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The 910 Group

Mission Statement

The 910 Group has come together because we have a similar vision — that of ensuring that Liberty prevails worldwide. We realize it is vital to work actively for it, and to actively oppose those forces against it. Our job is to support, encourage, and inspire each other so that we may coordinate our good intentions into practical action.

This is a newly coalescing group of folks that have some real concerns with the state of the world, as indicated above. It’s time to kick ass and take names, and in word and deed tell the enemies of Liberty of whatever flavor that we’re mad as hell not willing to take their crap any longer.

The Chief sees this group as being a cyber version of something similar to the old American colonial “Committees of Correspondence” that spread the news and coordinated the formation of the Continental Congresses, and the eventual effort that became known as the American Revolution.

If our predecessors could accomplish that with horseback relays of hand-written letters, what is possible with modern telecommunications? Time will tell.

If this is something that sounds interesting to you, click on the 910 Group graphic above and join the fun.

ChiComs, NorKs, and Jihadistan:

Islamofascist War has ChiCom Support

Does anyone else think that a lot of the reason that the Jihadistanis are feelin’ their oats these days maybe goes back to Beijing, and the weaponry and tech that they get from them and the North Koreans?

The Hamass and Hisbulls both get support and weapons, like rockets, from the Iranians.

The Iranians, in addition to developing their own rocketry from ChiCom and NorK designs, are also freely acquiring various sorts of military hardware from those sources. And then again, there’s the whole issue of the Iranian nuke program(s).

With the recent NorK nuke test, would anyone be willing to bet against the design information being in Tehran by now? I wouldn’t!

The NorKs get approx. 60% of their trade imports from the ChiComs. If the ChiComs pulled the chain on them, the NorKs wouldn’t be able to sneeze without clearing it in Beijing first.

If Beijing decided to stop supplying Jihadistan, much of their effectiveness would be gutted in short order.

So, not to minimize the immediate and very real threats from Islamofascism, a real part of that problem has the same label as most of the WalMart inventory: Made in China.

Islamic Newspeak

Islamic Dictionary for Infidels

Jihad is, simply put, anything undertaken to advance the spread of Islam, peaceful or not. Which means that Jihad is always present, even if there should be a temporary absence of violence because Muslims are too weak to use force. On the other hand, “aggression” is anything undertaken by non-Muslims to obstruct the advance of Islam, non-violent or not.

This is really choice stuff! A very thoughtful and somewhat lengthy bog, Wolfgang Bruno effectively makes the point that in “dialog” with Islam, it is vital to know what is meant by terms that have a very different meaning from what might be expected.

In fact, the divergences are so great as to merit the description of being a form of Orwellian Newspeak (slavery is freedon, etc.).

Some key problematic terms:

Peace: “Peace” in Islam equals submission to the will of Allah through his divine and eternal law, sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam – or ‘House of Islam’ – to cover the entire world. The absence of sharia is the absence of peace. Since it is the will of Allah that Islam will rule the entire planet, entering non-Muslim lands to subjugate the population and wipe out their corrupt, infidel culture is not seen by Muslims as “waging war,” but as spreading peace.

Freedom: Hurriyya, freedom, means freeing all people from being slaves of the laws of men and making them live in perfect slavery, in submission to the will of Allah and his laws.

Religious freedom: Subjugation of non-Muslims to religious apartheid and second class citizenship in their own country under Islamic rule. This option is only available to Christians and Jews, not Hindus, Buddhists or others, who have only the choice between embracing Islam or death. Muslims should practice sharia. Since these laws require the subjugation of non-Muslims, “freedom of religion” for Muslims essentially means the freedom to make others unfree.

Jihad: Peaceful, inner struggle that has killed up to 80 million people in the Indian subcontinent alone, and enslaved or killed tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people on three continents for 1350 years. It can also be violent, but only for defensive purposes, such as the Muslims who defended their way from the Arabian Peninsula to the borders of China, wiping out the indigenous cultures along the way.

Aggression: When non-Muslims do anything to preserve their culture and resist the Islamization of their country. Even when this “aggression” is non-violent, such as publishing a cartoon critical of Islam, this intolerable insult to Islamic supremacy on earth can be answered with violence by Muslims. Since a refusal to submit to sharia is a rebellion against Allah, the very existence of non-Muslim communities can be viewed as an act of aggression.

In meeting with the enemy, it behooves one to know what it is that he is talking about. It reminds the Chief of a semi-serious aphorism he once ran across: “I know you believe that you understand what you think I said, but what I’m not sure that you understand is that what I said is not what I meant.”

Donks’ “Issue” May Have Limited Impact

Evangelicals Blame Foley, Not Republican Party

From the NY Slimes Times:

As word of Representative Mark Foley’s sexually explicit e-mail messages to former pages spread last week, Republican strategists worried – and Democrats hoped – that the sordid nature of the scandal would discourage conservative Christians from going to the polls.

But in dozens of interviews here in southeastern Virginia, a conservative Christian stronghold that is a battleground in races for the House and Senate, many said the episode only reinforced their reasons to vote for their two Republican incumbents in neck-and-neck re-election fights, Representative Thelma Drake and Senator George Allen.

The Chief certainly hopes that Nancy Pelosi et al have been counting their votes before the election – like counting chickens before they hatch.

NorKs Nuke!

Text of North Korea’s Nuke Announcement

For what it’s worth:

(note: The formal name for North Korea is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or DPRK and KPA refers to the Korean People’s Army.)

“The field of scientific research in the DPRK successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation.

Reality check: they are still starving…but they DID apparently build the bomb.

“It has been confirmed that there was no such danger as radioactive emission in the course of the nuclear test as it was carried out under scientific consideration and careful calculation.

Interesting and original syntax here.

“The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100 percent.

100% no shit GI!

It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA and people that have wished to have powerful self- reliant defense capability.

The Army liked it, and so did those of the people “that have wished to have powerful self- reliant defense capability” like the rest of the NorK Communist Party.

As far as the rest of the rest of the people, they just want something to eat.

“It will contribute to defending the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the area around it.”

This MIGHT even come to pass: when Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan all build their own nuclear device, the NorKs might even get nervous about using theirs!


Breaking news on Fox as of 2300 CT: U.S. Official Confirms North Korean Nuclear Test to FOX News

That’s all there is at this point.

If this all proves out, it can’t be good news.

Brits Wake Up to Dhimmitude Trends?!

Drive for multi-faith Britain deepens rifts, says Church

The Church of England has launched an astonishing attack on the Government’s drive to turn Britain into a multi-faith society.

In a wide-ranging condemnation of policy, it says that the attempt to make minority “faith” communities more integrated has backfired, leaving society “more separated than ever before”. The criticisms are made in a confidential Church document, leaked to The Sunday Telegraph, that challenges the “widespread description” of Britain as a multi-faith society and even calls for the term “multi-faith” to be reconsidered.

So much for political correctness. Maybe there’s some hope for Merrie Olde England yet!

Written by Guy Wilkinson, the interfaith adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, the paper says that the Church of England has been sidelined. Instead, “preferential” treatment has been afforded to the Muslim community despite the fact that it makes up only three per cent of the population. Britain remains overwhelmingly a Christian country at heart and moves to label it as a multi-faith society suggest a hidden agenda, it says.

Good for them!

On a positive note…

Showtime for Spaceship Builders

This fall will see the 2nd show of the private-spaceflight designers, vendors, astronauts, operators, developments, and presumably enthusiasts.

Those caught in the whirlwind of the personal spaceflight business-the builders, shakers, dreamers and schemers-will be found this month at the Wirefly X Prize Cup, set for October 20-21 in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Given the sweep of hardware and plans to be detailed, it’s clear that future ticket-holding space voyagers can pick from any number of vehicles to start chalking up frequent flyer mileage.

This sounds REALLY neat, and if time and money were no problem, the Chief would surely like to be there. But then again…the bit about “if pigs had wings, they’d fly”.

Oh well…it’s still neat just to know that this stuff is out there.

Jihadistan War one front in the Culture Wars

The Emperor is Naked

This excellent posting relates the current Jihadistan war games to a continuum on the broader front of the Culture War. Take a look at this, it leads farther yet…but that will be in a later posting.

…if we want to win this war, we need to take back the culture. In order for that to happen, the organs of mass communication will have to change. The new media – of which this blog is a microscopic piece – will eventually supplant the old ones. Eventually Katie Kouric and Paul Krugman will become quaint historical artifacts, a set of wax statues at Madame Tussaud’s.

There’s no doubt that the Emperor has no clothes, and in due course everyone will become aware of it and start to snicker at his pale and flabby flesh.

But, thanks to the Jihad, we may not have enough time to wait for this process to unfold. We may have to put on our pajamas and go to work to help it along.

We really are at a cultural version of the Gates of Vienna. The enemy has driven the traditional culture back inside its fortifications, and is busy digging tunnels to undermine the walls. Many of our people have been captured or converted, and the remnant is just barely holding out, drinking rainwater from the rooftop cisterns and eating dogs just to stay alive.

Only this time there will be no King of Poland to ride down the hill in a glorious charge. This time there will be no Jan III Sobieski to save our sorry fundament. We’re going to have to do this one ourselves.

This is a vivid and evocative image. Do you get it? Still thinking about it a bit? Read on as Beach Girl sounds an eloquent tocsin in the Culture War:

A Western Woman’s Call for Help

Have you ever been driven to just say something and get it over with? Well, today I call upon Western Men – ideologically Western Men – to care for your women, your culture, your homes, and the future of your children. I know you do but the times call for action. I include Japan and other Pacific nations who have embraced freedom. This is a call of ideology.

Well, the enemy appears to be two-fold. I would submit that the enemy is one and that is socialism/totalitarianism. They come to us in two forms: through the arrogance of our liberal elite and through the arrogant elitism of the islamic clerics. In truth, there is no reasoning with either of them. As you know well, when you try to engage them in conversation, their first, middle, and last line of defense is to call you names: racist, bigot, islamophobe.

We need a Crusade for Reformation in the West, against Sharia Law and for pulling ourselves up out of the mire of degredation, the insanity of moral equivalency, the over-running of our borders.

Read the rest too.

Phew! Call it like it is! Hey guys! Come on, let’s get with the program!

Evidence of Prehistoric SUV’s, or what?

Dinosaurs suffered climate change too

If driving large SUV’s etc. is the cause of global warming (according to Algor, Art Bell, and the Sierra Club), one has to wonder what brand was favored by our dinosaurian predecessors.

Dinosaurs had to cope with dramatic swings in the climate around 120 million years ago, with ocean surface temperatures changing by as much as 6 °C. The finding suggests that natural climate variations are much more complex than previously thought.

DUH! Maybe more complex than was previously UNthought! Those of us who actually THINK about it, already had a big clue that this was the case. It’s just new to the enviro-moonbats who have severe problems with rationality.

Simon Brassell from Indiana University, Bloomington, and colleagues examined telltale carbon compounds in fossilised bacteria. The proportion of these compounds varies with water temperature, and bacteria from different rock layers revealed that the ocean surface temperature went from around 30 °C to 36 °C in the space of 10,000 years (Geology, vol 34, p 833). “The changes appear step-like, as if the climate is switching from one mode to another,” Brassell says.

Who’s Going to Help Us with What?

U.S. Cites United Front on Iran

The United States is confident that Russia and China will join it in pushing for U.N. sanctions against Iran if it does not agree to suspend enriching uranium this week, a senior U.S. official said yesterday. R. Nicholas Burns, undersecretary of state for political affairs, also said the U.N. Security Council will insist on a clear answer to its demand that Iran suspend its enrichment activity. A “maybe” will be considered a “no,” he said.

It’s nice that the Foggy Bottom Boys at the State Department are feeling optimistic. The Chief has to wonder what the basis of their optimism is, other than a case of diplomatic vapors. Certainly past history of dealings with KGB-head Putin and the ChiComs offer nothing to get excited about. Like they’ve been willing to help read the law to the North Koreans and THEIR nuke program, haven’t they? No? Oh. Never mind.

Maybe they just got a shipment of hashish from the middle east, so they’re all feeling good about the prospects over there. At least THAT would make some sense as an explanation.

Foley Follies

Nothing to say about Foley, except that he has clearly demonstrated his character – and it’s not good. The Chief might say “F’em”, except that he would probably like the concept. Otherwise, the President has it about right:

Bush backs investigation of Foley

President Bush today said that he supports House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert’s call for an investigation into former Rep. Mark Foley and that he was “dismayed and shocked” at the disgraced ex-congressman’s behavior….The president said he was “disgusted by the revelations” concerning Mr. Foley…

This whole deal is so repulsive – what else is there to say, without dwelling on the loathsome details of the perv Congresscritter’s behavior. Frankly, I’ve already heard too much.

’nuff said.

ACLU in the Crosshairs

House Passes Measure on Religion Suits

The House passed a bill yesterday that would bar judges from awarding legal fees to the American Civil Liberties Union and similar groups that sue municipalities for violating the Constitution’s ban on government establishment of religion.

“Liberal groups . . . scour the country looking to sue cities and states with any kind of religious display, regardless of how popular these displays are,” said Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-Fla.). Because judges often require municipalities that lose such lawsuits to reimburse their opponents’ legal fees, “citizens’ precious monuments are being eroded with their own tax dollars,” she added.

The bill, called the Public Expressions of Religion Protection Act, passed 244 to 173 on a mostly party-line vote.

Nice try guys – too bad it doesn’t have much chance of making it through the senate.

DeFacto Naval Disarmament, or not?

Stark Words About the Navy From a Former Navy Secretary

This reports on some observations from the former Reagan era SECNAV, John Lehman, who also has had a deckplate view of naval affairs as a carrier pilot.

He knows whereof he speaks!

“We’re building only five ships a year; we’re on the way to a 150-ship Navy” he says. In his view, that is courting disaster. “That is not enough to cover our security requirements,” he says. “Seventy-percent of the world is covered by water. We no longer have basing rights around the world. If you have combat operations going on you need air cover and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and that comes from the Navy. To fly one ton of cargo into Iraq takes 14 tons of fuel. That’s not cheap. It’s got to go by sea, so you have to protect it. The Iranians, for instance, have very good submarines.”

The ultimate threat, he says, is China, which “is now building their 600-ship Navy, to fill the vacuum, and they’re very good ships.”

We can ignore this problem only at our peril.

It is part and parcel of the attitude of much of official Washington to not want to REALLY commit all-out to the war on Islamofascism, and the necessary concommitant requirement to maintain a sufficient military force to do this, as well as maintain an adequate force to meet other possible threats like that of the ChiComs, or perhaps even a revived and adventurous Russia.

US Press Flunks: Brits Break the News – Again!

Beijing secretly fires lasers to disable US satellites

This should come as no surprise – that is, unless your only source of news is the US MSM. Fortunately, there is the London Telegraph to help us keep up with what our own government is up to.

As disturbing as hostile action against US spacecraft from the ChiComs is, there is, unfortunately more to this story than just that.

China has secretly fired powerful laser weapons designed to disable American spy satellites by “blinding” their sensitive surveillance devices, it was reported yesterday.

It’s left to the reader’s imagination to determine whether or not there was any effect. Based on the Chief’s knowledge, atmospheric interference could have been a problem, but then again, sensitive optics may be vulnerable due to their high sensitivity.

Another associated problem with this is in our own backyard:

The hitherto unreported attacks have been kept secret by the Bush administration for fear that it would damage attempts to co-opt China in diplomatic offensives against North Korea and Iran.

Sources told the military affairs publication Defense News that there had been a fierce internal battle within Washington over whether to make the attacks public. In the end, the Pentagon’s annual assessment of the growing Chinese military build-up barely mentioned the threat. “After a contentious debate, the White House directed the Pentagon to limit its concern to one line,” Defense News said.

Once again, we pull our punches in the alleged interest of maintaining some sort of diplomatic influence – with a power that has little or no serious interest in helping us to do ANYTHING! What a joke!

Judicial Accountability, or Something Else?

Poll: Voters favor JAIL amendment


A poll paid for by supporters of the “Judicial Accountability Amendment” shows that two-thirds of likely voters favor the ballot measure, but opponents of the amendment say the survey was a “push poll” designed to skew the results.

From the question, it didn’t look too much like a “push” question to the Chief, but hey, what do I know? All I can do is look at the English language of it, not having been trained in the details of legal deconstruction in law school.

Amendment E – also nicknamed “JAIL” for “Judicial Accountability Initiative Law” – would establish a permanent, paid grand jury of citizens who would hear complaints about judges. The grand jury would also have the power to investigate and discipline judges – removing them from the bench, cutting their retirement and even indicting them.

Another interesting point here is the totally unanimous opposition to the JAIL amendment by the political establishment. I don’t know WHY I have such trouble thinking that this is at least partially viewed as a serious threat to…what? Power, prestige, independence on active review of the judiciary by (gasp, shudder) PEOPLE outside of the legal old-boys club comprising the bar?

Much of the STATED opposition comes in from this (as far as the Chief can tell):

Opponents, such as Tom Barnett of Pierre, a spokesman for the Vote No on E Committee, say the measure would put at personal risk many public officials such as school board members and judges….South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long’s official explanation of the amendment, which will appear on ballots, says “citizens serving on juries, school boards, city councils, county commissions, or in similar capacities” could be stripped of immunity and liability insurance.

Again, the Chief really can’t see this. The amendment refers repeatedly to “JUDGES” – not all the rest. Of course, Atty. Gen. Long MAY be thinking that some twisted legal opinion MIGHT lead to an interpretation that those other officials could be included, and that WOULD be a serious flaw in the plan.

But then again, if such legal deconstruction is so likely to occur, then THAT itself is a strong argument in support of a need for an independent review of a judiciary that could twist things to that extent.

Clinton, Caught in the Act of Being Himself

Bill Clinton: Play It as It Lies

Former President Bill Clinton, never one to let truth stand in the way of a good line, has decided to reincarnate himself as our tough, anti-terror President. The man who ran away from military service and displayed striking contempt for our armed forces has now announced that he did more – and would do more – to combat Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda than anyone else. In his view, he should be recognized as the best man to fight that enemy.

(Cough-cough, gag, gasp!) The best man to do lead a fight against the Islamofascists? What a sad, sick joke THAT one is!

The man who was in the Soviet Union demonstrating against the American military during Vietnam, who as President left our armed forces short on so many fronts, now is – in his own 20/20 hindsight – The Defense President. Now he criticizes the Bush Administration for not doing enough, proclaims himself the champion of effective military action, and implies none too subtly that the fight against terrorism would go better if we had a Clinton in the White House instead of a Bush.

This isn’t mere spin. It’s full-scale invention.

The Chief couldn’t say it any clearer that THAT!

Geagea scoffs at Hizbullah’s claims of ‘victory’

First, a sidebar comment: the Chief LIKES this way of spelling the name of the the semi-Paleswinian Shiitehead organization. It just…fits – especially in the context of this article!

Anti-Syrian Christian leader Samir Geagea scoffed Sunday at Hizbullah’s claims of victory in the war with Israel and avowals that it wanted a strong state in Lebanon. “We are the victors, and yet we do not feel it was victory but rather that a real catastrophe befell our country, and that our fate and destiny are at the mercy of the winds,” the Lebanese Forces (LF) leader and member of the “March 14″ political group told a rally attended by tens of thousands of supporters.

Crowds flocked to the hilltop Maronite cathedral in Harissa north of Beirut, site of a giant statue of the Virgin Mary, for a mass at the rally, which was staged as a memorial for LF “martyrs” who were killed during the 1975-1990 Civil War. “We are the victors because it was us who were demanding the [Lebanese] Army’s deployment [in South Lebanon], backed by UNIFIL [peacekeepers], while they were opposed,” said Geagea.

The Chief would agree with the assessment that the outcome of the recent Lebanese front of WW-IV was less than a ringing victory for the Hiz-bull-ers, as indicated by their Ubersturmbahnfuhrer Sheik Nasrullah’s admission that if he had known that Israel would have responded the way it did, he would never have allowed the attack/kidnapping that touched of the whole thing. That’s NOT the viewpoint of a victor.

Fighting the War – Or Politics Uber alles?

Army Warns Rumsfeld It’s Billions Short

The Army’s top officer withheld a required 2008 budget plan from Pentagon leaders last month after protesting to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that the service could not maintain its current level of activity in Iraq plus its other global commitments without billions in additional funding.

Unfortunately, this is part of a pattern of taking a half as…er…baked approach to the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. The problems with the “Mr. Nice Guy” rules of engagement along with this sort of semi-committment to getting the Army the resources it needs is indicative that some, at least, haven’t faced up to the fact that yes, indeed, we really ARE at war, and that yes, Army expenses ARE higher during a war! What a shocker!

The decision by Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the Army’s chief of staff, is believed to be unprecedented and signals a widespread belief within the Army that in the absence of significant troop withdrawals from Iraq, funding assumptions must be completely reworked, say current and former Pentagon officials.

Hopefully Gen. Schoomaker can wield the cluebat vigorously enough to make the needed impression!

Say It Like it Is: ISLAMOFASCISM !!!!

Islamic Fascism 101

Victor Davis Hanson writing at National Review Online lays out in as concise and brief summary as could be done, on WHY exactly, based on historical evidence, the terrs et al are, indeed and in fact, Islamofascists, which is a concept that the Chief understood long ago, as I am sure VDH did also.

It’s still beneficial to cut the crap and lay it all out on the table for use as a cluebat to hopefully impart, if not aquiesence, then at least the silence of shame from the moonbats who would negotiate with these religious thugs.

First, the general idea of “fascism” – the creation of a centralized authoritarian state to enforce blanket obedience to a reactionary, all-encompassing ideology – fits well the aims of contemporary Islamism that openly demands implementation of sharia law and the return to a Pan-Islamic and theocratic caliphate.

In addition, Islamists, as is true of all fascists, privilege their own particular creed of true believers by harkening back to a lost, pristine past, in which the devout were once uncorrupted by modernism.

…and HERE’S an unforgettable image for you:

True, bin Laden’s mythical Volk doesn’t bath in the clear icy waters of the Rhine untouched by the filth of the Tiber; but rather they ride horses and slice the wind with their scimitars in service of a soon to be reborn majestic world of caliphs and mullahs. Osama bin Laden sashaying in his flowing robes is not all that different from the obese Herman Goering in reindeer horns plodding around his Karinhall castle with suspenders and alpine shorts.

PHEW! Spare us!

Because fascism is born out of insecurity and the sense of failure, hatred for Jews is de rigueur. To read al Qaeda’s texts is to reenter the world of Mein Kampf (naturally now known as Jihadi in the Arab world).

There’s more, much more. Check it out, and let not your hearts be troubled at calling the enemy by an accurately descriptive name: Islamofascist.

Balkanization of Iraq?

Iraqis to Consider Autonomous Regions

Iraq’s feuding ethnic and sectarian groups agreed Sunday to consider amending the constitution and begin debating legislation to create a federated nation, while the Shiite prime minister appealed for an end to violence during Ramadan.

This could well lead to the splitting of Iraq – which may not be a bad thing to do at this point. The one BIG caveat in the Chief’s mind is a US guarantee of the integretiy of the sections after the division.

This is needed because of stuff like this:

Iran and Turkey Prepare for War in Iraqi Kurdistan

A new Middle East war is in the offing. DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources in Iraq and sources in Iran reveal that Turkish and Iranian air units as well as armored, paratroop, special operations and artillery forces are poised for an imminent coordinated invasion of the northern Iraqi autonomous province of Kurdistan.

The source for this DEBKAfile, isn’t always on the money, but this is certainly one that would be Bad if it came to pass.

Multiple UN Idiocies Noted

U.N. shows why it’s incapable of reform

There are a multitude of specific recent cases noted here before Steyn reaches the conclusion:

It may be news to the Council of Foreign Relations types and the Dems, but the U.N. demonstrated this last week that it is utterly incapable of reform. Indeed, any reforms would be more likely to upgrade and enhance the cliques of thugs and despots than of the few states willing to stand up to them. The most sensible proposal this week came from Chavez, who demanded the U.N. relocate to Venezuela. You go, girl!

PUH-leeeze go!

Banzai !

Japan’s quiet successor vows to restore army

Shinzo Abe is planning a revolution in Japan which will see the return of a full-strength imperial army for the first time since the Second World War. After securing the Liberal Democratic Party’s presidency last week, he is now certain to succeed Junichiro Koizumi as prime minister, and he clearly has an eye on re-examining the post-war era.

What’s the matter over there? With the ChiComs’ military surging, and the North Koreans shooting missiles over Japan, one would think that Nippon is losing faith in the US shield. Wonder why? Couldn’t be the libDonk anti-war claque over here, could it? Say it ain’t so!

Instead, he spoke of revising the United States-imposed Constitution, which forbids Japan from having a full-fledged military, passing legislation to allow Japanese troops to be deployed overseas and making it possible for Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defence with the US. He also wants to revise the other legal document of the post-war American occupation, the Fundamental Law of Education, and emphasise moral values, patriotism and tradition in schools.

One hopes that the New Model Imperial Army comes up with something of better quality than their sorry Arisaka front-line rifles of WWII. No doubt they will.

Where Was This in the MSM? Nowhere!

Thousands of Israel Supporters Rally for Release of Kidnapped Soldiers

Another obvious case of the MSM following the lead of the NY Slimes: “All the news that fits, we print.” (Based on their masthead lying brag that they have “All the news that’s fit to print”.

As world leaders convened for the second day of the United Nations General Assembly, tens of thousands of supporters of Israel gathered across the street from United Nations headquarters to protest President Ahmadinejad of Iran and to call for the unconditional release of the Israeli soldiers kidnapped on July 12. The international and national leaders who stepped up to the podium also challenged the United Nations to take preventative action against the Iranian leader who threatens the Jewish people with genocide.

Hmmmmm. On second thought, maybe they WERE observing their slogan – they just don’t consider this “news that’s fit to print”, since it was actually news that doesn’t fit their PC worldview.