Several closely related items from Airstrip One (formerly known as the UK) indicate that the envirowackos are fully rampant and ascendent over there.
First The Report itself:
Stern Review on the economics of climate change
The EngSoc government declared in a report from their head of their Government Economic Service (no doubt a real boffo geophysicist and meteorologist) that we are all going to hell in a basket, and that the sky is well and truly falling in on us, all due to our evil technological and industrial destruction wreaked on the helpless Mother Earth.
As a result of this the Blair’s EngSoc government went into high gear to use this as a blunt instrument to destroy what’s left of the old UK’s economic growth potential, and further tighten the stiffling noose of intrusive and totalitarianish controls.
Government sounds the alarm on climate change
The world cannot afford to wait before tackling climate change, Tony Blair said today at the launch of a report preparing the way for new green taxes. Tony Blair said the Stern Review showed the scientific evidence of global warming was “overwhelming” and its consequences for the planet “disastrous”.
…”scientific evidence overwhelming”????? Yep, they have the best scientists that money can buy, and WOW – can they churn out the junk science, never mind inadequate models, fudged analyses, and the exclusion of conflicting data in THEIR reports.
SO, what we’re left with is the question of “What’s the point?” Oh, yeah – there sure is one, and is it SHARP:
You’ll pay for days like this
Consumers will be told today to prepare for new green taxes on cars, fuel, air travel and consumer electronics to curb pollution and avert a looming global catastrophe caused by climate change….Ministers plan to use the report to pave the way for “eco-taxes” to persuade people to adopt less-polluting lifestyles.
If the EngSoc government of Great Britain Airstrip One can pull this off, you just KNOW that the Donks will go for it over here at their first opportunity. (Can you say “S-P-E-A-K-E-R P-E-L-O-S-I?)
But wait a minute! It seems that the Inner Party EngSoc leadership hasn’t exactly been historically consistent with it’s own allegedly desired policies:
Gordon Brown’s claim to be leading the global battle against climate change were undermined last night by the disclosure that so-called green taxes have actually slumped while he has been Chancellor. Official figures also show that ordinary families have borne the brunt of environmental taxes and households are paying almost four times more than businesses for every ounce of pollution they create.
What? Isn’t EngSoc looking out for the people sheeple?
Gordon Brown has played down the prospect of further big tax rises aimed at consumers on motoring and air travel.
Oh. Doesn’t this sort of contradict the overall plan? Methinks there is a job of politicla trimming going on…shocking! Simply shocking!
And to compound Mr Brown’s problems, environmental campaigners warned that he was likely to go into the next election with UK carbon emission levels higher than they were when Labour came to power in 1997.
So much for the exemplar of envirowacko virtue of the world.
Oh yeah, there is also THIS (fully predictable) set of consequences if this gets shoved down the throat of HM long-suffering subjects.
Here’s the original (leaked) proposal for the planned cycle of envirowacko taxation. Interesting to see the EngSoc elites at work, in spite of the probable damage they would do to their own nation and people:
Amber alert over green taxes
The Institute of Directors has warned that Britain’s competitiveness will suffer if the country tries to address climate change unilaterally. Responding to the Stern Review on global warning, Miles Templeman, director-general of the IoD, said: “Without countries like the US, China or India making decisive commitments, UK competitiveness will undoubtedly suffer if we act alone. This would be bad for business, bad for the economy and ultimately bad for our climate.”
Oh oh – someone got hit by the clue bat over there!