changing and just what that means for us humans living and working on it. Rejecting doomsday scenarios, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has projected a rise of 3C in average daily global temperature by the end of the century, assuming greenhouse gas emissions remain stable. According to a draft report obtained exclusively by The Weekend Australian, the world’s top climate scientists have narrowed the band of predicted temperature rises and all but eliminated the possibility of a 5.8C average temperature increase mooted when the group last met in 2001. In other words, according to the IPCC, the planet is heating up — but nowhere near as much as once thought or feared. The report is particularly valuable as a rebuke to that radical and disproportionately loud fringe of greenies and leftists who treat environmentalism as a religion for whom humanity’s sinful, decadent ways threaten to bring down the wrath of nature or the gods and must be changed. It is also further evidence that such alarmist scenarios such as the “hockey stick” theory (so named for the shape of the line on the graph it is taken from) are, well, overheated.

There’s more, worth taking a look. The moonbats will NOT be pleased!

Enviro Killed by Environment:

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin killed by stingray

Another one to post with the bear enthusiast dude who got eaten by a Grizzly.

Television personality and environmentalist Steve Irwin has died in a marine accident in north Queensland. The 44-year-old is believed to have been killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, the sources said. He was filming an underwater documentary off Port Douglas when the accident occured.

Just a hint: there IS a reason they are called STINGrays!

Mr Irwin – known worldwide as the Crocodile Hunter – is famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchcry “Crikey!”.

Crikey indeed.

A Caution from Early Polling?

Friends of Hillary hint she may pull out of presidential race

By all accounts the Donk nomination is hers if she wants it…but…

…some of her closest advisers say she might opt out of the White House race and seek to lead her party in the Senate.

HC? (How come?) Perhaps this has something to do with it:

A recent poll for Time magazine showed that…53% of independent voters said they would not vote for her. “The prospect of a Hillary for President campaign has put much of the Democratic establishment in a bind,” Time concluded. “The early line is that Hillary would be unstoppable in a Democratic primary but unelectable in a general election.”

One can only hope so!

Preview of Coming Attractions


Surprise, surprise, surprise! NOT.

‘Hezbollah is arming Gaza for a new war on Israel’

Israel’s spy chief has given a warning that Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip are garnering increasing numbers of weapons and tactical expertise from Hezbollah fighters since the war in southern Lebanon erupted earlier this summer.

Yuval Diskin, the director of Shin Bet, Israel’s equivalent of MI5, said Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula was being used as a terrorist base and fast becoming a haven for arms smugglers preparing to shift their wares into the Gaza Strip. He added that within Gaza terrorists were building rocket hideouts, a bunker network and an anti-tank missile arsenal as they prepared for an escalated confrontation with Israel.

So what else would you expect? They’re Hezbos, doing what Hezbos do. In addition, it seems that there are other fish to fry at the same time:

Israel plans for war with Iran and Syria

Threatened by a potentially nuclear-armed Tehran, Israel is preparing for a possible war with both Iran and Syria, according to Israeli political and military sources.

The conflict with Hezbollah has led to a strategic rethink in Israel. A key conclusion is that too much attention has been paid to Palestinian militants in Gaza and the West Bank instead of the two biggest state sponsors of terrorism in the region, who pose a far greater danger to Israel’s existence, defence insiders say.

Hmmmmm. Not exactly what Olmert’s peace platform wanted, but hey, funny things happen if you get mugged by reality!

The Israeli defence establishment believes that Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear programme means war is likely to become unavoidable.

“In the past we prepared for a possible military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities,” said one insider, “but Iran’s growing confidence after the war in Lebanon means we have to prepare for a full-scale war, in which Syria will be an important player.”

Too bad. If the IDF had gone ahead and totalled out the Hezbos when they had the chance, then “Iran’s growing confidence” wouldn’t be there, and the problem would be less than it is now.

Donks Page Death Penalty Issue

Democrats want probe of postponed execution

If THIS is the best that Billion et al can come up with to try to get some traction, they are in deep yogurt.

As far as the whole thing is concerned, what’s the difference? Off him with two drugs or three? The Chief thinks that the Gov. is being cautious about the law – and given the current atmosphere of the ACLU etc. hyperactivity, this may not be a bad idea.

As far as having the “3-drug protocol” institutionalized by the legislators back when, can you read “m-i-c-r-o-m-a-n-a-g-e-m-e-n-t”?


Saddam’s cartoon capers

Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is being made to watch his appearance in cult cartoon South Park while he is behind bars. The deposed leader on trial in Iraq was featured in the movie spin-off as the lover of the devil. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut featured Hussein and Satan attempting to take over the world together.

No doubt the moonbats would consider this cruel and unusual punishment…and they may be right! If so, the Chief hopes they keep running it!

Mugged by reality!

Israel weighs massive increase in defense budget

Even Israeli moonbat lib Prime Minister Olmert is apparently subject to the influence of the cluebat upside his head by the outcome of the recent round of Lebanon war-games.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is considering a huge increase in the defense budget. Under a proposal relayed to Olmert and senior ministers, the defense budget would be increased by 30 billion shekels, or $6.8 billion, over the next three years. The current annual military budget is $7.7 billion.

Most of the additional funding would be used to purchase weapons, platforms and supplies to sustain a conventional war with such adversaries as Hizbullah, Iran and Syria, Middle East Newsline reported.

Gee whiz! It looks like the efficacy of negotiating with Islamofascist terrorists doesn’t look very good any more. Better late than never!

More holocaust denials

Ahmadinejad says Holocaust ‘made up to embarrass Germany’

Awwwwww! Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad feels sorry for the poor Germans being saddled what he claims to be their falsified history.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Holocaust may have been invented by the victorious Allied powers in World War II to embarrass Germany, the semi-official news agency Mehr has reported.

“Is it not a reasonable possibility that some countries that had won the war made up this excuse to constantly embarrass the defeated people … to bar their progress,” Ahmadinejad said in the letter on Monday.

Yep! Germany’s progress was barred so effectively by the victorious allies that they ended up again as being one of the leading industrial powers in Western Europe within 15 years after their infrastructure was conclusively demolished.

Disastrous Analysis

Analysts see ‘disaster’ in U.S. position

The authors of a hotly debated study on the influence of the pro-Israel lobby in Washington said yesterday that the Bush administration’s unquestioning support for Israel’s military action in Lebanon confirms their thesis that the power of the lobby hurts both U.S. and Israeli national interests.

This is just wrong! If the administration had given “unquestioning support for Israel’s military action” the Hezbos would have been completely turned into greasballs under the treads of Israel’s Merkava tanks.

Well might one wonder what the perspective of these guys is. Fortunately, it becomes clear further into the report:

Mr. Mearsheimer and co-author Stephen M. Walt, an international affairs scholar and academic dean at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, showed no signs of backing away from their analysis of the U.S.-Israel lobby at a National Press Club briefing. The event was sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the country’s largest Muslim civil rights group. (Emphasis added.)

OK. These analysts are apparently the best ones that CAIR’s money can buy. That makes them trustworthy about as far as the Chief can throw a camel (without any mechanical assistance!). In spite of the article’s identification of CAIR as a “Muslim civil rights group” they have consistantly been apologists for radical Islam.

So what else would you expect these so-called “analysts” to conclude! Can you say s-e-d-i-t-i-o-n?

Surprise – NOT!

Case dropped for JonBenet suspect

Boulder County prosecutors yesterday dropped the case against murder suspect John Mark Karr amid reports that his DNA failed to match samples found at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene.

Looks sort of like Karr scammed his way into a free trip back to the states from Thailand. At this late date the Chief has a supposition that there never will be a solution to the JonBenet case – at least in this life.

Some tough truths in Africa

Obama chides Africa on visit

The Chief certainly doesn’t agree with very much that Barack Obama has to say on issues, but in this case he’s been speaking some hard truths about the predicament that much of Africa finds itself in, mostly due to its own fecklessness.

Obama has the potential, along with Kentucky’s Wendell Ford to seriously score on the national political scene, if he doesn’t shoot himself in the foot. Personally, the Chief likes Ford better – but both, along with Lieberman, are classed as the rarest of creatures, liberals who are at opponents worthy of some degree of personal and political respect, even as one disagrees with them.

Official Word: Only EIGHT planets!

IAU Redifines Pluto Status

Names for Dwarf Planets Suggested by Chief!

The IAU members gathered at the 2006 General Assembly agreed that a “planet” is defined as a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

Buy stock in textbook publishers: the science and astronomy books are all obsolete now!

This means that the Solar System consists of eight “planets” Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What happened to Pluto?

A new distinct class of objects called “dwarf planets” was also decided. It was agreed that “planets” and “dwarf planets” are two distinct classes of objects. The first members of the “dwarf planet” category are Ceres, Pluto and 2003 UB313 (temporary name).

Hey! Maybe 2003 UB313 could be named “Gimli”, with the next one named “Gloin”, etc. from Tolkien. Or perhaps all the dwarf planets could be renamed using the series “Grumpy”, Dopey”, “Sleepy”, etc. If the Disney and Tolkien names run out, there are also the names of the dwarf characters of the movie TIME BANDITS. The possible names go on and on…

USMC Stuck With “Cop” Rules in Iraq War

‘Rules’ of war limit Marines

We call it “the war in Iraq.” But to many of the Marines here, it’s not really a war – at least not on their side. “They are fighting a war,” a Marine from 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment tells me – “they” meaning the insurgents lurking “outside the wire” of a Marine forward operating base in the Euphrates River town of Barwanah, in western Al Anbar province. “But us?” the Marine goes on. “We aren’t fighting a war. We’re just doing a police action.”

This is just wrong! No wonder we’re bogged down over there!

Are the Marines catching sniper rounds from a cluster of buildings in the city? In a conventional war, that would be reason enough to light up the buildings with suppressive fire. But under the Iraq ROEs, unless the Marines get “P.I.D.” or “positive identification” – eyes on a guy with a rifle, or a muzzle flash, something very localized and specific – they can’t fire back.

…in routine, day-to-day operations, every single shot fired by Marines here must be documented and reviewed by higher command. Let me repeat that: Every single shot fired by Marines is reported to and reviewed by higher command – regimental level or above – to make sure that it conformed to the ROEs.

Arrrrgh! Total insanity!

Send the military lawyers and Pentagon desk-jockeys over to al-Anbar with pain-ball guns and see what they make of it!

Not Quite Jurassic Park, but Going in that Direction

Mammoths may roam again after 27,000 years

Bodies of extinct Ice Age mammals, such as woolly mammoths, that have been frozen in permafrost for thousands of years may contain viable sperm that could be used to bring them back from the dead, scientists said yesterday.

Last year a Canadian team demonstrated that it was possible to extract DNA from the specimens, and announced the sequencing of about 1 per cent of the genome of a mammoth that died about 27,000 years ago. With access to the mammoth’s genetic code, and with frozen sperm recovered from testes, it may be possible to resurrect an animal that is very similar to a mammoth.

The mammoth is a close genetic cousin of the modern Asian elephant, and scientists think that the two may be capable of interbreeding. The frozen mammoth sperm could be injected into elephant eggs, producing offspring that would be 50 per cent mammoth.

If those half-breed mammoths were then back-crossed, their offspring would be 75% mammoth. A third generation would be 87.5%, etc.

The Discover Channel has a web site targeted to students that has a lot more information on this sort of thing…if interested, take a look.

The Chief thinks this would be way cool!

From Russia With Love…for the Hezbos Today, Chechens Tomorrow?

Israel humbled by arms from Iran

Abandoned Hizbollah positions in Lebanon yesterday revealed conclusive evidence that Syria – and almost certainly Iran – provided the anti-tank missiles that have blunted the power of Israel’s once invincible armour. After one of the fiercest confrontations of the war, Israeli forces took the small town of Ghandouriyeh, east of the southern city of Tyre, on Sunday evening, hours before a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations took effect.

Outside one of the town’s two mosques a van was found filled with green casings about 6ft long. The serial numbers identified them as AT-5 Spandrel anti-tank missiles. The wire-guided weapon was developed in Russia but Iran began making a copy in 2000.

And it gets even more interesting – it seems that not just Iran is playing this game:

Beyond no-man’s land, in the east of the village, was evidence of Syrian-supplied hardware. In a garden next to a junction used as an outpost by Hizbollah lay eight Kornet anti-tank rockets, described by Brig Mickey Edelstein, the commander of the Nahal troops who took Ghandouriyeh, as “some of the best in the world”.

And where did THESE come from?

Written underneath a contract number on each casing were the words: “Customer: Ministry of Defence of Syria. Supplier: KBP, Tula, Russia.” Brig Edelstein said: “If they tell you that Syria knew nothing about this, just look. This is the evidence. Proof, not just talk.”

Syria supporting the Hezbos should come as no surprise to anyone except the ostrich-head-in-the-sand moonbat wing of the Donks, but isn’t there something about the Russians supposed to know better, being one of the G8 and all? Besides, can’t they figure out that if the Hezbos are getting this stuff, there’s a good likelihood that the Chechens can get their hands on it too?

Although the Chief doesn’t want to see any Islamofascist groups strengthened by anyone, it would be a form of rough, ironic justice for the Russians to get their own rockets back up their as….er…back in their faces.

Brits Seem to be Figuring SOMETHING Out!

Muslims face extra checks in new travel crackdown

Somebody over there must have been swatted with a Cluebat!

The Government is discussing with airport operators plans to introduce a screening system that allows security staff to focus on those passengers who pose the greatest risk. The passenger profiling technique involves selecting people who are behaving suspiciously, have an unusual travel pattern or, most controversially, have a certain ethnic or religious background.

What a concept!

The system would be much more sophisticated than simply picking out young men of Asian appearance. But it would cause outrage in the Muslim community because its members would be far more likely to be selected for extra checks.

So much for being “inclusive”. It’s amazing that someone over there finally figured out that security trumps political correctness.

Now, how to get OUR “Homeland Security” to figure out this reality?

Islamo Brains Fried by Cell Phones?

Men held in Michigan suspected of plan to attack Mackinac Bridge

This story is obviously all over the media, so the Chief won’t go though all the gory details again.

He does think that it may prove the inherent stupidity of at least one group of Islamos once and for all, apparently from too much exposure to cell phones.

…the men…say they simply purchase the cell phones, and resell them for more money. Louai Othman’s wife Lina Odeh says he was simply trying to support her and their two-month old daughter. Odeh says, “Their goal in Michigan was to buy as many phones as they could so they could make a profit over here.”

Hold that thought: “to make a profit”.

The men allegedly traveled to several states to buy pre-paid cell phones, despite policies at many stores limiting purchases to two or three phones at a time. Police in Wisconsin say these three men also bought phones in their state.

OK. They bought their phones in Texas, and Wisconsin at LEAST.

But, Othman’s wife says this is a common business,…

RIGHT! The Chief and his friends ALWAYS pay a premium price for cell phones to some guy selling them out of his trunk, instead of going to “Wally-world” where they “sell for less”.

and her husband is only being targeted because of his nationality. Odeh says, “There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t know why they’re making a big deal out of it. Are ya’ll making a big deal out of this because all the Arabs are doing it?”

Noooo. It’s not because of Arabs doing anything…it’s because of Islamofascists doing wierd stuff…like trying to blow up anyone who’s not on thier side.

As if this in itself wouldn’t get one scratching their head in amazement, IF in fact the phones WERE going to be re-sold, why were they stripped out of their packaging, and the packages, batteries, and chargers were discarded? Also, said Islamos had also been doing a detailed photographic and videographic survey of the Mackinac Bridge.

In short, this whole incident reeks of extreme irregularity, and kudos are duly rendered to the law enforncement folks who caught on to this scheme before it got any further than it did.

As for Lina Odeh’s protestations – if she thinks that it’s so unfair in the USA, the Chief hopes she doesn’t let the door hit her in the butt on her way out and back to whatever sand-dune she originally called home.

Mideast War Ends Not with a Bang, but a Whimper? Not yet.

Olmert: Israel dealt Hezbollah harsh blow; Netanyahu: Government’s goals not achieved

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday afternoon that Israel’s month-long military offensive in Lebanon had dealt Hezbollah a “harsh blow,” and vowed to continue to pursue the leaders of militant organization.

But speaking after Olmert, opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud criticized the government for what he termed a failure to meet its self-declared aims.

Let’s see. The plan was that Hezboll’s military capacity was supposed to be attenuated so they were no longer a presence on the border, and that they not have the capability of rocketing Israel at will.

Now there’s a cease-fire in place, more or less rammed down Israel’s throat by the UN/US/France, before these objectives were accomplished. (Obviously so, since yesterday the Hezbos fired about 250 rockets into Israel, and in case you weren’t looking, little has changed on the ground since then.

The Chief would say the given the above statements of Olmert and Netanyahu, that the latter has a FAR better situational awareness than does the Israeli PM and his “peace” (at any price?) party.

If this stands as is, this could rank right up there with the results of the 1938 Munich agreement, which in its day was ballyhooed as the final solution to the Czechoslovakian problem, and the final land grab of the 3rd Reich Singing and Marching Society, otherwise known as the NSDAP, or Nazi party.

Another thing worth noting in all of this is the Koranic guidelines on when it is acceptable for an Islamic force to enter into a truce with an non-Islamic enemy. This is OK only when there has been a military reverse, and time is needed to rearm and restore the strength of the Islamic force, in order to effectively resume the attack at a later time and place.

Not exactly something to make one think that the Hezbos are ready to join us around the campfire singing “Kumbayah”.

This iteration of the Mid-East War won’t be over until somebody LOSES, once and for all. (You know, like Egypt and Jordan did before they signed REAL peace agreements with Israel.)

It can’t be Israel alowed to lose, without the UN and US acquiescing to a 21st century renewal of the holocaust at the hands of the Islamofascists. While the Chief wouldn’t put anything past the UN, now or ever, even in this cynical age he doesn’t think the US would allow this to occur, even given the current feckless emphasis on political correctness that is so enervating our efforts in the war against Islamofascism.

Israel, and the rest of us, are well advised to keep our powder dry, and keep a sharp eye on the situation since not only has the fat lady NOT burst into song yet, but she hasn’t even finished eating.

How To Improve our Anti-terror Efforts

To Profile, or Not to Profile?

Mark Alexander, editor of The Patriot newsletter takes a look at the possible relevance of profiling to fight the Islamofascists. Check it out:

To ensure we Americans never offend anyone — particularly fanatics intent on killing us — law enforcement and security screeners are not allowed to “profile” people in public places or security checkpoints. However, they will continue to perform random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, Secret Service agents who are members of the President’s security detail, 85-year-old congressmen with metal hips and even Medal of Honor recipients. But targeting Middle Eastern male Islamists between the ages 17 and 40 constitutes “ethnic profiling.”

Let’s pause a moment and review….

He goes on to list 25 specific instances when the perpetrators of terrorist acts ALL fit a fairly narrowly set profile. Check it out.

THEN, he goes on with the inescapable conclusion:

President George Bush said this week, “America is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us
who love freedom, to hurt our nation.” The Council on American-Islamic Relations issued an immediate objection to the President’s reference to “Islamic fascists”. Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR protested, “We have to isolate these individuals because there is nothing in the Koran or the Islamic faith that encourages people to be cruel or to be vicious or to be criminal. Muslims world wide know that for sure.” In light of this objection, we are left to ponder why every Islamic leader in the U.S., and the world, does not publicly condemn every terror action being undertaken in the name of the god of Islam. Their silence is deafening…

Between 1970 and present, there were more than 60 other notable examples of terrorism perpetrated by Middle Eastern male Islamists between the ages 17 and 40, but we think you get the point. Singling out “Middle Eastern male Islamists between the ages 17 and 40″ is not “ethnic profiling,” it’s “terrorist profiling” — acting on prolific evidence.

Anyone for Terrorist Profiling?

The Devil is in the Details

Israel and Lebanon ‘ready to accept UN deal’

The United Nations Security Council finally voted unanimously last night for a resolution to end four weeks of bloodshed between Israel and Hizbollah


The agreement falls short of some of Israel’s demands, including a strong mandate for the UN forces to take on Hizbollah guerrillas. Under the agreement, the “cessation of hostilities” would allow first for the deployment of a 15,000 strong Lebanese army force, with Israeli troops then withdrawing in stages, to be supported by a beefed-up Unifil, the UN interim force in Lebanon, of up to 15,000 soldiers. French and Turkish peacekeepers are expected to form a leading part of the force.

Based on past history of the Lebanese semi-government, the effectiveness of any serious hinderance to Hezbollah rearming and reorganizing itself during the cease-fire (in keeping with traditional Islamic practice going back to Saladin and before) for its next attack.

Time to Clean Up the Mess!

A rational deduction?

From the American Spectator’s R. Emmett Tyrell:

It seems to me that the Islamofascists of Hezbollah have made a parlous mistake. They have demonstrated that they have missiles that can cause dreadful localized carnage and that they are continuing to improve those missiles.

Someday these weapons will be able to cause widespread carnage. Hezbollah’s killers have demonstrated that they will infiltrate their brutes into civilian neighborhoods and use suicide bombers. They have refused to abide by United Nations resolutions. They have revealed that they have powerful supporters in Syria and Iran. Actually, the Syrians and Iranians have not been coy about showing their support for Hezbollah’s brutal asymmetrical warfare, and here they too have made a mistake. In their unconscionable bellicosity, Hezbollah’s guerrillas, the Syrians and the Iranians have all donned bull’s-eyes. They have made themselves targets.

BINGO! Lock and load!

RET goes on and elaborates on this, arriving at the inevitable conclusion:

Thus the rational response to the nihilists in Hezbollah and Iran is clear. The popular term is to “defang” them. That will mean hitting Syria and Iran, and in the case of Iran the aerial attacks do not have to be very bloody. But Islamofascists with nukes are unthinkable.

Who CAIRs?

Muslim Group Upset by Bush’s Use of ‘Islamic Fascists’

A Muslim group criticized President Bush for saying that America is “at war with Islamic fascists” after U.K. authorities arrested 24 British citizens of Pakistani origin in an attempt to bomb numerous flights to the U.S. Thursday. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the president’s “hot button” terminology puts the name of Islam and the Muslim community at risk.

A couple of thoughts here. First of all, “the name of Islam and the Muslim community” is put to risk not by correctly identifying the terrs as Islamofascists, but rather by said community’s tolerance and/or support for the Islamofascist terrorists. This includes the tendency of Islamic advocacy groups, like CAIR, to refuse to openly condemn acts of terrorism perpetrated by their co-religionists.

The second thought is that President Bush was spot on with his remarks. We are NOT at war with “terror” or terrorism. Terrorism is a strategy to implement a particular set of religio-ideological beliefs, i.e., Islamofascism. Those who subscribe to these beliefs are very properly described as Islamoascists.

Egyptian Problem

Egyptian group joins al Qaeda; al-Zawahri

Al Qaeda’s No. 2 leader said in a new videotape aired Saturday that an Egyptian militant group has joined the terror network.

It was the first time that al Qaeda has announced a branch in Egypt, the Arab world’s most populous nation. The Egyptian group, Gamaa Islamiya, is apparently a revived version of a militant group of the same name that waged a campaign of violence in Egypt during the 1990s but was crushed in a government crackdown.

As pointed out by Misha at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, this may have extra relevance due to the 11 missing Egyptian alleged “students” the Chief noted previously.

SD Campaign: Herseth Ducks Open Debate


(Report received via e-mail from Whalen campaign.)

After marching in the Oglala Nation Pow Wow Grand Entry Sunday afternoon with Ms. Herseth, Mr. Whalen met her with the Pow Wow Committee in the Announcer’s booth and cordially shook her hand.

While shaking hands with Ms. Herseth he turned to the announcer and suggested to him, “Ms. Herseth and I could have a debate in front of pow wow attendees since we are both immediately present. I then turned back to Ms. Herseth and challenged her to a debate in front of pow wow attendees since there may never be a more opportune time or place for Indian people to see a Congressional debate”. Mr. Whalen suggested to Ms. Herseth that we could express our opinions “right here and right now” so these people know where we stand on issues of local concern.

Before the pow wow announcer could offer a reply Ms. Herseth sharply declined by responding, “No, I told you we will debate later in the fall” before promptly exiting the building. “Prior to Sunday, I had not personally discussed a debate schedule with Ms. Herseth. Had she accepted my challenge it would have been a historical event to debate before the people of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.” Voter registration of Shannon County, where the Pine Ridge Village rests, is primarily with the Democratic Party. It seems that Ms. Herseth was not inclined to share her opinions with her party members.

The Chief would like to see open, mano-a-mano Lincoln-Douglas style debates. Forget all the controlled format MSM “moderated format” weasel crap.