Category Archives: Uncategorized

Notes from Eurabian France

Bitter France

It’s always interesting to see that not all the Euros have gone totally soft in the head regarding the Islamoterrs…even to the extent of very literally risking their lives by openly stating non-politically correct positions regarding the Religion of Piss “Peace”.

This is a semi-long piece, but is worth the read.

New Marine Corps Commandant Complements Chief!

On November 13th, Lt. General James T. Conway was promoted to General (4-stars) and assumed duties as Commandant of the United States Marines.

The Chief recalling that General Conway and he both attended Roosevelt High School in St. Louis at the same time, (I graduated in ’64, Conway in ’65) dug out an old HS yearbook, and there it was, written in his own hand on the page with the basketball team, of which he was a member: “Good luck to a great guy. – Jim Conway”

There you have it! General Conway says the Chief is “a great guy”!

OK, so he wasn’t quite the USMC Commandant YET…but we’ll take what we can get. I count it a privilege to have known General Conway back in the all too distant days of youth, and based on his record and accomplishments since then, there’s definitely many reasons why he is the Commandant, and yours truly retired from the Naval Reserve as a humble Chief Petty Officer – which I nevertheless still count as no shabby accomplishment in it’s own right.

Anyway, congratulations to General Conway – he has a serious piece of work in front of him given the conditions for war, and world…or is it World War IV?

Hezbos Heating up Lebanese Pot Again

Hezbollah’s thirst for added powers threatens peace

Demands by Lebanon’s militant Shi’ite Hezbollah movement for more power and influence are driving the country’s latest political crisis, one that could lead to a renewal of the bloody ethnic and sectarian battles that have long plagued the country.

The crisis deepened in Beirut yesterday as U.S.-backed Prime Minister Fuad Siniora pushed through an endorsement of a special tribunal to try the men suspected in the slaying of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, despite the resignation in the past three days of six Cabinet members linked to Hezbollah and its patron, Syria.

Amazing how they’re all already starting to kick up their heels and get frisky just after the election results.

What We REALLY Need to Do:

Strategy 101 for American defense planners

Lev Navrozov is up to his usual outside the envelope analyses, this time relating to US defense planning.

He lists six realities that it would behoove defense planners to be aware of, along with some exposition as to WHY these really, really need to be significant to us:

1. Know Your Enemy, However Insignificant Your Enemy Seems to Be Before the War!

2. Know the Military Era We Are Living In!

3. Know the Geostrategic Scene of Today!

4. Know What Dictatorship Is!

5. Know How to Prevent the Annihilation of the United States or the West in General

6. Know the Sources of Attack and Defense: the Super Weapons!

While some of these seem to be fundamentally simple, the devil is in the details, which LN elaborates on for each of the points. Check out the full piece. He has reason!

ChiCom Sub Incident Points towards Intel Shortcomings

Defenses on subs to be reviewed

Better late than never:

Navy officials confirmed yesterday that an aircraft carrier battle group failed to detect a Chinese submarine that surfaced within weapons range of the USS Kitty Hawk. Anti-submarine defenses for the carrier battle group will be reviewed as a result, they said.

“It was not detected,” said one Navy official of the encounter with a Chinese diesel-powered attack submarine. “And we’re concerned about that, obviously.”


What’s just as bad, if not worse, yet another intelligence failure seems to be involved:

The submarine encounter also took U.S. intelligence agencies by surprise because of years of analyses that continue to portray a benign China, said a defense official. “Our China analysts appeared to be stunned that China would shadow a U.S. carrier as far away as Okinawa,” the defense official said.

Mistaken analyses? That’s the fruit of pandering to political correctness instead of keeping a weather eye on geopolitical reality.

Iranian Nuke News

Very recent Iranian-North Korean nuclear collusion revealed

This item from DEBKAfile speaks for itself:

A disturbing piece of US intelligence was due to be laid before the US president George W. Bush’s strategy review conference with the Iraq Study Group and talks with the visiting Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert in Washington. It was bound to color the two events which both took place Monday, Nov. 13: Twelve days before North Korea’s first nuclear test on Oct.10, a secret Iranian military delegation of nuclear and missile experts was present in Pyongyang. The visitors were taken round North Korea’s Yongbyon reactor and the Punggye-ri testing site in the far north amid the preparations for the coming North Korean test.

Some US officials received the impression that the Iranians were briefed on some of North Korea’s secret preparations for the test. If true, this would point to three developments in North Korean-Iranian relations:

• First, China was in on the Iranian visit, but ignored it, preferring Pyongyang to carry the can as Iran’s nuclear partner rather than Beijing.

• Second, China must also have known about the coming North Korean nuclear weapons test and only pretended to have been taken unawares by Pyongyang’s ten-minute advance notice.

• Third, North Korea not only agreed to open its most secret nuclear installations to Iranian scrutiny, but is also willing to instruct Iranian scientists and technicians in Pyongyang or on their home ground on how to set up and execute a nuclear weapons test.

Plutonium found in Iran waste facility

International Atomic Energy experts have found unexplained plutonium and highly enriched uranium traces in a nuclear waste facility in Iran and have asked Tehran for an explanation, an IAEA report said today. The report, prepared for next week’s meeting of the 35-nation IAEA, also faulted Tehran for not cooperating with the agency’s attempts to investigate suspicious aspects of Iran’s nuclear program that have lead to fears it might be interested in developing nuclear arms.

Coupled with Ahmadinejad’s recent announcements concerning the state of their nuclear program, the picture is pretty clear about where things are. With the Congress under control of the appeasement party, it remains to be seen whether the President will exhibit the cojones to do the heavy lifting to deal with this. Of course then there is always Israel….

Senator Ducks Hearing – For Now

Senate leaders ask Rounds to cancel special session

Senate leaders on Tuesday asked Gov. Mike Rounds to cancel a special session that was called to investigate a state senator accused of groping a legislative page.

The request came after Sen. Dan Sutton sent a letter to Rounds in which he resigned the remainder of his current term in the Senate – roughly the next seven weeks of his two-year term. At the same time, Sutton, a Flandreau Democrat who won re-election last week, said he would reclaim his seat when the new Legislature takes office in January.

Looks like the former and future Senator Sutton doesn’t want to be troubled by pesky hearings over the holiday season. The whole maneuver sure does suggest some weaseling going on though.

RINO on Parade!

Giuliani Takes Step Toward ’08 Bid

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, a moderate liberal Republican best known for his stewardship of the city after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, has taken the first step in a 2008 presidential bid.

While Rudi Giuliani admittedly did a great job as NYC’s mayor, that’s about the extent of his ability as far as the Chief is concerned.

As President? Thanks, but NO THANKS! Not in this life, nor in the next! The LAST thing the GOP needs at this point in time is another RINO. He even makes McCain look pretty good by comparison!

ChiCom Cold War Games

China sub stalked U.S. fleet

The ChiComs are taking a page out of the old Soviet playbook – NOT considered a way to impress one with their overall peaceful intent!

A Chinese submarine stalked a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific last month and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected, The Washington Times has learned.

The Chief did active duty on a DDG (guided missile destroyer) that deployed to the 6th (Mediterranean) Fleet during the Vietnam War period when the Cold War was going full tilt. My ship was primarily an AAW (anti-air warfare) platform, but like all destroyer class ships, she was also set up for ASW (anti-submarine warfare).

We generally had tasking that left the ASW to other ships that did not have the AAW capability. It was a regular feature of the time that the USSR threw everything they had at the carrier battle groups – just for stalking practive, to see if they could get inside of the USN defensive perimeter.

Russian pilots flew Soviet supplied aircraft out of Egypt, Syria, and Libya to see if they could sneak into range. This was NOT something that was well received when it ever occurred. (Faces WERE red during a memorable NATO joint exercise when the Spanish Air Force successfully penetrated close enough to disrupt our carrier air ops by flying out at wavetop level in WW-II era Heinkel-111 twin-engine prop bombers that had been supplied to Franco by the Nazis in the late 30’s! They were so rickety, that one couldn’t even make it back to base, but they DID get through the defensive perimeter.

There was the same concern for allowing Soviet subs into striking range of the carriers, too, and the USSR took thier submarine force seriously indeed at that time, as the ChiComs apparently do today. There is another aspect of this one that is even more disturbing:

The surprise encounter highlights China’s continuing efforts to prepare for a future conflict with the U.S., despite Pentagon efforts to try to boost relations with Beijing’s communist-ruled military. The submarine encounter with the USS Kitty Hawk and its accompanying warships also is an embarrassment to the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, Adm. William J. Fallon, who is engaged in an ambitious military exchange program with China aimed at improving relations between the two nations’ militaries.

Fallon SHOULD be embarrased. He reminds me of those like Lindbergh, and Ambassador Joseph Kennedy who thought that the only realistic attitude of the US towards the Nazi Reich was to be friendly and accomadating with Herr Hitler and his minions. We all know how well THAT turned out!

Now, that same attitude comes at us in the current context – from Admiral Fallon and his ilk, and the ultra free-traders that want to see the US spread wide open for the ChiComs to have their way at our expense.

How does one abbreviate “aid and comfort to an enemy”? T-R-E-A-S-O-N.

Donk Plans Attacks on Administration

Waxman ponders pursuing opposition

The President’s schmoozing with SanFranNan Pelosi, and Dingy Harry Reid, and his anticipation of a new bi-partisan cooperation all looks like an exercise in vanity and wishful thinking in light of this heads up from Donk Cong Henry Waxman:

The Democratic congressman who will investigate the Bush administration’s running of the government says there are so many areas of possible wrongdoing that his biggest problem will be deciding which ones to pursue.

“I’m going to have an interesting time because the Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over everything,” Mr. Waxman said yesterday, three days after his party’s retaking of Congress put him in line to be chairman of the panel. “The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose.”

Yep. More bi-partisanship in the Daschle/Clinton tradition: BOHICA!

Rumsfeld’s Fall – He Earned It!

Rumsfeld is casualty of war

A goodly part of the administration’s election blues IMHO can be traced to discontent with the course of the war on Islamofascism’s Iraq Front.

From the Chief’s perspective there were some basic truths of warfare that were overlooked, or ignored by the administration in their conduct of the war.

Firstly – it needed to be recognized that this REALLY is WAR – not a political game or police action of some kind. The objective of war is in essence to kill enough enemy and break enough of his things that he no longer is willing to fight you. The Islamofascists have no misunderstanding of this.

Our failure to aggressively use the military tools and troops at our disposal to do this, is our largest blunder. We have been trying to play a game on the cheap, without making the committment of force necessary to crush (did I really say CRUSH? YES!) the enemy in decisive warfare.

Going along with this is the failure to turn the professionals of the military loose, and let them do their job without bureaucratic micromanagement. There are two damaging forms of this micromanagement:
• One is the control of battlefield tactical decisions from a remote higher command echelon. This is exemplified in a number of ways, from rules for after-action reports justifying firing rounds at the enemy, legal second-guessing on the use of appropriate force in combat, and the simple fact that the Army’s overall MIDDLE-EAST command center is in (of all places) Tampa, Florida. I mean, talk about uber-rear echelon run amok! Sheeesh!
• The other big problem is the unwillingness to do what is necessary tactically to deny the enemy the opportunity for effective action. This CAN/COULD be done…but it would have higher cost. We need to get rid of the bean-counters and bureaucrats in this process. It’s criminally immoral to ask our military to put their lives on the line with restrictive rules of engagement that increase their risk just to satisfy some bureaucratic requirement dreamed up by D.C. suits that would have trouble finding their own posteriors with the help of GPS and a computer map system, to say nothing of making TACTICAL (not strategic, but on the ground tactical) decisions form 6,000 miles away.

Ultimately then, Rummie deserves to get the hook. One only can hope that some form of military sanity may be found, before we wake up one day to find out that the problem is fighting the terrs right here, instead of in Baghdad. Based on their record to date, and the lack of judgement in the disloyal Donk opposition,the Chief is not optimistic that anything short of truly total national security disaster can turn us around to face the realities of the War on Islamofascism, once and for all.

UK “Bureaucats” Dump on Catbox Regulatory Proposal

Whitehall withdraws its clause for cat lavatories

Some Brit bureaucats apparently REALLY need to get a real job, or at least find something actually useful to do with their current job. If this wasn’t a problem they couldn’t have even gotten so far as to even propose something like this.

A government guide that tells pet owners to provide private lavatories for their cats – and “mental stimulation” to prevent them getting bored -is to be withdrawn. The draft code of conduct for cat owners was drawn up by the Department for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) alongside the Animal Welfare Bill, which received royal assent in Parliament yesterday.

The 17-page document lays down rules that cat owners should abide by to ensure the health, safety and happiness of their pets. The provisions of this remind one of something like a Monty Python gag:

It says cats “need to go to the lavatory somewhere where they can behave naturally and feel comfortable”. Like humans, it says, they value their privacy. “Your cat should have somewhere private to go to the toilet with sufficient clean litter.”

Equally vital, its says, is the need to provide entertainment and mental stimulation to cats. “Cats that are kept indoors or prefer this lifestyle rely on you to provide everything for them. “You should ensure your cat gets enough mental stimulation from you and from its environment so that it does not become bored and frustrated.”

Not only were these to be helpful suggestions, but failure to observe these provisions could be a factor in prosecution for cruelty to animals!

The code states that a breach of its recommendations would not constitute an offence in itself but would be taken into account when judgments were made on whether an offence of cruelty had been committed.

This did not go without notice in Parliament, either:

Ann Widdecombe, MP and cat-lover, who protested about the “lunacy” of the code in the House of Commons this week.The former Tory Home Office minister said it was the product of a government that interfered in all aspects of life.

Now THAT’s an example of English understatement!

Miss Widdecombe, who has two cats, Arbuthnot, 12, and Pugwash, 11, said she was also flabbergasted to read in the code that all cat owners should be aware of the exact weight of their animal if they were to be safe from prosecution. She told MPs: “I am now being told that I commit an offence if I cannot say – which I cannot – how much my cat should weigh in order to keep me within the law, relevant to its bone structure, its size and its breed.”

M.P. Widdecombe was later gratified that the overall absurdity of the regulation became so obvious to the bureaucats that the whole thing was dumped into the litter pile.

Now, if we can get rid of the GPF (gallons per flush) toilet regs over here, there may be hope for a contagious outbreak of reason on both sides of the Atlantic.

Post-Election Antidote


Phew! Just in the nick of time, to get a positive lift to counteract the election results, Bill Whittle has his latest essay posted, under the above title.

His current writings are constituent parts of a full book, AN AMERICAN CIVILIZATION, which will be serially posted. Whittle is a master at this – in the Chief’s opinion the best political essayist since Thomas Paine. Well worth the look and read!

Election Results

A mixed bag at best, with a definite down side – Speaker Pelosi? Yech! Cough! Gag! Retch! Ptoooi!

If the Donks take the Senate too – time to buy a case of ammo and batten down the hatches – just to be prudently prepared ya know. For what? Hopefully nothing…but then again…who knows.

Just in: E-mail bulletin!

Recently recieved from one of the Chief’s correspondents, unfortunately without attribution, so I offer it for your possible edification without further comment. Anyway…a picture is worth a thousand words:

Subject: Ancient Democrat Unearthed

Boston, MA (AP) In an archeological dig somewhere in southeastern Massachusetts, scientists have unearthed an ancient Democrat. Scientists have validated the find by the posterior – cranium position indigenous to ancient as well as modern day Democrats.


Limbaugh finds Orson Scott Card

During his 3rd hour Election Day program, Rush took note of the Orson Scott Card piece that was featured in my previous post to this. He noted also that they were linking the piece on his own web site.

This is a profoundly significant article – if you haven’t read it – do so!

A Democrat Speaks Out – to Support the War!


This is virtually a “man bites dog” sort of story, given the general direction of the Democratic party these days. The essay is WELL worth the read. (H/T to Little Green Footballs)

Firstly, if you are not familiar with Orson Scott Card, he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who is also a very successful writer of science fiction/fantasy, and historical novels – many of which have a strong spiritual content laced through his writing. This is the start of an essay he recently published on-line.

I offer it, for your consideration:

There is only one issue in this election that will matter five or ten years from now, and that’s the War on Terror.

And the success of the War on Terror now teeters on the fulcrum of this election.

If control of the House passes into Democratic hands, there are enough withdraw-on-a-timetable Democrats in positions of prominence that it will not only seem to be a victory for our enemies, it will be one.

Unfortunately, the opposite is not the case — if the Republican Party remains in control of both houses of Congress there is no guarantee that the outcome of the present war will be favorable for us or anyone else.

But at least there will be a chance.

I say this as a Democrat, for whom the Republican domination of government threatens many values that I hold to be important to America’s role as a light among nations.

But there are no values that matter to me that will not be gravely endangered if we lose this war. And since the Democratic Party seems hellbent on losing it — and in the most damaging possible way — I have no choice but to advocate that my party be kept from getting its hands on the reins of national power, until it proves itself once again to be capable of recognizing our core national interests instead of its own temporary partisan advantages.

Continue reading

Argus Double Standard: Gunning for Conservatives, ignoring Donk Issue groups!

Last minute charges of financial skullduggery from both the LibDonk and conservative sides in the run up to the SD election. The LibDonk situation is being thoroughly vetted by SDWC, as noted below. Contrasting coverage, or the lack thereof, leave the Argus with its partisan inconsistency hanging out like a full moon for the body politic.

First this recent bit:

$750,000 donation might be illegal, group alleges

The group trying to overturn the state’s abortion ban filed a complaint Friday with Attorney General Larry Long, alleging that a corporate donation to the Vote Yes for Life campaign might have violated state law.

Now, no one disputes RINO Jan Nicolay’s right to question anything. (Of course a bit more rigorous legal analysis would be in order, but hey, for a RINO, like other varieties of moonbats, that’s par for the course, and another topic altogether.)

What’s interesting is the front page coverage here, ad nauseum, about the nerve of anyone trying to seriously oppose a woman’s right to commit an act of pre-natal infanticide. The Chief has to wonder what the flap is about, if, as the polls report, they are on track to throw out the state’s abortion ban.

Are they perhaps concerned that they may not, after all have a shoe-in, and are trying to create a backlash to an alleged illegality? Is the Chief just too cynical here? Maybe, maybe not.

Anyway, back to the Argus. The case is made that it is not illegal for corporate based donations to ballot ISSUES to be used, unless the corporation in question has actively sought contributions for same. No one has thus far indicated any evidence that this is the case.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, If you want to see how some REAL investigative journalism should look (original documentary paper trail!) check out SDWC’s posts on the situation of irregularities of funding for LibDonk Billion’s gubernatorial campaign.

Click on image for enlargement.

Did anyone besides me notice this….

Breaking News: More discrepancies on Vision South Dakota Financial Report

Breaking News: Vision South Dakota Files Report. Citizens for Open and Honest Government mystery deepens

Phew! As summarized by SDWC:

…the address of the mysterious “South Dakota Association” who is funding the battle to end video lottery (which I think will force an income tax) has the same address as The Midwest Coalition for Progress? The Anti-DM&E group which was funding Vision South Dakota. Who in turn was finding South Dakotans for Honest and Open Government as well as Jack Billion.

After noting that the anti-DM&E effort is ex-Senator Daschle’s pet project, one is tempted to say the picture gets even more politically incestuous (even if that description sets off the abortion proponents again, oh well).

Rock & Roll, But no Music!

Samsung creates machine-gunning robot, doesn’t play MP3s


Samsung has developed a sentry robot with machine guns on it that will kill on sight. Geez guys, the MP3 player business wasn’t working well enough for you? Or is this just a way of diversifying, hoping to get customers in with the players and then give them the hard sell on the $200,000 killing machine? In any case, the robot has a camera for the daytime and an infrared camera for the nighttime and can tell the difference between people and trees, which doesn’t sound all that difficult. No word on if it can differentiate between terrorists and trick or treating children dressed as terrorists (sorry again, kids!). It has a speaker to warn people that they’re about to get their face blown off by a gun-wielding robot, which is a nice touch. This perfect killer will be set up on the DMZ separating North Korea and South Korea next year, as if you needed another reason to stay the hell away from the DMZ. Check the really unsettling promo video after the jump.

It doesn’t seem so unsettling to the Chief…in fact it’s sort of reassuring.

Hmmmmm. About that Mexican border…heh heh heh!

Not quite non-proliferation…

The Chief went to in order to find a picture of a nuke going off to use in a PowerPoint for one of his science classes. I did find a suitable one to use:

shroom cloud.jpg

Before I did however, my eye was deawn to an entry for e-Bay as shown in the following screen shot:

eBay nukes.jpg

Have the North Koreans discovered e-Bay? Or is it renegade former USSR Red Army troops out to cushion their pensions? One only hopes the Iranians or al Qaida don’t notice!

Fun on the Interstate!

Instructions for a fun time on the interstate:
Step 1. Tie balloons to car.
Step 2. Drive like a bat out of hell.
Step 3. Watch people freak out !!!

Interstate missiles.jpg

Can you imagine some guy going 90 mph on the interstate with these
balloons trailing a few yards behind him?

What a hoot!

NY Slimes Takes Note of SD Abortion Fight

National Battle Over Abortion Focuses on South Dakota Vote

In the downtown headquarters of those opposing a ban on nearly all abortions in this state, there are notes from around the country taped up and down the hallway: “They need to butt out of women’s lives” and “Why did S.D. vote for this?”

On the other side of town, in a warehouse decorated in pink, the supporters of the ban doggedly work a phone bank, in some cases young children playing nearby. The battle here over a statewide ballot measure to install one of the country’s strictest anti-abortion laws is playing out in television commercials, yard signs and Sunday sermons. It is also drawing the attention of national advocates on both sides of the abortion debate, who are watching the campaign with deep intensity and even fear.

Seems like fairly balanced coverage – at least this time.

Kerry Trips Up WIth Foot in Mouth

Kerry: Get educated or ‘get stuck in Iraq’

Democratic Sen. John Kerry warned students in a campaign speech last night that if they don’t study hard and get a good education they might “get stuck in Iraq.”

The flap about Massachusetts Dork Donk Senator John Kerry’s slam on US troops serving in Iraq, will go down in memory as one of the greatest political blunders of the decade.

Of course once the flap got started, he did a fast backpedal, and has tried to claim that it was a busted attempt at a joke. Like many good attempts at lies, there IS a germ of truth there…but the big joke is Kerry and his unpatriotic expression of anti-Americanism. (Yes – the Chief DOES question his patriotism!)

The Lord works in mysterious ways, and Kerry’s slip up looks to have a large impact on Tuesday’s election – but not the one that Kerry was trolling for when he made his remarks that left his Freudian slip hanging out.

Even better he refused to apologize at all for the remarks…so much for the standard LibDonk line about “opposing the war but supporting the troops”.


UK Gov’t Declares Enviro Suicide Pact

Several closely related items from Airstrip One (formerly known as the UK) indicate that the envirowackos are fully rampant and ascendent over there.

First The Report itself:

Stern Review on the economics of climate change

The EngSoc government declared in a report from their head of their Government Economic Service (no doubt a real boffo geophysicist and meteorologist) that we are all going to hell in a basket, and that the sky is well and truly falling in on us, all due to our evil technological and industrial destruction wreaked on the helpless Mother Earth.

As a result of this the Blair’s EngSoc government went into high gear to use this as a blunt instrument to destroy what’s left of the old UK’s economic growth potential, and further tighten the stiffling noose of intrusive and totalitarianish controls.

Government sounds the alarm on climate change

The world cannot afford to wait before tackling climate change, Tony Blair said today at the launch of a report preparing the way for new green taxes. Tony Blair said the Stern Review showed the scientific evidence of global warming was “overwhelming” and its consequences for the planet “disastrous”.

…”scientific evidence overwhelming”????? Yep, they have the best scientists that money can buy, and WOW – can they churn out the junk science, never mind inadequate models, fudged analyses, and the exclusion of conflicting data in THEIR reports.

SO, what we’re left with is the question of “What’s the point?” Oh, yeah – there sure is one, and is it SHARP:

You’ll pay for days like this

Consumers will be told today to prepare for new green taxes on cars, fuel, air travel and consumer electronics to curb pollution and avert a looming global catastrophe caused by climate change….Ministers plan to use the report to pave the way for “eco-taxes” to persuade people to adopt less-polluting lifestyles.

If the EngSoc government of Great Britain Airstrip One can pull this off, you just KNOW that the Donks will go for it over here at their first opportunity. (Can you say “S-P-E-A-K-E-R P-E-L-O-S-I?)

But wait a minute! It seems that the Inner Party EngSoc leadership hasn’t exactly been historically consistent with it’s own allegedly desired policies:

Gordon Brown’s claim to be leading the global battle against climate change were undermined last night by the disclosure that so-called green taxes have actually slumped while he has been Chancellor. Official figures also show that ordinary families have borne the brunt of environmental taxes and households are paying almost four times more than businesses for every ounce of pollution they create.

What? Isn’t EngSoc looking out for the people sheeple?

Gordon Brown has played down the prospect of further big tax rises aimed at consumers on motoring and air travel.

Oh. Doesn’t this sort of contradict the overall plan? Methinks there is a job of politicla trimming going on…shocking! Simply shocking!

And to compound Mr Brown’s problems, environmental campaigners warned that he was likely to go into the next election with UK carbon emission levels higher than they were when Labour came to power in 1997.

So much for the exemplar of envirowacko virtue of the world.

Oh yeah, there is also THIS (fully predictable) set of consequences if this gets shoved down the throat of HM long-suffering subjects.

Here’s the original (leaked) proposal for the planned cycle of envirowacko taxation. Interesting to see the EngSoc elites at work, in spite of the probable damage they would do to their own nation and people:

Amber alert over green taxes

The Institute of Directors has warned that Britain’s competitiveness will suffer if the country tries to address climate change unilaterally. Responding to the Stern Review on global warning, Miles Templeman, director-general of the IoD, said: “Without countries like the US, China or India making decisive commitments, UK competitiveness will undoubtedly suffer if we act alone. This would be bad for business, bad for the economy and ultimately bad for our climate.”

Oh oh – someone got hit by the clue bat over there!

“Mad Dogs and Englishmen”

Britons ‘could be microchipped like dogs in a decade’

What in the world has happened to the UK lately to be going in this direction?

Human beings may be forced to be ‘microchipped’ like pet dogs, a shocking official report into the rise of the Big Brother state has warned. The microchips – which are implanted under the skin – allow the wearer’s movements to be tracked and store personal information about them.

Note the use of the term “forced”. Yech!

One has to wonder whether anyone with genes for any gumption either left (for America or Australia) or got killed in the wars.

Possible Nominee for Darwin Award?

Ugandan demonstrates how not to recycle munitions

Just the header of this indicated that there is not a pretty ending…and there wasn’t.

An attempt last Saturday by a Uganda man to recycle an unexploded artillery shell ended rather badly when he ill-advisedly decided to melt it down for scrap, Reuters reports.

DUH. Of course, the result was predictable…but apparently not predictable for everyone.

Francis Agwoka, acting police chief for the “once war-ravaged eastern Teso region”, pretty well summed it up when he told the news agency: “We understand this man picked up a shell and tried to melt it for scrap. He put it in the fire and it exploded.” Agwoka added: “Two people were killed and seven others rushed to hospital critically injured. We are sealing off the area to look for more bombs.”

The regret is for those in the vicinity who were caught in the collateral damage. To quote from Larry Niven’s book Oath of Fealty: “Just think of it as evolution in action.”

Frog Intifada Year 2

French Riot Police Sent to Marseille After Teens Torch Bus, Burn Woman

The street barbecue season is starting to heat up again in Frogland.

France’s interior minister sent riot police to patrol the southern port city of Marseille on Sunday after a group of marauding teenagers torched a bus, gravely burning a young woman.

French police braced for violence this weekend, the anniversary of last year’s riots in poor neighborhoods where immigrants from former French colonies in Africa live with their French-born children on the fringes of society.

I guess since nothing changed after last years’ riots, then…well, nothing has changed to impress the Islamogangs to restrain themselves this year either…and then they wonder why they sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

UK Hunts Ride On

Two years on from the ban and Britain’s hunts are flourishing

When the ban on hunting was introduced, supporters feared that the future of the sport was threatened. Almost two years on, however, a survey has revealed that many hunts have increased their membership, with some being forced to turn people away. The results of the study, carried out by the Countryside Alliance, provided a boost for hunt supporters as the new season got under way yesterday.

The Chief’s heart is warmed by this report from across the eastern pond, that the attempt to ban the traditional style of foxhunting in the UK has had the effect of stimulating greater interest, and greater participation than before. It seems that the legislation has enough “wiggle room” that the hunt organizations found that they could continue to function quite well, thank you!

Not only are the hunt groups prospering, but the overall numbers of foxes killed has greatly increased, chiefly due to an increase in alternative (and more efficient) methods:

More than a third of respondents said fox and hare numbers had dropped since the ban. While 20,000 foxes a year were killed by registered packs before the ban, and 75,000 a year by all forms of hunting and pest control, hunt insiders believe that both of these numbers have risen. The reasons are complex, but the use of guns rather than hounds and the renewed vigour that gamekeepers are applying to controlling fox numbers after the ban are cited as the most likely.

Chalk this one up as another failed attempt of the moonbats to impose their world onto the rest of us, whether we want it or not, sort of like the wildly expensive exercise in futility that comprises the Canuckian gun registration laws.

There’s apparently still hope for Britain in spite of years of ennervating exposure to the Labour government’s EngSoc.

Too bad, so sad!

Mexico decries U.S. fence plan

This article is short, and to the point:

Mexico has criticized a plan by the United States to build a 700-mile long fence along the U.S.-Mexican border, El Universal newspaper reported Friday.

President George W. Bush Thursday signed the bill authorizing the construction of the fence, prompting Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon to call the law a “mistake.”

Some 1.2 million Mexicans and other illegal immigrants tried to enter the United States last year.

So they don’t like the fence idea?

Eff ’em if they can’t take the joke!