All posts by Chief

Yankee Ingenuity Rises Again with Planned SST

The new Concorde: Supersonic jet will get you from London to New York in just three hours

It is five years ago almost to the day that Concorde approached Heathrow airport under much fanfare and nostalgia on its last official flight before heading off into retirement. In a move which for some people signalled a step backwards for technology, the Anglo-French aviation-engineering masterpiece touched down and with it the chance for people to experience supersonic air travel.

But now, an American firm is on the cusp of re-imagining the supersonic dream and confidently plans to have supersonic commercial aircraft back in the skies as a reality by 2015.


The Aerion Supersonic Jet may not have the same grace and style and the size of the great Concorde, but the Aerion group are so sure that the plane will fly that they have pencilled in test flights for 2012, with transatlantic testing to follow soon after. Reaching a top speed of mach 1.6 the jet will once again put New York within three hours flight time of London.

What about the drawbacks of the Concorde? Not to worry:

‘The cost per nautical mile will be similar to today’s large business jets.’ The biggest advance in technology that the Aerion has improved upon Concorde is in its noise reduction ability.

Concorde was famously and some would say intentionally scuppered by jealous Americans who banned the plane from flying over U.S. territory at the speed of sound. This immediately removed any advantage the small plane had over its larger competitors and ended the supersonic age before it had begun.

The Aerion aircraft can successfully fly at nearly the speed of sound without any significant noise impact and more amazingly has the ability to fly at mach 1.15 without emanating a sonic boom. ‘This is due to the patented supersonic natural laminar flow (SNLF) technology that substantially reduces drag at supersonic as well as high-subsonic cruise speeds,’ says Jeff Miller.

The first version will be sold as a high-end corparate type aircraft, with the technology and market for that being used to leverage eventual development of an airline service version of the plane.

‘Concorde was a beautiful machine and a product of its time, but technology has moved forward and new designs such as the Aerion jet offer greater efficiency. ‘Concorde was withdrawn due to high operating cost, which Aerion technology has successfully overcome,’ says Jeff.

Aerion will start small but hope to have the technology and the capital to one day expand their operation beyond smaller aircraft to larger Concorde sized vehicles. ‘With the success of the Aerion supersonic business jet, we expect to see supersonic flight becoming commonplace. ‘With market acceptance it will be possible to fund the development of airliner variants, offering time savings to a much larger group of travellers,’ says Jeff.

As incredible as it seems that Concorde was flying only five years ago, Aerion will be tearing across our skies in four, heralding a return to the skies of supersonic travel.

And how cool is that! While the Chief admittedly won;t be in line to buy one…(ha ha ha)…it’s good to see further real technological progress in commercial aerospace. Maybe there WILL be a future chance to enjoy a 3 hour flight to London on an airline version. That WOULD be cool!

Digest of Some Interesting News

Obama ‘admits’ Kenyan birth?

Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally “admitted” to the lawsuit’s accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.

And the point is? If true, B.O. is not Constitutionally qualified or eligible to be president.

Muggers for B.O.:
Woman Attacked, Letter Scratched Into Her Face

“Trickle-Up” Poverty: The New Economics of Barack Obama

The liberal media talking heads are already proclaiming that a Barack Obama victory will be revolutionary. Revolutionary is right.


The last great revolution took place in Russia. Within a year of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the communist leader Lenin brought the Russians change they could believe in. He created an economic system in which:
* All industry was nationalized and strict centralized management was introduced.
* Obligatory labor duty was imposed onto “non-working classes” or people who had money. Food was rationed and centrally distributed.
* Military-like control of railroads was introduced.
* Private enterprise became illegal.

After Stalin took over the Soviet Union, he:
* Imposed a state-run system of socialized medicine
* Formed a strict, centralized cultural administration and ideological control system – in other words, reeducation.

There is every reason to believe that some kind of socialist revolution will occur under B.O. Bush has already imposed socialism on the banks, and Obama promises to do more of the same. The Soviets put people with money to work in factories.

Under Obama, the business owners in this country who drive the economy will be put to work by being forced to pay crushing taxes that will fund gold-plated healthcare for illegal aliens and welfare cases. Private enterprise may not actually be made illegal, but so many businesses will die under an Obama administration that the same goal will be accomplished. Instead of trickle-down economics, we’ll have trickle-up poverty.

We already know Obama will impose socialized medicine – that is a given. And reeducation will come in the form of the Fairness Doctrine, which Nancy Pelosi will push through the Congress by stressing the need to foster unity and avoid destabilizing the markets with hurtful and unbalanced commentary.This is what the future holds under B.O.

’nuff said there, from radio talker Michael Savage. The Chief fears too true to be funny.

…and a Glowbull Warming note from the Great White North:
Thirty years of warmer temperatures go poof

In early September, I began noticing a string of news stories about scientists rejecting the orthodoxy on global warming. Actually, it was more like a string of guest columns and long letters to the editor since it is hard for skeptical scientists to get published in the cabal of climate journals now controlled by the Great Sanhedrin of the environmental movement.

Still, the number of climate change skeptics is growing rapidly. Because a funny thing is happening to global temperatures — they’re going down, not up.

The Chief has posted on this before, and will no doubt do so again, not being an acolyte of the Great Green Orthodox Church of Gaia.

Home State Paper Down on Dodd

Dodd Decides: No Story In Loan Deals

This is pretty good for the MSM, likening Sen. Chris Dodd (Donk-CT) to something out of Dr. Seuss.

It’s pretty accurate, too.

Sen. Christopher Dodd sounded like Dr. Seuss without the depth last week. “It is what it is,” declared Dodd, mistaking Hartford for Whoville, when he told The Courant’s Rick Green that he had no plans to release documents from his $800,000 in sweetheart mortgages from subprime titan Countrywide Financial.

“There is nothing to the story and I’m just not going to keep on repeating it,” pronounced Dodd, as he morphed into Yertle the Turtle. “‘You hush up your mouth!’ howled the mighty King Yertle. ‘You’ve no right to talk to the world’s highest turtle.'”

Dodd will serve the state green eggs and ham before he’ll honor his pledges to release the documents from deals that will save him tens of thousands of dollars over the terms of the loans. Nonsensical answers, however, won’t smother persistent, serious questions about Dodd’s abuse of his office.

“Abuse of office.” Youch!

Glowbull Warming Updates

Several items relating to the great danger we are facing from Glowbull Warming:

Frost ‘one more thing’ for grape growers

Early frosts in California threatening grape growers. Not a HUGE issue…but part of the pattern.

Slightly to the north, as one might expect, it’s a bit cooler yet.

Weekend cold set new record lows

Cold temperatures set several new record lows this weekend, including a low of 22 Saturday in downtown Pendleton that broke a 118 year-old record of 24. Record lows started falling Thursday with a new low of 20 for Meacham, four degrees cooler than the previous record from 2006, according to information from the Web site for the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Pendleton.

And yet farther to the north…

Bad weather was good for Alaska glaciers

Two hundred years of glacial shrinkage in Alaska, and then came the winter and summer of 2007-2008. Unusually large amounts of winter snow were followed by unusually chill temperatures in June, July and August.

“In mid-June, I was surprised to see snow still at sea level in Prince William Sound,” said U.S. Geological Survey glaciologist Bruce Molnia. “On the Juneau Icefield, there was still 20 feet of new snow on the surface of the Taku Glacier in late July. At Bering Glacier, a landslide I am studying, located at about 1,500 feet elevation, did not become snow free until early August.

“In general, the weather this summer was the worst I have seen in at least 20 years.” Never before in the history of a research project dating back to 1946 had the Juneau Icefield witnessed the kind of snow buildup that came this year. It was similar on a lot of other glaciers too.

Let’s see now…glowbull warming ?

Sure.  If you believe it, e-mail me about a GREAT deal on some tropical beachfront here in Moody County, South Dakota.

Viral Joke of the Day

Obama as Wildlife:

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher who’s hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually, the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our president.

The old rancher said, ‘Well, ya know, Obama is a “Post Turtle”.


Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a “post turtle” was.

The old rancher said, “When you’re driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle'”.

The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain, “You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, and he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumbass put him up there to begin with.”

Why McCain/Palin?…and the Culture Wars


The Chief has noted that his favorite contemporary essayist, Bill Whittle, is now a regular at NRO, with a weekly piece there. This takes cognizance of  this offering as a possible introduction.   Bill’s stuff puts him rather easily in the category of a leading 21st century candidate for assuming the mantle of Thomas Paine.

His stuff is so pithy, and spot on, that it’s almost scary.

I live a few miles from Santa Monica High School, in California. There, young men and women are taught that America is “a terrorist nation,” “one of the worst regimes in history,” that it’s twice-elected leader is “the son of the devil,” and dictator of this “fascist” country. Further, “patriotism” is taught by dragging an American flag across the classroom floor, because the nation’s truest patriots, as we should know by now, are those who are most able to despise it.

This is only high school, remember: in college things get much, much worse.

Two generations, now, are being raised on this poison, and the reason for that is this: the enemies of this city cannot come out and simply say, “Do not defend the city.” Even the smartest among us can see that is simple treason. But they can say, “The City is not worth defending.” So they say that, and they say that all the time and in as many different ways as they are able.

If you step far enough back to look at the whole of human history, you will begin to see a very plain rhythm: a heartbeat of civilization. Steep climbs out of disease and ignorance into the light of medicine and learning — and then a sudden collapse back into darkness. And it is in that darkness that most humans have lived their lives: poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The pattern is always the same: at the height of a civilization’s powers something catastrophic seems to occur — a loss of will, a failure of nerve, and above all an unwillingness to identify with the values and customs that have produced such wonders.

Whittle goes on and describes with some specificity how this process is happening to us:

And how is this done, this “throwing open of the gates?” How are defenders taken off the walls?

Well, most of what I learned about Vietnam I learned from men like Oliver Stone. This self-loathing narcissist has repeatedly tried to inculcate in me a sense of despair and outrage at my own government, my own culture, my own people and ultimately myself…. that the real threat to the nation comes from the generals that defend it, or from the businessmen that provide the prosperity we take for granted.

I sit with others in darkened rooms, watching films like Redacted, Stop-Loss, and In the Valley of Elah, and see our brave young soldiers depicted as murderers, rapists, broken psychotics or ignorant dupes –visions foisted upon me by bitter and isolated millionaires such as Brian de Palma and Paul Haggis and all the rest.

I’ve been told this story in some form or another, every day of every week of the past 30 years of my life. It wasn’t always so.

So where does this leave us now? The picture we see when we look at ourselves, in the words of a song, “ain’t that pretty at all”, but still gives some basis for hope, along with, what for the Chief is a deep-seated, deeply felt concern for the possible course of events.

And standing against all this hypnotic power — the power of the mythmakers in Hollywood, the power of the information peddlers in the media, the corrosive power of America-hating professors on every campus in America… against all that we find an old warrior — a paladin if ever there was one — an old, beat-up warhorse standing up in defense of his city one last time. And beside him: a wonder. A common person… just a regular mom who goes to work, does a difficult job with intelligence and energy and grace and every-day competence and then puts it away to go home and have dinner with the family.

Against all of that stand these two.

No wonder they must be destroyed. Because — Sarah Palin especially — presents a mortal threat to these people who have determined over cocktails who the next President should be and who now clearly mean to grind into metal shards the transaxle of their credibility in order to get the result they must have. Truly, they are before our eyes destroying the machine they have built in order to get their victory. What the hell is so threatening to be worth that?

Only this: the living proof that they are not needed. Not needed to govern, not needed to influence and guide, not needed to lecture us on our intellectual and moral failings which are visible only from the heights of Manhattan skyscrapers or the palaces up on Mulholland Drive. Not needed. We can do it — and do it better — without all of them.

YES! Bingo!

Whittle concludes:

It is the small-town virtues of self-reliance, hard work, personal responsibility, and common-sense ingenuity — and not those of the preening cosmopolitans that gape at them in mixed contempt and bafflement — that have made us the inheritors of the most magnificent, noble, decent and free society ever to appear on this earth. This Western Civilization… this American City… has earned the right to greet each sunrise with a blast of silver trumpets that can bring down mountains.

And what, really, is a Legion of Narcissists and a Confederacy of Despair against that?

The Chief fully concurs.

B.O. & Not so Fresh Ayres

What the Ayers Association Says About Obama

Ken over at South Dakota Politics has about as good a summary of the William Ayres / B.O. association and its ramifications, as the Chief has seen anywhere.

Barack Obama spent twenty years at the feet of a preacher who thinks that the United States is responsible for the Second World War, and that we invented the AIDS virus to kill African Americans. Obama worked closely with “education expert” Bill Ayers. Ayers is frequently described, even by his critics, as a “former terrorist.” This is not accurate. A “former terrorist” is someone who once advocated or committed terrorist acts, but now renounces them. In the late 60’s and early 70’s, Bill Ayers conspired with other “Weathermen” to plant bombs in the Pentagon and elsewhere, and apparently took part in the action. From the New York Times:

”I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. ”I feel we didn’t do enough… So, would Mr. Ayers do it all again, he is asked? ”I don’t want to discount the possibility,” he said.

That’s not a former terrorist, that’s a right now terrorist.

There’s more there…and it’s worth the look.

Fat lady not singing…

Pollster: Don’t believe the Dem hype

The presidential race is still too close to call and could come down to the very last weekend before voters decide if they like or distrust Barack Obama, a national pollster predicts. “I don’t think Obama has closed the deal yet,” pollster John Zogby told the Herald yesterday.

Zogby’s latest poll, released yesterday in conjunction with C-Span and Reuters, shows Obama and John McCain in a statistical dead heat, with the Illinois Democrat up 48-45 percent.

Zogby said the race mirrors the 1980 election, when voters didn’t embrace Ronald Reagan over then-President Jimmy Carter until just days before the election. “The Sunday before the election the dam burst,” Zogby said of the 1980 tilt. “That’s when voters determined they were comfortable with Reagan.”

“…interesting times…”


Dow plunges 679 to fall to lowest level in 5 years

The Chief along with teaching high school U.S. History, is working in a program for a Master’s Degree in
History, with an emphasis on U.S history from pre-history to the present.

The above header will be the highlighted main topic in future history books. The nightly news costitutes a daily blow-by-blow account of the slow-motion train wreck of the global economy. We have been living in what has arguably been a golden age”, and God willing, having observed the effect of too much of a “something for nothing” attitude, we can orient ourselves towards a more sound attitude towards our lifestyles, make appropriate decisions to live within our means again, and continue to act consistently with TAANSTAFL. (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)

Cold War II – Med Sea Front Established

From Syrian fishing port to naval power base: Russia moves into the Mediterranean

The Chief remembers his time in the late 60’s on active duty aboard USS Sellers (DDG-11) with the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. A significant part of our time was watching, and being watched by Soviet naval and air forces based in Russia-friendly places like Egypt, Libya, and,…Syria. Looks like some of those same circumstances are re-organizing in the (allegedly) post-Soviet Russia, and old buddy Syria.

Tartous is being dredged and renovated to provide a permanent facility for the Russian navy, giving Moscow a key military foothold in the Mediterranean at a time when Russia’s invasion of Georgia has led to fears of a new cold war.

Fears of a new cold war? Uh, situational awareness dictates that “fears of a new cold war” are way behind the curve. Historically, it was a pattern of assertive and at times confrontational behavior that marked the start of Cold War I, which was formally recognized by Churchill’s famous “Iron Curtain” speech at Fulton, Missouri’s Westminster College in 1946. By the way, it’s STILL worth reading…and makes the Chief wonder where the West might be able to find another Churchill…but I digress.

The bolstering of military ties between Russia and Syria has also worried Israel, whose prime minister, Ehud Olmert, was in Moscow yesterday seeking to persuade the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, to stop Russian arms sales to Syria and Iran. Mr Olmert later said he had received assurances that Russia would not allow Israel’s security to be threatened, but offered no indication he won any concrete promises on Russian arms sales.

Igor Belyaev, Russia’s charge d’affaires in Damascus, recently told reporters that his country would increase its presence in the Mediterranean and that “Russian vessels will be visiting Syria and other friendly ports more frequently”.

That announcement followed a meeting between Medvedev and the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, at the Black sea port of Sochi in the immediate aftermath of Russia’s victory over Georgian forces and its recognition of the breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia – actions Assad supported.

The bolstering of military ties between Russia and Syria has also worried Israel, whose prime minister, Ehud Olmert, was in Moscow yesterday seeking to persuade the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, to stop Russian arms sales to Syria and Iran. Mr Olmert later said he had received assurances that Russia would not allow Israel’s security to be threatened, but offered no indication he won any concrete promises on Russian arms sales.

The Chief is a great believer in the principle that “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has white feathers and a flat bill, then it MUST be a duck.” It looks enough like the first one, so as far as the Chief is concerned, it IS in fact Cold War II.

Scientific Progress…well,…of a sort.

Winners of the Ig® Nobel Prize

For achievements that first make people LAUGH then make them THINK.
“The Ig Nobel awards are arguably the highlight of the scientific calendar.” –Nature

Yes, but think WHAT?

The 2008 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded on Thursday night, October 2, at the 18th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre.

Just one sample of the awards this year…but it’s certainly worth checking out the rest of the list.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE PRIZE. Toshiyuki Nakagaki of Hokkaido University, Japan, Hiroyasu Yamada of Nagoya, Japan, Ryo Kobayashi of Hiroshima University, Atsushi Tero of Presto JST, Akio Ishiguro of Tohoku University, and Ágotá Tóth of the University of Szeged, Hungary, for discovering that slime molds can solve puzzles.
REFERENCE: “Intelligence: Maze-Solving by an Amoeboid Organism,” Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Hiroyasu Yamada, and Ágota Tóth, Nature, vol. 407, September 2000, p. 470.

ECONOMICS PRIZE. Geoffrey Miller, Joshua Tybur and Brent Jordan of the University of New Mexico, USA, for discovering that a professional lap dancer’s ovulatory cycle affects her tip earnings.
REFERENCE: “Ovulatory Cycle Effects on Tip Earnings by Lap Dancers: Economic Evidence for Human Estrus?” Geoffrey Miller, Joshua M. Tybur, Brent D. Jordan, Evolution and Human Behavior, vol. 28, 2007, pp. 375-81.

OK. So I listed two of them. The sacrifices required by the researchers of the latter effort are beyond ordinary comprehension. It must have been hard for them.

From the “Duh!” Department

Religious people are ‘more helpful, honest and generous’ say scientists

One supposes that this is official, since Scientists now say so.

Believing in God makes people nicer, a major study has concluded. After analysing three decades of research, scientists say religion encourages individuals to be more helpful, honest and generous.

One would guess that Bill Maher WON’T refer to this in his recently released cinematic anti-religious diatribe.

But believers acting for the greater good may be doing so to enhance their own reputation among friends and acquaintances, according to the review published today in the journal Science.

And the point is? IMHO positive behavior is positive…for whatever reason. From the Chief’s religious viewpoint, one often starts doing something good for many mixed reasons, but grows into the spirit of the undertaking, and ends up with an entirely different…and more spiritually oriented view of what was done than was present when it started. In other words, doing something good changes, and improves the doer, and THAT’s a part of what religion should be all about!

Dr Ara Norenzayan, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, Canada, said the debate over whether religion improves behaviour has too often been driven by opinion and anecdote. ‘We wanted to look at the hard scientific evidence,’ he said.

Published research into the links between religion and ‘pro-social’ behaviour showed that religious and spiritual thoughts reduced rates of cheating in games and increased trust between strangers.

Repeated studies have shown that those who frequently pray and attend religious services report more charitable donations and volunteer work, they said.

Like it says in The Book: “By their fruits, ye shall know them.”

Donks Look at themselves in the Mirror, and see…Donks!

How Democrats See Their Base: Idiots, Minorities, GEDs, and Dropouts!

This is just too much! If the GOP said this about the enemy party, the uproar in the MSM would be HUGE. As it is, of course there would be no such thing, but from the Chief’s point of view…can you say S-C-H-A-D-E-N-F-R-E-U-D-E? Heh heh heh!

Typical Donk voter?

Liberal Democrats pride themselves as being the party of the “little guy,” the powerless, the abused, and penniless if you will.

But how do Democrats really feel about their core constituency behind closed doors and in correspondence marked Confidential?

Would you believe that in Colorado Democrats refer to their best and brightest as “Idiots, Minorities, GEDs, Dropouts..” ?

Here’s the report in question. Know the enemy!

Johnson Taking Conservative Role on Bailout!?!

The Senate bailout vote

Sen. Tim Johnson (Donk, SD) voted against the Great Gravy & Omnivorous Omnibus Bailout Bill (GGOOBB), while Rep. Sen John Thune voted in favor of it.

So who’s being more conservative these days?

Two probable factors involved here, in the Chief’s humble opinion.

(1) The DC Senate Donks KNEW there were PLENTY of votes to pass the GGOOBB and gave clearance with a wink and a nod to Johnson to vote no, in cognizance of his delicate condition as a Donk seeking re-election in SD, considered a solidly “Red” state (at least Presidentially).

(2) Sen. Thune has a LONG record of what was referred to in Naval Terminology as “brown-nosing” McCain, going back to the McCain-Feingold Political Speech Limitation & Incumbent Protection Act (otherwise known as campaign finance “reform”), and more recently, his EARLY heartfelt endorsement of McCain.

So, what’s new? Politics as usual?  Maybe it’s a bit more cmplicated at that…the tax aspects of this thing are causing a number of libDonks to oppose it, or at the least to wrinkle their noses, while the otehr earmarks have the same effect on the conservatives.  So who knows REALLY without reading the whole 400+ page GGOOBB.

Probably no one knows for sure, because no one has actually read the whole thing.

A Light in the Forest!

Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer

Her comes Jeffrey Miron an oxymoronically placed libertarian economist from harvard, with this OpEd being carried by CNN! Phew! It almost boggles the mind that this saw the light of day. FINALLY someone has cut through the crap and reached the root of the matter. We should be so lucky that our legislooters of both parties could (or would) think so clearly

Congress has balked at the Bush administration’s proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. Under this plan, the Treasury would have bought the “troubled assets” of financial institutions in an attempt to avoid economic meltdown. This bailout was a terrible idea. Here’s why.

The current mess would never have occurred in the absence of ill-conceived federal policies. The federal government chartered Fannie Mae in 1938 and Freddie Mac in 1970; these two mortgage lending institutions are at the center of the crisis. The government implicitly promised these institutions that it would make good on their debts, so Fannie and Freddie took on huge amounts of excessive risk.

He goes on with far more reason than is found in either (or both) houses of Congress.

It’s a refreshing change!

McCain Loses It, Big Time.

Treasury Could Begin Spending $1 Trillion on Bailout Without Congressional Approval, McCain Says

What’s the point anymore? If there isn’t any difference between the Republocratic and Demmican candidates, then what’s
the advantage of electing one party over the other?

Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, indicated on Tuesday that the Bush administration could simply bypass Congress, if necessary, to begin dealing with the nation’s financial crisis. “The Treasury has at its disposal about a trillion dollars that they could begin, without congressional authority, buying up some of these terrible mortgages and help stabilize the situation,” Sen. John McCain told Fox & Friends.

In other words, “Hey, we HAVE the money (or at least the printing press!), so who’s going to stop us from spending it? Screw teh will of Congress, who has the gall to actually listen to their constituents on this. What do THOSE bozos know anyway?”

At this point, as far as the Chief is concerned the ONLY two things that John McCainiac has going for him are
(a) National security issues, and
(b) Sarah Palin. (She would be an improvement if he were to die…she’s more conservative than he is by a long shot.)
IT’s not a

Congressional GOP Continues Spinal Development Program

Republican anger at ‘financial socialism’

The GOP in Congress is continuing to show encouraging signs of gumption, continuing the more aggressive opposition to libDonk moonbattery that was started by their unofficial continuation of the House session while the Donks went home for a fall break. It’s noteworthy that that exercise concerned the Donk blockage of off-shore drilling…said blockage now to be abandoned in response.

One can hope that their opposition to the Donks’ and Bush’s new-world-order style of financial centralization to bail out their good ole’ buddies achieves similar results.

Congressional Republicans on Tuesday voiced their strongest objections to date about the Bush administration’s $700bn financial rescue plans, dealing a blow to White House ambitions for them to be quickly approved.

As Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary, and Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, predicted grim consequences if the plan were rejected, the Republicans’ Senate leadership called for new provisions on executive pay, which the administration opposes, while others cast doubt on the whole package.

  Ben Bernanke and Christopher Cox of the SEC

“We are going to advance taxpayers’ dollars, and government ends up in effect taking an equity position in businesses,” Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, said. “I think the taxpayers should expect no less than strict limits on the type of executive compensation that might be possible for those involved in these partially government-controlled enterprises.”

“…taking an equity position…” In other works becoming (at least part) owner…in effect socializing the hosed-over finance industry.

Growing Republican doubts will make it harder for momentum to build in favour of the proposal.

The heavy hand of governmental intervention and social engineering caused the generation of much of the toxic-grade mortgage debt that underlies the current difficulties. More of that hand intervening in the mess can only prolong the readjustment, and will make the ultimate resolution of the problem(s) all the more severe and painful. These plans need to die a rapid death, so the economy can have a chance of correcting the effects of previous interventions.

Congressional Donks Get Drilled!

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire

Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in a months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer. House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters Tuesday that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election.

While this isn’t a total surrender…the Donks promise continued opposition in the future…it IS a major slap upside the head for Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of their ilk. Looks to the Chief like they are scenting the cold breezes of November, and are reaching for some heat to warm up their electoral prospects.

Biden His Time & Fractures History

Biden garbles Depression history

Joe Biden’s denunciation of his own campaign’s ad to Katie Couric got so much attention last night that another odd note in the interview slipped by.

He was speaking about the role of the White House in a financial crisis.

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed,” Biden told Couric. “He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.'”

As Reason’s Jesse Walker footnotes it: “And if you owned an experimental TV set in 1929, you would have seen him. And you would have said to yourself, ‘Who is that guy? What happened to President Hoover?’ “

And Biden is supposed to be an example of “gravitas”? What a buffoon!

Arrrrrrgh! Shiver me timbers, mate!

A prisoner in ‘pirate alley’

Sorry about that! The Chief just couldn’t resist the obvious cheap humor, although the reality of the current crop of piracy in the Gulf of Aden has nothing to laugh about any more than there was humor in the original pirates of the Caribbean, who were as evil a pack of scoundrels and murderers as ever walked, or sailed the planet.

The current crop, by all accounts, aren’t much better.

In a startling throwback to 17th century days of Spanish galleons, Barbary pirates and avenging royal navies, pirates attacked a record 17 ships in the Gulf of Aden in the first two weeks of September compared to just 10 in the entire year of 2007, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based Piracy Reporting Center.

Q: How long until official naval anti-piracy patrols are set up?
A: Not soon enough.

Rope. Pirates. Yardarm. Some assembly required.

(Yes, modern naval ships DO still have yardarms – they’re really great at supporting antennae of various sorts!)

Recollections and Reality

Taken from an e-mail correspondence of the Chief…and when I completed my answer to it, I thought there might be some things here that were (a) worth sharing, and (b) IMHO actually relevant to some of our current circumstances as a nation. Personal references have been redacted in the interest of privacy.

Yeah you radio guys had it easy. 1st Div had to be on deck hours before the refueling laying out those lines for you. ha  I had it easy. I was the Visual Signalman on the forward station. Mr. —- was the OIC.  The CO treated him like crap. He seemed to want to mentally destroy the kid. After one refueling the oiler screwed up and when we disconnected the couplings gallons of black fuel went across the deck. The AO had failed to give us the blow-down or the back-suction.

It was the little torpedo deck right under the bridge. We were on our hands and knees wiping up oil and the CO was right above us. We kept looking up to see if he was looking down. He never noticed. After we finished Mr. —- asked me, “Do you think he saw?”  I shook my head and told him, “No sir. He didn’t see it.” I had my differences with Mr. —- but I wasn’t going to make him feel worse than he already did.

Interesting to think back… when I had radio messenger watch, I had a lot of contact with Officer’s Country and its denizens.  Mr. —- wasn’t the only one in that position, but some, like LTjg —-, the — officer were, to be generous, marginally competent at best, and often made their own troubles.  On the other hand, a good leader could/should buck up the weak links in his command… and should be able to get better performance without dragging people through the mud. (Sort of like working with marginal, but capable students in a classroom.)

I remember a lot of stuff like that in CPO Leadership Indoc training after I was selected for RMC, and I have to say that on a lot of this (admittedly much later than our time on USS Sellers) the Navy has its ducks in a row, and the leadership principles and application they taught were on a higher, and more useful level than most of what passes for educational management, etc that I have been exposed to as an educator over the years in interminable (and all too often irrelevant) “In-service” sessions from school(s). Ha ha!

I think the Navy started paying a lot more attention to stuff like that after the 70’s Zumwalt Navy which was warm and fuzzy, but had real problems with really lousy discipline, common drug use, etc.   Some of the Chiefs and senior PO’s I can recall from Sellers days would have been (justifiably) busted out of the Navy by the standards of the mid to late 80’s or later.  Others were really good at their jobs, and did their best to look out for their subordinates, under what were difficult conditions at best, given the difficult command climate at the time.

I remember from radio message traffic that the Atlantic/Med ships seemed to always be “sucking from the hind teat” when it came to personnel, parts, supplies, etc., since we weren’t directly involved in the war of the day, and our alleged betters in Washington were determined to try to fight on the cheap so as to not make anyone in the states feel any economic inconvenience from the effort.  (Hmmmm.  Sound familiar?) Anyway, that attitude possibly (probably?) filtered down from the Pentagon through the Lant/Med Fleets, and it HAD to be tough on the ship drivers to be accountable for performance, while getting semi-adequate logistical support.

People like Eisenhower, and Colin Powell have the right idea… as did others, like WW-II Wehrmacht Generaloberst Heinz Guderian who phrased it “Kick ’em, don’t piss on ’em!” – meaning that if it’s important enough to go to war… half-measures don’t make it.  Apply full force, as fast and hard as possible, so as to minimize the ultimate materiel and personnel costs to the country, and its people.

The alternative, war as practiced by McNamara, LBJ, Nixon, and more recently the Clintonoid generals and admirals under SECDEF Rumsfeld, just drives me crazy.  IMHO it’s fundamentally immoral to ask/expect men to lay their lives on the line in order to score some sort of (domestic or international) political point without coming to a clearly decisive result in the national interest.

Unfortunately, once Rummy et al slapped the Iraqi tar-baby, we were stuck for sure, and a quick withdrawal would have been worse that not having done anything in the first place…so the cut-and-run policy pushed by the left-Dems these days, shows such a poor situational awareness that it supports a case for a form of insanity. (…like one of radio talker Michael Savage’s books: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder)

So, where does that leave us now?  Fortunately, some people like Petraeus, and USMC Commandant Conway (who I knew in H.S. in St Louis – I have his signature in a yearbook!) seem to have a good grasp on reality…so we might get saved from ourselves over there yet.  (From what I have read about Adm Mullen, I wouldn’t give a bucket of spit for his attitude…he apparently doesn’t want to fight hard due to the administrative difficulty of maintaining recruiting and retention if there was a “hard” war!  (Is here ever any other kind of war? NOT! Refer again to the Guderian quote above.)

Oh well… all too many of us these days are so enervated (by – what?  Cultural corrosion? Too much emphasis on our modern “bread and circuses”?) that we don’t want to make the commitments NOW that can avoid a disaster LATER… sort of like the Brits (except Churchill) and Frogs in the 30’s.

Sheesh!  All that from a simple recollection of days of  “haze grey and underway” from 40 years ago.  What a trip!

New Degree Program Offered

You just gotta love The People’s Cube!

Obamology Studies at Hardfart University

Our Department has created a curriculum out of thin air and in a big hurry, enabling persons with some loose $100,000 to spend it on an undergraduate degree in the exciting new field of Obamology (the study of Obama.) Qualified candidates (i.e. those with extra $100,000) successfully completing 30 credit hours will obtain a B.O. degree (Bachelor of Obamology), which will not lead to a career or paying job or any such corporate entrapment, but it will help make you feel as if you are serving the community while you’re hanging around on the street corner.

Just a couple of samples of the course offerings from the Department of Theology, Mythology and Miscellaneology:

138 – Obama and Racism – Ms. Michelle Amabo – credits to each according to his need
Why disagreeing with Obama is racist. Why insinuating Obama is not qualified to do brain surgery on you is racist. Why things we don’t normally think of as racist become racist when doing them gets in Obama’s way. Why racism trumps sexism. Why, whenever Obama practices sexism, it is not sexism – and it’s racist to think it is. Why and when the words “circular reasoning” are racist.

366 – Obama’s Governance Principles – Mr. Alinsky – credit where credit is due
What is communism? Why communism got a bad rep. How to put a happy face on mass executions. Why totalitarian principles work. How to achieve reverence and blind obedience from the unwashed masses. How to remain unsullied while others do the dirty work for you. Why eliminating freedom, capitalism, and individualism is necessary and useful. Applying principles from “The Night of the Long Knives.” Why gun control is paramount. The movie “Soylent Green” will be viewed and discussed.

The Chief notes that although this program has been designated as a B.O., he strongly thinks that B.S. would be more appropriate for this subject.

Birds of a feather, and all that…

Poll: US-Europe relations need Obama

Here’s a shocker!

By significant margins, Europeans have high hopes for a potential Obama administration, according to a Transatlantic Trends poll of 12 European countries.

Forty-seven percent of Europeans believe an Obama victory in November would lead to a better relationship between the United States and Europe, versus just 5 percent who think Obama would weaken the trans-Atlantic relationship.

What’s it mean? Not a whole lot to us, since Europe isn’t part of the United States electoral process, in spite of the wishes of the MSM and others.

In other terms however, it’s no surprise at all: Euro-socialists recognize one of their own ilk, and of course, naturally favor him!

As far as the Chief is concerned, it’s yet one more reason to vote for the GOP, as flawed as they are in many ways.

Thune Catches RINO-virus With anti-Drilling Bill

Senate “Gang” (Including Thune) Sells out to Donks on Drilling

Not-So-Slick Oil Bill

Intro to Article: Some GOP senators allied with Democrats are peddling a “drilling” bill that actually adds exploration restrictions, raises taxes and may even end up meaning no new domestic oil. Some Republicans never learn.

Does this ever nail it! It’s even worse than Charlie Brown trying to kick the football!

Whenever the nation is faced with a big problem that the people demand be solved, we can always be sure of one thing: A group of Republican senators will scramble away from their party’s principles to join Democrats in some grand “compromise” scheme.

This kind of stuff just drives me nuts! What’s wrong with showing some cojones for a change instead of falling for the false belief that a “Republican” compromise gesture gets us ANYTHING, except farther away from where we really need to be going.

Unfortunately SD’s lone GOP Senator John Thune has bought into (or been bought into) this display of political pusillanimity.  Or maybe the RINO (Republicans In Name Only) virus in in the CapitolHill water.

The bipartisan “Gang of 10,” led by Republican Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and Democrat Kent Conrad of North Dakota has grown into a “Gang of 16,” with GOP Sens. John Warner of Virginia, Norm Coleman of Minnesota and John Sununu of New Hampshire the newest misguided Republicans. A more apt nickname would be “The Gang That Couldn’t Think Straight.”

The “comprehensive” bill that these four, plus fellow Republicans Bob Corker of Tennessee, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Johnny Isakson of Georgia and John Thune of South Dakota are joining with Democrats to push would exclude — permanently — the entire Pacific Coast from drilling. It would also limit a lot of the Atlantic Coast, and ban drilling anywhere within 50 miles of shore.(Emphasis added.)

Hey, Senator…if EVERY ACRE in the country was planted to ethanolic corn crops, it STILL wouldn’t be enough to maintain our fuel supplies…we need to drill wherever there’s oil – and the recent experience of the Gulf production platforms in the face of repeated hurricanes, shows that this can be done with extremely minimal environmental risk.

It’s almost enough to make a life-long (the Chief started his involvement with Youth for Goldwater before he could even vote) Republican activist give up on the once Grand Old Party…but for what alternative? Maybe it’s time to revive the Whigs or something, since The Libertarians, and other minor parties are fatally flawed at present by their hopelessly blind situational awareness concerning the national security problems we have with Islamofascism, and the resurgent Soviet Union Russia and Putin’s Cold War II.

There goes the neighborhood…!

ACLU to open South Dakota office

The American Civil Liberties Union says it will open a new office in South Dakota so the organization can significantly expand its work on civil liberties in the state.

The ACLU in recent years has won a number of lawsuits dealing with voting rights and other issues in South Dakota, but it has done its work in the state through an office located in North Dakota.

Oh joy. Just what we need – the American Communist Lawyers Union. NOT!

Cold War II: Naval Front Now Open

Soviet Union Russia says to send battleship to Caribbean Sea

First off – it ISN’T a battleship, except perhaps generically as a ship built to participate in battles. Nobody at present has any active battleships (BB types)… we still have a few that in a pinch COULD be reactivated, and there are some reasons why this would be a good idea…but that’s another story, and I digress.

What is being discussed here is effectively a guided missile battlecruser (BCG), and is a very impressive looking package, although it may be subject to some technical and maintenance issues. These ships are significantly larger than the current USN cruiser classes, and for that reason are very effective at “showing the flag” exercises and activities, if not combat.


Russia will send a nuclear-powered battleship to the Caribbean for a joint naval exercise with Venezuela, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday. The maneuvers later this year will be the first Russia has conducted in Washington’s traditional sphere of influence since the end of the Cold War.

So…Putin figures apparently that turn about is fair play, since the Black Sea has been as much of a Russian “lake” as the Caribbean has been for us.

Russia has heavily criticized the United States for sending a sophisticated command ship and two other naval vessels to Georgia, on its southern border, to deliver aid and show support for President Mikheil Saakashvili after Moscow sent troops into Georgia.

Nothing to be concerned about however, according to the Soviets Russians:

Russia denied that the move amounted to retaliation against the United States over its action Georgia. “We are talking about a planned event not linked with current political circumstances and not in any way connected to events in Georgia,” he told a news briefing. The exercises “will in no way be directed against the interests of a third country.”

You can believe as much of that as you want to, but the Chief isn’t buying it!

A Taste of B.O.’s Planned United Soviet States of America?

A couple of items, that to the historical-minded are all too evocative of the bad old days of the Soviet Union:

Michelle’s Boot Camps For Radicals

Election ’08: Democrats’ reintroduction of militant Michelle Obama in Denver was supposed to show her softer side. But it only highlighted a radical part of her resume: Public Allies.

What’s this about?

The pitch Public Allies makes on its Web site doesn’t seem all that radical. It promises to place young adults (18-30) in paid one-year “community leadership” positions with nonprofit or government agencies. They’ll also be required to attend weekly training workshops and three retreats….

But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about “social change” through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation — the tactics used by the father of community organizing, Saul “The Red” Alinsky.

And then, there’s Joe Biden…the other part of the Donks’ ticket:

Tasting GOP Blood

Election ’08: Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden says that, if elected, an Obama administration might pursue criminal charges against the Bush White House. This is how he plans to unite the country?

It was a common event, from the earliest days of the Soviet Union to purge, arrest, try, and execute the losers in policy disagreements. The reasoning ran, if your policy was rejected, it was because it would have been harmful to the progress of the Soviet Revolution…and therefore was treasonable!

Barack Obama insists he’s the one we’ve been waiting for to bring the country together. Yet, he and Biden are signaling their willingness — or is it their eagerness? — to criminalize political opposition.

“We will not be stopped from pursuing any criminal offense that’s occurred,” Biden said Monday at a Florida campaign stop. “If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued — not out of vengeance, not out of retribution, (but) out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no attorney general, no president — no one is above the law.”

This follows Obama’s pledge last spring, before adopting his attack-dog running mate, that “If crimes have been committed, they should be investigated.”

This will play well with those segments of the Democratic Party where the hardware that keeps them hinged to reality has come loose. To treat their Bush Derangement Syndrome, nothing less than retaliation will do. And no matter how much Biden denies it, vengeance and retribution are driving the threats.

Is it really necessary to remind Democrats it is contrary to our system to imprison those with whom we don’t agree, that our republican form of government guarantees a peaceful transition of power? America is not a Third World dictatorship in which policy disputes are settled with the group in power throwing unpopular members of the other party into the cooler.

We agree with Biden that no one is above the law and said as much during Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial. But would Biden agree with us that the law shouldn’t be twisted so that it can be employed in vengeful and childish ways?

What can one say…these folks are a clear and present danger to our representative republic.

Keep your powder dry!

Religious Test Applied to Palin?

Palin’s Church Questioned

This blogsite was apparently set up by someone specifically to go after Gov. Palin & her association with the pentecostal Assembly of God church, and was sent to me by an e-mail correspondent.  It stimulated this response, and in addition to sending this as the reply to the original e-mail, it seemed worthy of being posted in its own right.

Well, while I admit that the A.G. & other pentecostal churches are not my cup of tea personally… I keep coming back to the one little thing in the Constitution that there is no religious test for office in the United States government.

The blogger who posted this, obviously has his own point of view, and is certainly entitled to it… but IMHO when he strongly infers that Gov. Palin (and others) who believe in this church are somehow psychologically unfit, he’s going down a road that should be avoided at all costs.

It was a long-standing practice in the old Soviet Union to label dissenters, including religious dissenters, as being insane, and thereby worthy of forcible “re-education treatments” including electric shock, drugs, and other “treatment” more akin to torture than to anything we would accept as any form of psychological medical treatment.  Things like this still happen in the (fortunately) few remaining Communist states, including the ChiComs.

Another consideration in this type of approach is that one man’s church, is another man’s cult (or worse).  This sword can cut in any direction.

At one stage in the U.S., similar attitudes led to widespread persecution and officially organized military attacks against the Mormons, which is the reason they went out to Salt Lake (which at the time they left was still part of Mexico) to escape U.S. persecution.  If you doubt it was that bad, in 1838 Governor Boggs of Missouri issued an official order to all Mormons to leave the state or be exterminated…and mobilized the state militia to do the job… pre-dating the similar activities of the Einsatzgruppen of the S.S. by over a hundred years.

Think it couldn’t happen again?  Remember Waco a few years back and the way that was handled with respect and moderation by Janet Reno et al?  At that time, as a Mormon, I was told to my face (by a fellow-sailor in the Naval Reserve!) that something like that would be entirely appropriate for “any cult”, including the “Mormon cult”.  Again…one opinion, but still reflective of an attitude willing to totally condemn AND ELIMINATE anyone with beliefs contrary to a point of view outside of the accepted “orthodoxy”.

Finally, to return to the topic of Governor Palin… we HAVE had experience with Assembly of God members in government before… and guess what?  We survived it!

Missouri elected Assembly of God member John Ashcroft to the Senate at least a couple times before he was appointed United States Attorney General.  Admittedly the liberals hated him too… and the same reaction drives the current wave of horror with which Palin is regarded on the part of the liberals and the so-called “mainstream” media.

Personally I alternate between laughing at their hysteria, and wanting to retch at the depths they are willing to go to to besmirch this woman and her family, in order to gain a political objective.

When Donk Veep Candidate seriously discusses the possibility of starting criminal actions against the current administration when they are out of office (because of their policy differences with the Donk party leftists), coupled with the M. Obama proposed setting up of government training centers to indoctrinate a political action force to promote “progressive” policies… a more immediate source of concern, at least ot those of us who don’t care for (at best) a form of Euro-socialism or (at worst) a smiley-face version of an American Soviet system.

Phew…this is getting long, so I’ll pull the plug for now.

Personally, I LIKE Palin.  Hey, she hunts her own meat!  What’s not to like!

As far as the libs’ hysterical opposition is concerned;  —- ’em if they can’t take a joke!