All posts by Chief

Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

Another speaker of inconvenient truth.

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims.

No mistaking THAT message, but wait…he’s just getting warmed up!

I have read dozens of scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct. There is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril. I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismissal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.

In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As the temperature rises, polar ice cap melting, coastal flooding and super storm pattern all fail to occur as predicted everyone will come to realize we have been duped. The sky is not falling. And, natural cycles and drifts in climate are as much if not more responsible for any climate changes underway. I strongly believe that the next twenty years are equally as likely to see a cooling trend as they are to see a warming trend.

Unfortunately, evidence suggests that even this mighty blow of the cluebat will not avail against the incrediblethickheadedness of AlGor’s band of enviro moonbats and their ilk, but one can hope that it may reach those not yet intellectually brain-dead.

Nope, no shame at all!

Hillary takes cash from terror suspects

The Democrat senator over the past seven months has received $1,000 from M. Yaqub Mirza and another $500 from M. Omar Ashraf, federal campaign records show. Federal agents raided the Virginia homes and offices of the Muslim donors after 9/11 for ties to terrorism….Mirza, who also has given to other candidates, including Republicans, is said to act on behalf of Saudi millionaire Yassin al-Qadi, who the U.S. Treasury Department in October 2001 blacklisted as an al-Qaida financier.

Perfectly consistant with the past record…Clinton is a Clinton, and to these latter-day Snopes’ (see Misssissippi author William Faulkner for the reference) any money from any source, is good money.

ChiComs Being…ChiComs

The Bible among objects prohibited at the 2008 Beijing Olympics

So much for any Olympic spirit of tolerance and diversity.

The Spanish daily La Razon said the rule was one of a number of “signs of censure and intolerance” towards religious objects, particularly those used by Christians in China. Currently in China five bishops and fifteen priests are in prison for opposing the official Church.

But then again, they ARE the ChiComs…that’s what they do, and who they really are.

Russians in Nanotech Race with US, China?

Russia Pours Billions in Oil Profits Into Nanotech Race

Back in the mid-1980s, a joke made the rounds that the Kremlin was preparing a major announcement: After a decade-long top-secret crash program, socialist science had succeeded in building the world’s largest microprocessor.

That was then. After sleeping through the high tech revolutions of the late 20th century, the Russian government is dumping billions into the burgeoning science of nanotechnology. The Kremlin last June announced the creation of Rosnanotekh, a state nanotechnology corporation slated for $5 billion in initial funding — an outlay that propels Russia past China in nanotech spending, and puts the country on a par with the United States in government-funded nano research.

Russia shooting for another technological “surprise” like Sputnik? (Remeber though, the ChiComs are lurking out there too.)

AlGor Award “Partner” to Nobel Committee: No thanks!

U.N. Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize Share, Denounces Climate Alarmism

This is really good.

I’ve had a lot of fun recently with my tiny (and unofficial) slice of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). But, though I was one of thousands of IPCC participants, I don’t think I will add “0.0001 Nobel Laureate” to my resume.

The other half of the prize was awarded to former Vice President Al Gore, whose carbon footprint would stomp my neighborhood flat. But that’s another story.Large icebergs in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Winter sea ice around the continent set a record maximum last month.

Both halves of the award honor promoting the message that Earth’s temperature is rising due to human-based emissions of greenhouse gases. The Nobel committee praises Mr. Gore and the IPCC for alerting us to a potential catastrophe and for spurring us to a carbonless economy.

I’m sure the majority (but not all) of my IPCC colleagues cringe when I say this, but I see neither the developing catastrophe nor the smoking gun proving that human activity is to blame for most of the warming we see. Rather, I see a reliance on climate models (useful but never “proof”) and the coincidence that changes in carbon dioxide and global temperatures have loose similarity over time.

There are some of us who remain so humbled by the task of measuring and understanding the extraordinarily complex climate system that we are skeptical of our ability to know what it is doing and why. As we build climate data sets from scratch and look into the guts of the climate system, however, we don’t find the alarmist theory matching observations. (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite data we analyze at the University of Alabama in Huntsville does show modest warming — around 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit per century, if current warming trends of 0.25 degrees per decade continue.)

It is my turn to cringe when I hear overstated-confidence from those who describe the projected evolution of global weather patterns over the next 100 years, especially when I consider how difficult it is to accurately predict that system’s behavior over the next five days.

Mother Nature simply operates at a level of complexity that is, at this point, beyond the mastery of mere mortals (such as scientists) and the tools available to us. As my high-school physics teacher admonished us in those we-shall-conquer-the-world-with-a-slide-rule days, “Begin all of your scientific pronouncements with ‘At our present level of ignorance, we think we know . . .'”

There’s more. Go read it.

IslamoDonkCong Against Voting Integrity

Ellison wants to ban photo ID as requirement for voting

This Minnesnowta Donk Cong has recruited LeftLib fellow Donk John Conyers to back his half-brained no brained scheme to ban any requirement for showing an ID in order to vote.

This is allegedly due to concern that it might prove to be an onerous burden to expect someone to have a photo ID – thus “discriminating” against the poor.

As far as the Chief is concerned, the main result of this is to allow voting by illegal aliens. Who else would REALLY be excluded by the need for some ID.

Federal Reserve Balloon Works in Action

The sole inflation creator

Mogambo in the Asia Times continues to call a spade a spade, and speak inconvenient truth abnut our economic trends.
Read the whole column to appreciate its full flavor, but this dollop will give you the general idea at least:

I motion for Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital to take the microphone and talk some sense into these idiots in the audience. I shout out, “Okay, listen up, you morons! Mr Schiff here is going to tell you about inflation!”

I step aside, and Mr Schiff says, “Inflation has only one cause and that is the Federal Reserve itself. In the United States, the supply of money and credit is regulated by the Fed. Since inflation is by definition an increase in the supply of money and credit, only the Fed can create it.”

I look out over the audience to see if anything is sinking into their heads, but all I see is people glaring at me with that familiar look of hatred in their eyes. So I mischievously ask, “What would happen if the Fed didn’t create more money and credit?”

He easily replies, “If the money supply were held constant, increases in some prices would be offset by decreases in others. The result would be no overall inflation.”

No inflation! To make sure that nobody misses this important point, I grab the microphone right out of his hand and I scream, “No inflation in prices! No inflation in prices! It’s a paradise! No inflation!”

Mr Schiff, taken aback by my sudden outburst, gingerly takes the microphone back and says that, “In fact, without government created expansions of the money supply, the natural tendency of prices would be to decline as technology allowed for more efficient production of goods and services.” (emphases added)

What a concept!

Is THIS what they mean by “Happy as a clam?”

Clam, 405, is oldest animal ever

A British scientific team discovered the 405-year-old clam, named after the Chinese dynasty and not the former Liberal Democrat leader, at the bottom of the ocean, and hope its longevity will reveal the secrets of ageing. So significant is the find that Help The Aged have awarded a £40,000 grant to the team to investigate how the molusc, born when Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne and William Shakespeare was writing The Merry Wives of Windsor, has survived over the centuries.

Donks Carve Out Appeasement Position on Iran

Democrats go on record opposing Iran strike

Pre-emptive move to pacify peacenik left.

Still reeling from the fallout of authorizing the Iraq war five years ago, Democrats in Congress are determined to put themselves early on record as opposing American military action in Iran.

In recent days, many Democrats have gone to great lengths to denounce President Bush’s strategy on Iran, including his decision to label Tehran’s Quds military force as a terrorist group and his statement that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to “World War III.”

Politically this is not bad grist for a real Repblican mill.

To Iran: “…and this time we REALLY mean it!”

US imposes strict economic sanctions on Iran

The United States has announced its toughest action against Iran since the aftermath of the 1979 revolution by instituting a raft of unilateral sanctions.

The unprecedented steps are designed to cut international financial support to Teheran’s theocratic regime as well as targeting Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp, which is accused of supporting Shia insurgents in Iraq.

OOOOOOOOHHH! They’re surely shaking in their boots now!

UPDATE – Just in case you don’t know why Iran doesn’t take the West seriously:

Iranians study nuclear physics in Britain

The Foreign Office has cleared dozens of Iranians to enter British universities to study advanced nuclear physics and other subjects with the potential to be applied to weapons of mass destruction.

In the past nine months about 60 Iranians have been admitted to study postgraduate courses deemed “proliferation-sensitive” by the security services. The disciplines range from nuclear physics to some areas of electrical and chemical engineering and microbiology.

Never fear! Help is on the way!?

When confronted with the figures this weekend, the Foreign Office admitted that it was reviewing the vetting for sensitive areas of study and planned to announce an overhaul within the next few weeks to make procedures more rigorous.

Now THAT’s reassuring – they’re “reviewing” their procedures an plan to announce an overhaul…sometime.

After going on to discuss the current situation in more detail, as well as some possible improvements, one glaring omission remains: what will be done regarding those already admitted? Still reassured…or not?

Don’t Worry! No terrorist here!

Teacher who attacked base had death wish, FBI says

Wielding two butcher knives bought at Wal-Mart and vodka bottles to use as explosives, Tahmeed Ahmad chanted ”Death to America” and told Homestead Air Reserve Base guards he wanted to kill soldiers.

Sounds fairly straight-forward, right?

But Ahmad was no terrorist, authorities believe.


Rather, the Miami Central High School math teacher wanted to ”commit suicide by cop” when he attacked military policemen stationed at the west gate just before midnight Sunday, the FBI said.

Hmmmm. Isn’t the middle-east crawling with terrorists who are wanting to commit suicide…with bombs, or in some cases attacking a checkpoint, or individual, knowing that it would end in the sure death of the perp? How come it’s terrorism when it’s over there, and not here?


A wake-up experience?!

Women’s studies professor says Islamic fundamentalists violate women’s rights

This is definitely one from the “DUH!” department!

Donna Hughes, professor and Carlson endowed chairperson of the University of Rhode Island women’s studies program, contended that Islamic fundamentalists violate women’s rights yesterday. Her lecture in the Memorial Union was part of URI’s College Republicans Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.

One wonders what the stimulus into awareness was that led to this moment of enlightenment. There’s even more:

Hughes said she uses the term Islamic fundamentalism to describe a “political movement,” and said. “Islamic fundamentalism is a political movement that has particular goals and methods and ideology,” Hughes said. She dubbed the movement as “a major threat to world peace and freedom,” and a distortion of religious belief.

“The political goal of Islamic fascists is to create a religious dictatorship,” she said. Hughes said the goals are demonstrated through rituals like honor killings, beatings, stoning, threats and family pressure.

Wonders never cease!

Dusty Harry Wakes from Dream; US Spared Nightmare

Senators reject legal status for children of immigrants

Majority Leader Sen. “Dusty” Harry Ried (Donk-NV) made a second attempt at his so-called Dream plan to guarantee illegals the right to a fast track legalization pathway.

The obvious question to the Chief is why illegal alien residents, who by definition, have committed crimes in order to even be in the country should get this fast-track? Of course there’s no answer but one, found in the pages of history referring back to the bad old days of New your’s Tammany Hall (not coincidently, a also bunch of corrupt Donks) when stuff like this was a deliberate electoral strategy (from Wikipedia):

Tammany Hall also served as a social integrator for immigrants by familiarizing them with American society and its political institutions and by helping them become naturalized citizens. One example was the massively expedited, although legally dubious, naturalization process organized by William Tweed. Under Tweed special naturalization committees were established to complete the forms, pay the fees and obtain the witnesses necessary for naturalizing immigrants, and judges were compelled to expedite naturalization proceedings.(emphasis added)

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Anyway, Ried’s efforts were once again (fortunately) in vain:

The Senate today rejected a bill that would have allowed young people brought to the United States as children by their illegal immigrant parents to gain legal status provided they attended school or entered the military. The 52-44 vote, short of the 60 required, was seen as a test of the Senate’s appetite for pursuing an immigration overhaul on a piecemeal basis, as opposed to the comprehensive approach that failed this summer. The procedural vote would have allowed debate to begin.

Ried’s Donk allies wasted no time in shedding crocodile tears for the poor, oppressed illegals:

“I believe in this bill passionately,” said lead sponsor Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), who has lobbied for the so-called Dream Act for five years and says he knows many young people who would be helped by it. “Some of their stories are heartbreaking. Many know no other country, know no other language, and now they are being told to leave by our government.”

If they had been here legally in the first place, there would be no problem. This simple concept is apparently too much for Dick “Turban” Durbin to grasp.

Oh well. All’s well that ends well…at least for now.

Every Picture Tells a Story…

Big names no draw for anti-war films

Q: How does this support the widely bruited about Donk assertion of a massive groundswell of opposition to the war?
A: It doesn’t!

It doesn’t matter how many Oscar winners are in front of or behind the camera — audiences are proving to be conscientious objectors when it comes to this fall’s surge of anti-war and anti-Bush films. Both “In the Valley of Elah” and, more recently, “Rendition” drew miniscule crowds upon their release, which doesn’t bode well for the ongoing stream of films critical of the Iraq War and the Bush administration’s wider war on terror.

The moonbats are going to take a bath in terms of their investment. Like they say in Russia: “Toughski shitski” Couldn’t happen to a more deserving crew.

Brandon Gray, President and Publisher of, says we seek out movies for inspiration, for laughter and to be moved. “Many of these recent dramas fail on all those fronts,” Mr. Gray says. “They’re too heavy handed in their presentation.”

So given the perpetrators, what else would you expect?

Only One Cat left in Clinton House

Ouch! Hillary Clinton’s softer image is clawed over dumped cat

HINT: It ain’t Socks anymore, either!

AS THE “first pet” of the Clinton era, Socks, the White House cat, allowed “chilly” Hillary Clinton to show a caring, maternal side as well as bringing joy to her daughter Chelsea. So where is Socks today?

Once the presidency was over, there was no room for Socks any more. After years of loyal service at the White House, the black and white cat was dumped on Betty Currie, Bill Clinton’s personal secretary, who also had an embarrassing clean-up role in the saga of his relationship with the intern Monica Lewinsky.

As a dog person, the Chief isn’t generally sympathetic to cats…but in this case…yeah, I guess so! Besides Socks, Betty Currie has more class than Hil anyway!

Blair Sounds Churchillian Warning

Tony Blair: Iran extremism like rise of 1930s fascism

In his first major address since leaving office, former Brit PM Tony Blair has issued a Churchillian warning on the relentless nature of the Islamofascist enemies of Western Civilization.

Islamist extremism is similar to “rising fascism in the 1920s and 1930s”, Tony Blair said last night in his first major speech since leaving office. At a prestigious charity dinner in New York, the former Prime Minister said that public figures who blamed the rise of fundamentalism on the policies of the West were “mistaken”.

He told the audience, which included New York governor Eliot Spitzer and mayor Michael Bloomberg, that Iran was the biggest exporter of the ideology, and that the Islamic republic was prepared to “back and finance terror” to support it. “Out there in the Middle East, we’ve seen… the ideology driving this extremism and terror is not exhausted. On the contrary it believes it can and will exhaust us first,” he said. “Analogies with the past are never properly accurate, and analogies especially with the rising fascism can be easily misleading but, in pure chronology, I sometimes wonder if we’re not in the 1920s or 1930s again.

The kernal of his warning is clearly stated:

He added: “There is a tendency even now, even in some of our own circles, to believe that they are as they are because we have provoked them and if we left them alone they would leave us alone. I fear this is mistaken. They have no intention of leaving us alone. They have made their choice and leave us with only one to make – to be forced into retreat or to exhibit even greater determination and belief in standing up for our values than they do in standing up for theirs.”(emphasis added}

An excellent triumph of truth over head-in-the-sand political correctness.

More Gory Stuff

Gore wins; facts lose

The world has become such a difficult and dangerous place that I am deeply appreciative of recent amusing events, which seem as if they were written by the Marx Brothers or Monty Python. I have in mind, it should go without saying, Al Gore winning both an Academy Award and the Nobel Peace Prize. The very sentence sounds like a punch line. But I can’t quite figure out who is supposed to be the butt of the joke.

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

This Tony Blankley piece goes on to do the nearly impossible: he makes the so-called “carbon offset” clearly understandable as the ineffective, meaningless scam that it is.

Before reviewing Gore’s various inanities that won him the Nobel, it is worth taking a look at one of his related projects: carbon offsets. As chairman and founder of Generation Investment Management, a firm that purchases carbon dioxide offsets, Gore stands to profit further from what he sees as mankind’s misery — which is OK by me. I’m glad to see he finally has developed the capitalist instinct (like his dad did with Occidental Petroleum and Armand Hammer).

But carbon offsets are a rather strange concept. Let me use a simple metaphor to explain it: Let’s suppose that Al Gore goes to an Italian restaurant and eats a loaf of garlic bread, a plate of lasagna, a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, an extra-large pizza with seven toppings, a couple bottles of Chianti and a large assortment of pastries. As a result, he puts on 10 pounds. But he is deeply concerned that mankind is getting too fat. So he pays 10 peasants in Asia $10 each to eat nothing for a week. Although they are already thin, by starving themselves for a week, they each lose a pound. As a result, after a week, mankind is weight neutral. Al Gore weighs 10 pounds more, 10 Asians weigh 10 pounds less — and Al Gore is given another Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership in keeping mankind’s waistline in check.


To get down to the Nobel nitty-gritty:

But Al Gore’s carbon offset shuffle is small potatoes, as it were. His great accomplishment is to have shared the Nobel Peace Prize with the thousands of scientists of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — while contradicting their scientific findings.

There’s more relevant supporting science in the piece…check it out for yourself…

…and yet even more Gore, this time from former political apparatchik and current talking head Dick Morris:

Gore can beat Hillary

If the bumper sticker of ’92 and ’96 (Clinton-Gore) divides, and we find Gore running against Hillary Clinton, Al Gore could not only beat the former First Lady for the Democratic nomination, he could win the presidency….Al Gore — the newly minted Nobel laureate — could steal the nomination from Hillary’s well-oiled machine.

This is both good and bad. To repeat the bad:

“…he could win the presidency.”

Sheesh! That’s a chilling thought.

Single Payer D.I.Y. Care in UK: Something to look forward to?

Patients pull own teeth as dental contract falters

This sounds like fun!

Large numbers of people are going without dental treatment and some even report extracting their own teeth because they cannot find an NHS dentist in their area, a survey reveals today.

The Dentistry Watch survey of more than 5,000 people, from the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, found widespread unhappiness among both patients and dentists despite government reforms to increase the availability of NHS dentistry.

So what does one do with such a WONDERFUL system provided by the EngSoc regime?

Just over 10% were not registered with a dentist at all. A third of those (35%) said there were no NHS dentists nearby, 22% said they did not know how to find one, 13% said they were on a waiting list and 30% said there were other reasons.

But 6% of the respondents said they were self-treating, which often included pulling out their own troublesome teeth. “Fourteen teeth have had to be removed by myself using pliers,” said one Lancashire respondent. “Have pulled teeth out before, easier than finding a dentist,” said one in Hull. “Because I could not afford the treatment cost, I had to extract my own tooth on one occasion,” said one in Harrow. “I took most of my teeth out in the shed with pliers. I have one to go,” said another in Wiltshire.

Some of the respondents show considerable ingenuity. “Filled own teeth – clove oil and Polyfilla,” said one in Essex. Another fixed a crown with Superglue and a third used a screwdriver to scrape off plaque.

Sort of gives a new twist to the British traditional “stiff upper lip”, eh, what?

Just wait and see how well WE have it if “Hillarycare” becomes our system.  Maybe Lowe’s will have a new section for do-it-yourself dental tools – no doubt imported from the ChiComs.

Leading Meteorologist: Gore Blowing Hot Air!

Gore gets a cold shoulder

More inconvenient truth for AlGor:

ONE of the world’s foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize “ridiculous” and the product of “people who don’t understand how the atmosphere works”.

Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, told a packed lecture hall at the University of North Carolina that humans were not responsible for the warming of the earth.

His comments came on the same day that the Nobel committee honoured Mr Gore for his work in support of the link between humans and global warming.

Dr. Gray went on to cite specific details to clean up the Gore from the Euro Nobel Peace committee’s attempted coronation.

But Dr Gray, whose annual forecasts of the number of tropical storms and hurricanes are widely publicised, said a natural cycle of ocean water temperatures – related to the amount of salt in ocean water – was responsible for the global warming that he acknowledges has taken place.

“We’ll look back on all of this in 10 or 15 years and realise how foolish it was,” Dr Gray said.

During his speech to a crowd of about 300 that included meteorology students and a host of professional meteorologists, Dr Gray also said those who had linked global warming to the increased number of hurricanes in recent years were in error.

He cited statistics showing there were 101 hurricanes from 1900 to 1949, in a period of cooler global temperatures, compared to 83 from 1957 to 2006 when the earth warmed.

“The human impact on the atmosphere is simply too small to have a major effect on global temperatures,” Dr Gray said.

Great application of the ol’ cluebat on AlGor, not that it will make any difference.

Economy Inflated?

A couple of articles that things might not be as healthy in terms of inflation. Inflation, what inflation?

Yeah, THAT inflation – that’s drastically revised downwards since the formula for calculating it was “improved” during the reign of President Bubba Clinton.

Read ’em and weep…and then figuratively (or maybe even literally?) look to your moat!

Did He Say “Tighter Monetary Policy”?

It looks like about $15.4 trillion in bank assets and liabilities is being backed up by a minuscule $40.2 billion. That’s a microscopic 0.0026%. Hahahaha! Fractional reserve banking at its finest!

The Mogambo Theory of Currency Relativity

I have been advised over and over again to consider foreign currencies as an investment, and I have declined over and over again because I think that all foreign currencies are, being as polite as I can, pieces of crap….

And not only that, but these fiat currencies are routinely multiplied by the banks using miniscule amounts of reserves in a wildly-inflationary fractional-reserve banking paradigm, just like the United States does with the dollar, and that means that all their currencies are crap, too, just like the U.S. dollar, and the purchasing power of each unit of each of these currencies will always be going down, just like the U.S. dollar, and the only stupid “strength” that they can muster is to be fractionally stronger than other stupid fiat currencies and other more extreme fractional-reserve central banking idiocies, namely (as if you had to be told) the U.S. dollar and the wildly inflationary Federal Reserve….

…it’s a matter of Einstein’s relativity; two entities are in relation to each other, so that one currency appears to be moving ahead and one appears to be falling behind, but the reality is they are both falling, falling, falling in purchasing power and they are saying in their little currency voices, “Oooh! Help us! We’re faaaaalllliiiiing!”

It’s just that one is perceived as losing value less fast, and so it is just a matter of time, and the contraction of time, which explains why the speed of light is a perceived constant, and why one currency moves against another because one of them is seemingly standing still.

Einstein, whom everyone thinks is such a hotshot intellectual giant, did not see the obvious correlation to how the speed of inflation in prices are functions of how insanely, traitorously stupid, stupid, stupid your central bank is in creating the enormous gravitational mass of excess money and credit, and thus inflation will kill your currency and your economy

Maybe those secessionists noted here have a point.

UK Ruling on Film Not Favoring “Greens”

Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth

From the UK site of a new political party calling itself…”The New Party”. (Call it what it is, eh?)

The decision by the government to distribute Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth has been the subject of a legal action by New Party member Stewart Dimmock. Although a full ruling has yet to be given, the Court found that the film was misleading in 11 respects and that the Guidance Notes drafted by the Education Secretary’s advisors served only to exacerbate the political propaganda in the film.

In order for the film to be shown, the Government must first amend their Guidance Notes to Teachers to make clear that 1.) The Film is a political work and promotes only one side of the argument. 2.) If teachers present the Film without making this plain they may be in breach of section 406 of the Education Act 1996 and guilty of political indoctrination. 3.) Eleven inaccuracies have to be specifically drawn to the attention of school children.

The inaccuracies are:

* The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government’s expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
* The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
* The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that it was “not possible” to attribute one-off events to global warming.
* The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that this was not the case.
* The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
* The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant’s evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
* The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
* The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
* The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
* The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
* The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.

Now THAT’s inconvenient, right Al?

Progress in Anbar Province: News Not Fit to Print

This is in the London Telegraph, not the NY Times, so it MUST fall in the category of not being part of “All the news that’s fit to print”.

Iraq insurgency: People rise against al-Qa’eda

Somebody should tell the Donks about this…never mind, they wouldn’t pay any attention to it anyway. (Remember? The surge won’t succeed!)

A transformation has swept western Iraq that allows Marines to walk through areas that a year ago were judged lost to radical Islam control and hear nothing more aggressive than a late-night game of pool. Relationships have been built by a softly-softly approach by American troops

Behind the shutters the Sunni Muslim residents of the province are enjoying the dividends of driving out al-Qa’eda fighters who had imposed an oppressive Taliban-style regime. The popular uprising against al-Qa’eda by residents of Anbar Province turned former enemies into American allies earlier this year. The result was a dramatic restoration of stability across Iraq’s Sunni heartland.

Nothing succeeds like success.

MidEast Offer of Movement

Several related items, reported in the Jerusalem Post and elsewhere:

‘We need to give up deeply held desires’

Like what? The desire to survive?

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the Knesset at the opening of its Winter Session on Monday that the current Palestinian leadership wants to move forward toward peace with Israel and that he would not use excuses to stall peace talks.

Whay expect any evidences of negotiations truly in good faith ? Those would just be an obstructive excuses.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert addresses the Knesset during the opening of its Winter Session, Monday. Laying out his agenda for the coming year, Olmert said he planned to make every effort to pursue peace with the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

A worthy sentiment. Worthy of Neville Chamberlain in 1938.

“The current Palestinian leadership is not a terrorist leadership. President Abbas and Prime Minister Salaam Fayad are committed to all the agreements signed with Israel, and I believe that they want to move ahead together with us on a route that will bring about a change in the reality of relations between us and them,” he said.

If you believe that, PLEASE e-mail me immediately. I have a GREAT deal for you on some tropical beach-front property here in Moody County, South Dakota!

Further comments indicate that Olmert is willing to give up more than “desires”:

Israel Signals Shift on Jerusalem Split

Two senior Israeli politicians, including the prime minister’s closest ally, talked openly Monday about dividing Jerusalem, signaling a possible shift in Israeli opinion about one of the Mideast’s most contentious issues. The dispute over Jerusalem has derailed negotiations in the past, and the latest comments come at a time when Israeli and Palestinian teams are trying to agree on principles guiding future peace talks…. Earlier Monday, Olmert’s closest ally, Ramon, raised the idea of a possible division of Jerusalem in interviews on the two main radio stations…. The proposals of Ramon and Lieberman would fall far short of a Palestinian demand to set up their future capital in all of the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of the city. The eastern part contains the Old City, home to major Jewish, Muslim and Christian shrines….Ramon said that under his plan, Israel would not hand over the Old City and neighboring areas—known as the “holy basin”—but he spoke of a special arrangement in the Old City. He did not elaborate, but the term would suggest less than full Israeli sovereignty there.

This would go far towards cementing Olmert’s legacy as the true heir to Chamberlain in the 21st Century (to date).

These pans seem, however, to please neither side in the dispute:

From the Paleswinians (predictably enough):

‘A Palestine without all of east J’lem as capital won’t work’

A solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict necessarily requires the establishment of a Palestinian State with its capital in all of east Jerusalem and any accord short of that will not work, the Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem Affairs said Monday. The comments by Adnan Husseini, who previously served as director of the Islamic Wakf which administers the Temple Mount, only served to highlight the immense gaps that exist between the two parties regarding Jerusalem, and cast doubt on whether Prime Minster Ehud Olmert’s longstanding proposal to cede Arab neighborhoods on the periphery of the city as part of a final peace agreement could serve as basis for such an accord.

Realize, this transfer of east Jerusalem to the Paleswinians would include the West (Wailing) Wall of the Temple back out of Israeli hands. Also, the security situation would not be improved either.

‘Olmert will place Hamas on Jerusalemem walls’

Just what we need.

At the opening of the Knesset Winter Session, Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu lashed out at the government’s policy, claiming that its strategy would eventually lead to an Iranian terrorist presence in Jerusalem and the rest of Israel.

The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon created an Iranian outpost – from which Israel is being attacked – in the North, and the unilateral pullout from Gaza created a second Iranian base in Gaza, ‘Hamastan,'” Netanyahu said. “And now the government is planning a third withdrawal – from Judea and Samaria – that will lead to a third Iranian outpost.”

Netanyahu quoted statements made by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert before the withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza, respectively, saying the two had promised security, while Israel was in actuality served with aggression and terror.

As Olmert seeks to become the latter-day Chamberlain, Netanyahu has taken the role of Churchill, crying in the political wilderness against the Dr. Feel-good emotions and policies of appeasement.

What Obama DOESN’T Say

Obama: GOP doesn’t own faith issue

B. Hussein Obama is feeling his oats again, but what strikes the Cheif is what he DOESN’T say in his latest appeals to some form of religious sentiment.

Republicans no longer have a firm grip on religion in political discourse, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama told Sunday worshippers. Sen. Barack Obama spoke Sunday at Redemption World Outreach Center in South Carolina.

The senator from Illinois delivered his campaign message to a multiracial evangelical congregation in traditionally conservative Greenville, South Carolina. “I think it’s important, particularly for those of us in the Democratic Party, to not cede values and faith to any one party,” Obama told reporters outside the Redemption World Outreach Center where he attended services.

OK. He can have his opinion…everybody’s gont one. So what. This idea is what’s curious:

He finished his brief remarks by saying, “We’re going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.”

There are MANY precedents and prior examples of kingdoms, both literally and figuratively, “right here on Earth”/ The only question is what KIND of kingdom is being referred to. Historically, most of them (understatement alert!) leave something to be desired.

What B. Hussein Obama DOESN’T claim, is that his kingdom is a heavenly one. If it isn’t, they do YOU want the alternative version? Also, remember – a Kingdom doesn’t have much to do with a constitutional republic.

The Chief would hearken back to the old Revolutionary War slogan: “No king but King Jesus.”

Yankees and Rebs Meet, Agree: “Let’s Split!”

Secessionists meeting in Tennessee

In an unlikely marriage of desire to secede from the United States, two advocacy groups from opposite political traditions — New England and the South — are sitting down to talk.

Tired of foreign wars and what they consider right-wing courts, the Middlebury Institute wants liberal states like Vermont to be able to secede peacefully. That sounds just fine to the League of the South, a conservative group that refuses to give up on Southern independence.

“We believe that an independent South, or Hawaii, Alaska, or Vermont would be better able to serve the interest of everybody, regardless of race or ethnicity,” said Michael Hill of Killen, Ala., president of the League of the South.

The interesting question in all this is that IF some state or states REALLY got enough support to push secession, would there be enough intestinal fortitude available to force it to not happen, as was the case in 1860? The Chief has to wonder. Also, imagine the field day the UN types would have standing up for “self-determination”, etc.

This sort of Balkanization in today’s world would greatly weaken the resiliance of Western Civilization in dealing with what would rapidly become an even more resurgent Islamofascist jihad, and thus be ultimately an evil.

Senate Reaction to Mideast: Verbal Backbone for a Change

Senators slam lack of Arab support

In spite of all the brouhaha about the war, etc., this shows a singular lack of sympathy to a hands-off response to the problems of trying to find Arabs truly in support of Middle East peace – al long as Israel still exists.

Close to 80 senators – including all those running for president -signed a letter calling for greater Arab support for the peace process ahead of the international conference the US is planning for November.

The election’s coming, and the smell of Jewish votes is in the air! (Or is this just TOO cynical? In some cases yes, in all too many other cases, nah, not nearly cynical enough.

“The success of such a meeting, and ultimately the peace process itself, will depend on the cooperation we receive from the larger Arab world, particularly from those Arab states with close relations with the United States who have not yet signed agreements with Israel,” read the letter, in an apparent reference to Saudi Arabia. It was due to be sent to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice later Tuesday.

The letter also calls for Arab countries to “recognize Israel’s right to exist and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions” and to “pressure Hamas to recognize Israel, reject terror and accept prior agreements, and isolate Hamas until it takes such steps.”

What’s the upshot of this? Probably not much, given that so-called “moderate” Arab groups are already displeased that anyone has the nerve to expect some form of real behavior from the Saudis.

But those very stipulations would derail the effort to get the Saudis on board by setting preconditions and criticizing Saudi efforts at mediation between Fatah and Hamas, the Arab American Institute argued on its Web site.

The letter also calls for Arab countries to “recognize Israel’s right to exist and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions” and to “pressure Hamas to recognize Israel, reject terror and accept prior agreements, and isolate Hamas until it takes such steps.”

Humph! The NERVE of the Senate to impose pre-conditions, little things like letting Israel continue to exist, and rejecting terror. This apparent offense to the Arab American Institute of these simple concepts of Israel existing and no terror shows their true colors, and they ain’t red, white, and blue!

Private Space Progress

Bigelow Space Modules: Sky High Plans Face Transportation Concerns

Two privately-built prototype modules are circuiting the Earth – prelude technology to seed space with far larger orbital housing that support human occupants.

This has been a very thoughtful, systematic development of the technology and capability of extending the reach and presence of “private” space (i.e. non-governmental space development).

It’s high time!

Meanwhile, Bigelow is far from the only one to have irons in the fire:

Carnegie Mellon Sets Sights on Google’s Lunar X Prize

William “Red” Whittaker and the wizards at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute in Pittsburgh, hope to use their expertise to snag $20 million in the Google Lunar X Prize.

Carnegie Mellon is one of seven teams so far to have sent in a letter of intent and a $1,000 deposit to compete for the $20 million grand prize, according to Brett Alexander, the X Prize Foundation’s executive director of space prizes and the Wirefly X Prize Cup.

The private space moon race has started.

Paradigm Shift on Oil in Order

The concept of “peak oil” is near and dear to the hearts of the doomsayer schools of environmentalism. Here’s another perspective on the issue that seems to be based on something more than a case of enviromentalist “vapors”.

Russia is far from oil’s peak

The good news is that panic scenarios about the world running out of oil any time soon are wrong. The bad news is that the price of oil is going to continue to rise. “Peak Oil” is not our problem. Politics is. Big Oil wants to sustain high oil prices. US Vice President Dick Cheney and friends are all too willing to assist.

What is the “peak oil” theory?

The Peak Oil school rests its theory on conventional Western geology textbooks, most by American or British geologists, which claim oil is a “fossil fuel”, a biological residue or detritus of either fossilized dinosaur remains or perhaps algae, hence a product in finite supply. Biological origin is central to Peak Oil theory, used to explain why oil is only found in certain parts of the world where it was geologically trapped millions of years ago.

That would mean that dinosaur remains became compressed and over tens of millions of years fossilized and were trapped in underground reservoirs perhaps 1,200-2,000 meters below the surface of the Earth. In rare cases, so goes the theory, huge amounts of biological matter should have been trapped in rock formations in the shallower ocean regions such as in the Gulf of Mexico or North Sea or Gulf of Guinea. Geology should be only about figuring out where these pockets in the layers of the earth, called reservoirs, lie within certain sedimentary basins.

On the other hand…

An entirely alternative theory of oil formation has existed since the early 1950s in Russia, almost unknown to the West. It claims that the conventional US biological-origins theory is an unscientific absurdity that is unprovable. They point to the fact that Western geologists have repeatedly predicted finite oil over the past century, only then to find more, lots more.

Not only has this alternative explanation of the origins of oil and gas existed in theory, the emergence of Russia as the world’s largest oil and natural-gas producer has been based on the application of the theory in practice.(Emphasis added.)

Note here: they put their money where their mouth is, and lo and behold…it worked!

This has geopolitical consequences of staggering magnitude.

THAT is a profound understatement! Read the rest of this and THEN look at the price on the corner gas station, and scratch your head along with the Chief.

How could US geology be so far behind the 8-ball on this? Hey! We’ve had long practice at trailing the rest of the world in geological theory:

Russian geophysicists used the theories of brilliant German scientist Alfred Wegener fully 30 years before Western geologists “discovered” Wegener in the 1960s. In 1915, Wegener published the seminal text The Origin of Continents and Oceans, which suggested an original unified landmass or Pangaea more than 200 million years ago that separated into present continents by what he called continental drift.

Up to the 1960s, supposed US scientists such as Dr Frank Press, the White House science adviser, referred to Wegener as “lunatic”. Geologists at the end of the 1960s were forced to eat their words as Wegener offered the only interpretation that allowed them to discover the vast oil resources of the North Sea.

Perhaps in some decades Western geologists will rethink their mythology of fossil origins and realize what the Russians have known since the 1950s. In the meantime, Moscow holds a massive energy trump card.

“Every picture tells a story, don’t it?

Sarkozy brings ‘new tone’ on role in NATO

Kyrgyzstan’s foreign minister sought to allay U.S. concerns about the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in an interview, maintaining that the burgeoning alliance is not a military organization and is not designed to limit U.S. influence in the region.

In spite of this diplospeak, the record of the meeting tells another story altogether:

The bloc linking China, Russia and four Central Asian states…

(a central Asian anti-American version of a sort of wannabe NATO?

…startled the U.S. government at its 2005 summit in Kazakhstan with a call for a deadline for the closing of all foreign bases in the region. Kyrgyzstan is home to the Manas base, the key U.S. Air Force site for supporting the mission in Afghanistan.

The SCO countries also granted Iran “observer” status in the organization, something the United States was denied.

Of course, given that none of the participants are really very sympathetic to the Islamist agenda, they’re supposedly not QUITE cutting off their noses to spite their face:

Kyrgyzstan, considered the most politically liberal of the Central Asian states, hosted the most recent SCO summit in its capital, Bishkek, in August. Speaking through an interpreter, (Kyrgyz President) Mr. Karabaev, who met with top Bush administration officials on a visit here last week, said there is a “common understanding” among all the SCO partners that Manas will be available to the United States and its coalition partners as long as needed for stabilization and counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan. All the SCO members “do recognize that the base helps to solve issues of international security in our region,” he said.

Sort of like the Donks here in the US, who inveigh ad nauseum against the war in Iraq, but won’t cut off the funding, or for that matter impose a surrender date-certain.

Weasels one and all!