Birds of a Feather Flock Together at Holocaust Denial-fest
Iran and it’s neo-Nazi President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad are currently engrossed (emphasis on gross!) in their gala conference concerning the non-occurrence of the Holocaust. There are some other rocks turned over that have found some supporters from unexpected (but not unsurprising) sources.
Ex-Klan Chief At Holocaust Conference
Yep, there he is…scum from bottom of the Louisiana bayous: David Duke, representing the KKK viewpoint to the biggest collection of anti-semitism since the Nurnberg rallies of the 1930’s.
Iran hosted Holocaust deniers from around the world on Monday in a conference debating whether the World War II genocide of Jews took place, a meeting that Israel’s prime minister condemned as a “sick phenomenon.” The 67 participants from 30 countries included former U.S. Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.
KKK’s David Duke Tells Iran Holocaust Conference That Gas Chambers Not Used to Kill Jews
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s conference questioning the Holocaust came to an end Tuesday, but not before hearing former KKK Imperial Wizard David Duke say that gas chambers were not used to kill Jews. “The Zionists have used the Holocaust as a weapon to deny the rights of the Palestinians and cover up the crimes of Israel,” Duke told a gathering of nearly 70 “researchers” in Tehran at Ahmadinejad’s invitation.
Researchers? Yeah…like Dr. Mengele was a medical researcher.
Another thought…with the liked of David Duke with his KKK, neo-Nazi, and other connections of that ilk hooking up with Islamofascism…the documentable connections between McVey and al Qaida in the Oklahoma City bombing, seem to look not at all unlikely.
Of course the latter-day Fuhrer of Iran got his 2 cents worth in:
Iran president says Israel’s days are numbered
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday told delegates at an international conference questioning the Holocaust that Israel’s days were numbered. Ahmadinejad, who has sparked international outcry by referring to the killing of six million Jews in World War Two as a “myth” and calling for Israel to be “wiped off the map”, launched another verbal attack on the Jewish state.
“Thanks to people’s wishes and God’s will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want,” he said. “Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out,” he added.
Apparently significant parts of the US Establishment is either stupid, blind, or consciously amoral as it refuses to take this seriously. This is perfectly illustrated by the outcome of “statesman” James Baker’s ISG (Iraq Surrender Group) which recommends negotiation with Iran, to supposedly help us bring peace to Iraq.
This is nothing more or less than a revival of Chamberlain’s 1938 version of “Peace in Our Time” (…oh yeah…don’t consider what happens to the Czechs…nothing to see, move along folks…). The rest was history, as the emboldened 3rd Reich Marching and Singing Society figured they could pull it off again with Poland…resulting in WW-II, when even the feckless Chamberlain and his Frog allies across the Channel realized that they couldn’t just sit back and let Germany annex Europe by default. One senses that there is a rapidly approaching threshold when a similar response will be the only way to deal with this geopolitical cancer.
The world response to this exercise in “historical scholarship” has evoked a reaction that the Iranian high muckety-muck mullahs don’t much care for apparently:
Iran defiant as anger mounts over Holocaust forum
Iran has pressed on with a controversial Holocaust conference as international outrage mounted over its hosting of “revisionist” historians who cast doubt on the mass slaughter of Jews in World War II. British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Tuesday slammed the conference as “shocking beyond belief”, a sentiment echoed by his Israeli counterpart Ehud Olmert and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Iran said that the aim of the conference was to find answers to questions about the Holocaust from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has described it as a “myth” and cast doubt on the scale of the slaughter. Papers delivered Tuesday by participants from countries ranging from Austria to Indonesia included “A Challenge to the Official Holocaust Story”, and “Holocaust, the Achilles Heel of a Primordial Jewish Trojan”.
Where are the Crusades now that we REALLY need them? DEUS VULT!